I am your semblance,Queen...

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3rd P.O.V

Ken sitting on grass playing game on his scroll, While velvet still unconsciousness lies on grass beside him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Velvet inner mind world

Velvet: Ow my head

She scratch her forehead while looking around wonder where is this.

???: so you are finally here,Queen...

Velvet turn back look the unknown person who look like her, while they stand on rooftop building.

Velvet: Who are you? Why do you look like me!

She asks while still on guard.

???: where my manner. My name is violet and i am your semblance spirit... Queen

Violet introduce herself but velvet doesn't believe it

Violet: I know you don't believe my word.

Brown rabbit girl can't sense any lie from her so call semblance spirit word.

Violet: you wonder where your weapon[Anesidora] well...

She snap her fingers. She forms Floating Array behind her back without the help from her weapon but the true is.....

Violet: I am Anesidora.

Velvet eyes wide in surprise as Violet appear behind her back without knowing

Violet: this is your time to wake, queen

Her spirit soul body begin to disappear slowing in cyan flame.

Violet: Jaune will answer your question....see ya later Queen

Velvet body start emitting a light brown glow as she start to disappear

Real world, Ken P.O.V

I been sit on grass field while watching collab on my scroll

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Damn! They are good at making animation. I hear velvet groan as she sat up

Ken: let me guess you meet someone. who claim to be your semblance am I right?

Velvet: How do Know that?

Her voice was shock as i confirm

Ken: Your not the first one to have a spirit semblance inside you.

I stand up from the grass field and stretch my arm

Ken: get ready for training, velvet

I wipe dust off my pant and I turn back give out my hand help her stand

Velvet: Okay, what ours first training,Jaune?

3rd P.O.V

Ken stood in front of her with a smirk on his face.

Ken: Ours first training is flash step

He vanish and reappears not far away from her sight.

Velvet:' how did h-'

Ken appear in front of velvet face making her flinch

Ken: flash step a technique that allow users perform a burst of speed that allows the user to move so fast it appears as if they have teleported

Ken explain his technique to velvet understand

Velvet: Jaune I have a question about something you call spirit semblance

Ken really have to explain but for velvet answer

Ken:Every semblance have a spirit form because their are part of the wielder soul but they cannot to talk to their wielder or show up to them. Every semblance only gives their wielder half abilities of them.Every semblance had a name for themselves. They will able use a transformation call 'unleash'. When they knew the semblance name they will able to fuse their weapon with semblance make it become one being weapon with Their wielder.

He take a long breath after that he exhale

Velvet: okaaayy, so what is unleash?

Ken: unleash a transformation that allow wielder to create a big creature or something else, it will take little more aura than regular before. It can changed the weapon or creature to another stages with a new name. when the wielder run out of aura their weapon and creature will went back to a normal stages.

Velvet: I understand now.

She take a notebook out of nowhere make Ken confuse as f*beep*k

Ken:' how the f-'

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

1 hour later

Driving all of my aura into the front of her feet, she twisted body body sightly and kicked off the ground with minimal force.

She vanished like a phantom as she appeared in front of Ken with pure silence.

Ken looking behind her, there are no dirt cloud visible.

Nor was there a small crater in the ground. Even the place she was standing barely had any scuffles

Velvet: I-I did it!

She jump up and down in happy

Ken clap hand as he feel proud and happy after 100 time attempts.

Ken: your the first Faunus to learn my technique.

Ken put his hand in his jacket pocket.

Ken: alright Velvet. Your second training will begin tomorrow.

Velvet: second?

She tilt head in confuse and adorable. Ken face begin to turn into red


He scream inside his thought. He need to composed himself down first

Ken: yeah, tomorrow. Your aura was almost out.

Velvet have a surprise expression

Velvet: how did you know?

She asks ken but he just looks at her as he touch velvet shoulder with his hand emitting in yellow,white,black aura. He intensify her aura and semblance without even knowing.

Ken: there your aura is full

Violet:' HEY! Queen your aura is full now!'

Velvet: my aura is fully charge now...

She look down at her seeing them glow in brown. Ken let go of her shoulder

Ken: see you tomorrow.

He turn back walking away with flash dash he can vanish without making sound. Velvet also disappear with flash step

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