The ghost of arc vs the top class

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After the quest, Ken was on his ways back to the kingdoms. He didn't know there 3 people follow his ways back to kingdom

Ken P.O.V

Why do I feel like been watching, ever since I went back here something tell me i had been follow

I hear the bell door open

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I look back see three people with blue,green,black cloak

Wait the minutes do I know them or their presence feel so familiar for me. I didn't hear receptionist saying something to me while I still glare at them.

the receptionist: ooohhhh~ you like that girl in first time ?

I snap out my thought, I look at the receptionist

Ken:huh? Ah! NO, I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER?!

That is true, I don't even know her but I feel like I been follow by them. I sense danger is coming toward me. I immediately turn back ,catch a knife with two of my finger. Yep they here for challenge a duel.

Ken: you gotta be kidding me in one day

I mutter. I throw back the knife at them and rub my eyes with two finger. The one with the green cloak walk to me

Green cloak: are you Ken the one man army.

Well, who each are you talking in front of you girl? I mean I had been around like 1 month now

Ken: yes, i am and who are you miss?

I tilt my head in confuse. The girl with green cloak take her hood off revealing

[ Emma Duncan]

???: my name is Emma Duncan, and I here to challenge you a duel!

Yep, I fucking knew it will happen sooner or later. It happen around 12 time now, I not gonna surprise by her challenge

Ken: listen here, miss number 1 adventure that I don't care about. Look I just got back here and now just want ruin my mood now

I rub my eye by using my thumb and index finger then look at her friend.

Black cloak: don't look at us, she a want to test how people strong are

I look at Emma in serious mode. Releasing my soul energy out making the air more heavy. The guild building got shake, glass window start to crack up.

Everyone in guild fall to the ground

3rd P.O.V

Everyone in the guild fall to the ground. They had hard time to breath.only Emma knees on floor but her friend isn't.

Ken: impression, you still had consciousness

He stop released soul pressure. Everyone was knock out. Her friend somehow still consciousness but they are sweating and breathing heavily, this is the first time they haven't feel it in their life, terrified and scare

Ken: I will accept your challenge,...Emma

He says out with a cold tone making her flinch

He vanished in instant without making sound.

Emma:' he's no normal human '

Time skip brought by chibi Ken sleeping on branch treen while Getsu and Grimm Jaune meet Sam Benjamin arc

Tournaments,3rd P.O.V

Audience was cheering Emma. Jasmine and the adventure guild was excited to watch Ken battle in action. Sofia and her family was there too

Ken step inside the arena with his hood on. Both of them stare at each other eye. Emma has eyes of iron will to win while Ken has eyes of emotionless

A huge cube screen start to countdown from 3...2...1

Emma draw out her sword. Ken summon a big blade out of white energy



They prepare their stance ready to fight.

The cubes disappear which they charge immediately at each other

Their sword would clash each other. They look at each other, the one with iron will meet the one with emotionless eyes

In their Instinct, they jump back away each other ,analysis their next move. Ken release moon fang at her but Emma stabs her sword down create a barrier protcet herself from the wave slash.

The smoke cover Emma from outside, she charge forward Ken with blind speed. He jump upside down dodge the stab he slash vertical down. Emma dodges down the slash as Ken land next beside her. He leap off away from her

He sense a threat is coming toward him. He summons out the phantom blade blocking a arrow he was wonder why there a arrow but his phantom blade soon turn into ice. He look at dust smoke, it start to revealing another Emma with a bow

Ken:' someone need to kill me after shit' Okay you use clone or something?

He asked in confuse. This make the guild dumbfounded at he justs say right now.

Emma: correct and no

He stop a slash toward him. He pulls her away from him and jump up on air dodging a arrow. He knew Emma (archer) would target at him. He immediately went to his unleash form while he still on mid air

[imagine there no sword belt and armor leg]

He holding a katana

Emma: so this what it call a again?

He land safely. In Instant, he would dashs toward her(saber) but she block it

Ken: shiro getsu

He answered her question. He start to pushing harder than before. She quickly jump back

Ken: get ready Mrs.Duncan, because I will end this in instant

He puts his hand on face. An black energy coming out from his hand. Reform it into a mask

Emma: how can a mask wil-

She didn't finish her sentence as Ken throw her to the wall make her unconsciousness then he look at Emma ( archer )

She fires out a ice arrow but Ken appears in front of her face. Then he kick her out making her also unconsciousness

Audience was quiet after the match. The guild was so happy that Ken beat the number one adventure. Her friend can't believe Emma was beat easily, they knew she have a royal class but his level way different from her.


Emma may able to last longer the any opponent that Ken had been fight in his base form. She maybe have royal class, a rare class that allow her to access each class ability from saber,warrior,healer,magician,acher.

But for Ken, he maybe classless for them but he had his own ability.

Hollow Grimm allow him to cast spell but do you know something else well, here let me explain. Each spell he use are copy version of natural and dust energy when he first time touch the water. he able to create water out of thin air I mean OUT OF THINK AIR

The winner is Ken Stuki the ghost of arc

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