Damn beacon had fall but anyway

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Location:Ken apartment,3rd P.O.V

Ken at living room drinking cola. He sees Niko kill atlas robot girl. He change channel see new about Grimm ivansiom

Grimm Jaune:' I think we should kill Grimm right now '

He nod in agree then he stand up throw the cola can outside the window

Ken: let just make this over

He stretch his body then he walk to the door open it. He crouch down then jumps out the village.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He fly pass many on way. He start to speed up his fly.

Ken:Grimm Jaune! And Getsu!

He summon kuro getsu then throw it forward the sky. The sword glow after that it split into three big sword and Ken entire body cover in aura then he split into three person.
The first was Ken, the second was Grimm Jaune, the last is getsu. They catch their own kuro getsu.

Ken: Grimm Jaune, i need you kill Grimm on ground and getsu you with me kill every flying type Grimm

Grimm Jaune,getsu: got it!!

They disappear into the blur

1 minute later,location: Amity Colosseum, Ken P.O.V

I stood in the air with kuro getsu on my shoulder. I disappeared and reappeared inside the tournaments and I stood in front of nevermore, I swung my big sword blowing away the nevermove head with a bored expression on my face.

Ken: you look more weak than before......rose.

I look back at rose with cold eyes. I notice that the sword she hold. I take out something from my pocket.

I walk toward Ruby without emotionless then I stab kuro getsu on arena floor

Ken: give me the sword now rose

I give out my hand but she refuse to give it to me


I sigh at Ruby. I decide to do it anyway I approach her in instant after that I grip Ruby friend sword while tosses to a side. I chop her neck knock her out. I come toward penny sword. I drop the phoenix down on top the sword.

3rd P.O.V

Every huntsman in training was there seeing Ken knock Ruby out. They were gonna stand out to fight but they see him drop something on top the sword after that a glowing flame wrapped around the sword

Each part of penny body began to reassemble and put itself together. Everyone who was there surprise when actual flesh and skin began to form and replace the robot artificial skin. But to Ken wasn't suprise as the spark flame belong to the same creature he had defeat before.

Soon the process was was complete and the former android began to wake up. She slowly opening her eyes. She looks around before she a blond boy looking at her with expressionless face

Penny: who are you, mister?

The girl said with a curious look on her face

Ken: I am Kenshi Stuki and I am the one who you back from the death

Penny stood up before greeting him like she would any normal girl

Penny: Sa-lu-tations!

Ken: also your friend Ruby there is sleeping on ground and rocket locker is coming here too

Penny rushes toward her friend unconsciousness body. She crouch down hold Ruby then ginger girl shook Little reaper

Penny: Ruby, wake up!

Ruby slowly open her vision as penny stop shaking her.

Ruby: P..Penny? Is this the after life?

Her eyes is still blurry as she thought she was on heaven but actually she still alive.she hugs her friend feel like she had been dead

Ken: you still alive rose and your weapon will be here in 3...2...1

He done at counting down the time as locker land on arena with other huntsmen in train arrive too.

Ken: alright my job here is almost done now

This got everyone attention. Ruby slowly stood up while penny hold her friend

Ruby: wh-what do you mean your job almost done?

He didn't replied but walk away with kuro getsu on shoulder. But he stop for a moment then look back at penny

Ken: also I suggest you take this atlas girl back to her father and rose......adios

He disappear without any trace of sound.

Scene change, on sky,getsu P.O.V

I stand on air, grip kuro getsu on hand. I swing my big sword blew away the cloud. I see many nevermore flying toward the kingdom.

Well it been while since I kill Grimm last time. Unlike monster from another world. I fly charge toward them.

They fired many black feather at me. I slash many feather as I could but I wasn't serious at that time and now I serious

Getsu: Time to die. MOON FANG!!

I release a massive slash wave of aura. Destroys them in a single shot. I didn't knew it create gust of wind.

Getsu:Now I wonder what Grimm Jaune doing on surface?

Grimm Jaune P.O.V

I slice beowolf into two. Then I turn back with a horizontal slash cut off beowolf head. I feel a massive wind blow pass me from the sky.

Grimm Jaune: Getsu already done his thing Huh? Well, I should make this quick

I cross finger on my left hand.

Grimm Jaune: hollow Grimm number 24:...Domain

I creates a spherical space around the kingdom except beacon

Grimm Jaune: and now perish garbage

I snap my finger. The target in my territory got cut into two part. Now that's easy then I expect, can't believe they are weak as fuck. Then I hear a roar from sky I look up see Wyvern coming toward beacon.

Should I? Maybe I will do it. I raise up my hand. I point my index finger at wyvern. I gather Black aura at tip of my finger

Then I fired out a massive beam at wyvern. Turning the dragon into ash. I should return to Ken right now. I fly up from ground surface.

Narrator P.O.V

Student were fighting Grimm, white fang without struggle . On tower Pyrrha fighting someone who plan everything from the start of the event. Ozpin had been kill by her.

The ground was skaking violence. Student almost lose their balance but quake stop as they were wonder about who did it as they see a massive black beam shot up to the sky from vale.

Secne change to Qrow,Goodwitch,ironwood stand far away from the massive black beam energy.

Qrow: holy shit!

He curse with shock expression on faces

Gylnda: so much aura!

She can feel that aura was familiar to her former student but more sinister then kindness

Ironwood was speechless about the black beam.

Ken P.O.V

I was eating popcorn out of nowhere while on sky watching Pyrrha getting beat up by someone I don't know, beside me is Grimm Jaune and getsu watching the show with popcorn on their hand. Until they run of popcorn at the same time invincible girl almost ready to get kill

Ken: Nikos is just too fucking hopeless about getting beat up by someone right now

Grimm Jaune: I agree

Getsu: let just save her before something stupid will happen later

3rd P.O.V

Cinder fired her arrow at Pyrrha. Redhead throw her shield at the arrow but break into glass then it reassemble itself together, the arrow hits at Pyrrha chest she fall on her knees with hand touch floor . Cinder walks forward the invisible girl, she one knees and hold Pyrrha chin

Cinder: unfortunate you were promised a that was never truly your. But take comfort in knowing that I will use it in ways you could never have imagined.

Pyrrha look at her

Pyrrha: do you believe in destiny?

Cinder without hesitant to answer her question

Cinder: Yes

Ruby arrive on time to see Cinder pointing her arrow at Pyrrha. Until someone appear in front of Cinder and slam her to the floor that was non other than Grimm Jaune .

Grimm Jaune: ha! Power in my faces, bitch!

Ken appear next to his Grimm side then look at Cinder unconscious.

Ken: well well ,what do we got here? A dark maiden

He notices Ruby and Pyrrha are here while they still looking at phantom and Grimm Spirit

Pyrrha: J-Jaune? You a-alive

Ken look at Pyrrha with emotionless eyes

Ken: Jaune was no one, Ken Stuki is last part of his and~

He approach her in instant then took Pyrrha with his And Grimm Jaune does same thing. Getsu on sky gather yellow aura at tip of his finger


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He fired a massive yellow beam at beacon broken tower destroy it

On surface, Ken and Grimm Jaune put Pyrrha and Ruby down then they disappear. An orange energy like spherical fly inside Pyrrha body while they still in state shock what just happen to them


[Author: I'm too lazy to write the story]

Getsu: let just end the journey of remmant in another chapter after that we will go back to fantasy world

Grimm Jaune: I hope you guy enjoy the chapter cause author is too tired

Ken: adios everyone

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