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Ken slowly open his eye. The sun shines into his eyes. He raise his palm to block the light from entering his eyes

Ken P.O.V

Where am I? I remember I was just stand in middle of dirt pillar right now but where am I?

I feel my other hand touching grass as I slowly rise my upper body in groan. This field why do I feel familar it like I been here before? but where?.

I hear a roar coming behind me as I immediately stand up and turn back with kuro getsu forming on my hand.


I release a wave slash of white aura and the energy slash fly toward the monster that I encounter it before. It create a big cloud dust around the monster as I was prepare for a next energy slash but soon, it slowly reveal a big crater that I create by my owns attack.

Now, I know why it familiar. Because this is the dungeon domain. It a dangerous dimension where only adventures can enter. One when you enter the dimension , you either die or survive.

I put kuro getsu on my shoulder. In a far distant I see a cyan portal. I think that is my way out here before any monster appear to attack

I immediately use flash dash to the portal as I went into the dimensions gate.

Outside the portal, Fantasy world,Ken P.O.V

I jump out the portal with my foot touch the surface. I look around my sorrouding

This please is new but I need to know where I am first. then I will explore this city later

I noticed there no one around me then I look up the sky and realize it was already night.


I kinda suprise about this but in dungeon domain, it was already sun maybe the time of other level work different? Nahhh, in dungeon domain had many level so~ the time in dungeon still work same as the real world.

I walk normally like any "people" in this city. I see an alleyway as I find a cue to sleep, I sit down and lean to the wall as I close my eyes, maybe tomorrow I would I find some clue about this city.


I was reading some and I confirm myself, I'm back here, the fantasy world.


I quickly run out library and I leap toward the sky.

Third P.O.V
The army was undead and dragon, a witch controlling the undead?....

[Author: I am confuse about the part witch controlling the undead but.....okay~...]

[Tara Kane, 7th royal demon, witch of necromancy]

Ken floating above the kingdom of Eclipse as he watching them coming closer. The people of Eclipse was having panic attack. Every sorcerer prepare the defense magic as they form a massive barrier magic around their kingdom. Every knight soldier prepare their weapon for a big fight

Ken:'should I?'

He feel emotion coming from the people of eclipse kingdom, they panic ,fear , scare

Getsu:'you should help them'

His semblance spirits suggest his partner.

Ken:I guess your right

Ken extend his hand forward as he summon kuro getsu from aura. Citizen of eclipse notices a yellow light emit above them.

Soldier knight: Sir! There is something above of our kingdom!

Commander look closer and he realize the preson was someone they knew

Commander: that's not something but "someone"

Ken flash dash to the ground as he grip his sword with one hand. Everyone recognize the figure outside the magic barrier


Mother: I don't think he can stand against many of them

Ken went into Unleash form stance. Many people from other kingdom was watching the magic screen stream as they finally get to see that form again. Ken gather his aura through the body as he hold his wrist, pointing kuro getsu at army without trying release moon fang.

Ken: UN...LEASH!

A burst of soul energy launch into the sky. Cloud got blown away. Ken standing there wearing a coat hoodie with his hand holding shiro getsu

[ author: just pretend Grimm Jaune was not there]

Tara: so this is Phantom Moon huh?

She said with emotionless tone but she glare Ken as he was wannbe idiot hero. Something tell her .that he is different from other fool hero

Tara: attack...him, my dear... undead

She demand her undead charge at him. Ken flash dash toward them

He appear the first undead as he use his other hand slam it head down to the ground. Then he summon 3 phantom blade and fire it at the other undead.

He dashing pass them as he still slashing many undead them Ken leap toward Tara with shiro getsu wrapped his aura around his blade instead of discharging it


when he almost closer to Tara but the dragon tail hit him back distant away from her. He backflip himself then his foot land on surface as he stop slide back

Ken: well, your army is kinda........ I can't describe it

[ author: he mean "useless"]

Surrounding him was the undead. Many Undead warrior charge at him then prepare a new attack as shiro getsu start wrapped in white and outline yellow


Instant he releasing many energy slash from his blade. The undead was showing gone even the undead dragon infront Tara's eye.Her expressionless change to fear

Tara P.O.V

In my whole life, nothing had make me felt fear for a army of undead but this human is something else. He is a monster of something. That human let out a powerful pressure, is this magic? No, this feel like my soul about to destroy by him. My knees down to the surface. Is this how it end?

Third P.O.V

Ken slow approaching Tara, each step in his walk he can knock out someone without moving

Tara meet shiro getsu infront her face.

Ken: any last word of your life?

Tara: you may defeat me, Phantom moon but....

A magic circuit appear underneath her knees

Tara: but next time I won't lose

Ken immendialy to slash at her but instant it already take her out before Ken cut off her neck.

Ken: Tch! I should visit somewhere before anything happen.

Ken flash dash as he disappear from magic screen stream

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