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Ken P.O.V

I jump on roof to roof

Can't believe that I had to find a cat. I wonder there hero in this world. I stop jumping and look at the alleyway


There you are. I jump down in the alleyway and pick it up front of face

Ken: you should've lucky about your owner, bud

The cat scratch my face. I quickly put it into the box . That really hurt

2 minutes later, reception, 3rd P.O.V

He place the box infront of receptionist

receptionist: that is a box, Mr.stuki

Ken: you sure?

He says with a smile🙂

She open the box without hesitant . The first thing she meet is a cat on her face literally.

Ken: well, that suprise and also where is reward now

She gives his 10 Copper Coin

Ken: good and also I will take another quest too

He puts the quest in front of receptionist face

Timeskip brought you by chibi ken running like a ninja behind his is his alternate ninja self


I walk into village look around see people with animal feature. Nah there nothing new here but a quest about old lady want to heat up the pot

Ken: hollow Grimm number 1: fire ball

I create a fireball on my palm. I can feel the heat from it. I put my palm under the pot heat it up. I sigh in bored, this will long journey for me to learn something in this world

1 minute later

FINALLY!! I done this quest! And now I will return back to the guild in the second.

Everything around my slow down as I take a step outside the gate but the sky suddenly turn red.

Demi-human alert their kind, they rush in their house,conceal themselves

I fucking hate the wave right now! I swear they just fucking ruining my day

I rubbing my eye can't believe that thing just happen in one day

First the red forest and fantasy, magic,class,wave thing happen just in one damn day!

And now THIS SHIT!! How can my day be more annoy than this shit

Ken: kuro getsu

I give out my hand, summoning a big blade out of white energy

Ken: Today is your funeral, am I right? Nah who care about you guy anyway

I charge toward them. They also charge toward me.


I release a slashing waves eliminate horse people with bow and arrow

Out of the smoke was people with animal head rushs at me

I jump high from ground while on mid air I quickly point my hand at them and summon 4 phantom blade on both side then fired it at them

Phantom blade fly pass through their head at high speed. I land safely on surface then I quickly turn back, I use my left hand pointing at them. The glowing sword fired themselves out of the ground fly straight to them.

I sense danger from behind as I quickly put kuro getsu on back blocking the sneak attack. I look over with a smirk

Ken: that won't on me buddy

I tilt head as I dodge a phantom blade fly over my shoulder kill the person with animal head. That should be the last one of them wait, where that stupid monster with hand sword?

I look up see it about to slice me down, I simply step back away dodge the slash coming to me. I quickly jump back away

I grip kuro getsu with one hand hold the hilt while the other hand hold the wrist, pointing straight the sword

Ken: unleash!

I say quickly as I envelopment in light as soon it descends.

[imagine there no sword belt and armor leg]

I'm holding a different weapon which is a katana

Ken: shiro getsu...

I say out my unleash form as I create scar on the chest instant without it knowing

Ken: heh you sure are weak

I mock the beast making it anger. It charge faster than before. I flash dash disappear in lightning

3rd P.O.V

Their fight was so fast not even a Demi-human can't keep up at that speed. They clash their blade swing at each other creating dust around them

The beast think it can kill Ken but it didn't knew that he just playing with it

Ken:' I could just end it in instantly buutt~ '

It kick him out the dust, he land safely on ground then the blonde rushes back to the fight. He jumps toward to beast, grip the sword with both of his hand


He wrapped his aura around his blade instead of discharging it, so that his sword strike has the strength of the moon fang

He swing down the blade but the beast quickly position 'x' on it hand blade ready to blocking the vertical slash.

A shockwave was make, the surface got broken, dust and dirt, smoke covered their clash

Soon it began to reveal Ken stand under the crater and the beast was dead on that day. He flash dash and disappear in less second

He didn't knew someone was recording his with the magic ord. While he fight the beast, he had been watching by everyone

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