James or grandfather..?

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After the gift shopping you came home and read your book on your bed, wrapping everyone's gifts to help out autumn. You heard a bird by your window it was a small parrot
" Y/n party at midnight by the old tree!" The parrot said
" Thank you little friend" you smiled as the bird flew off.

Suddenly robin sat on your lap,
" Daddy isn't coming today....."robin whimpered
" Shhhh it's ok" you rubbed his back, he mostly stayed quiet.

After awhile you fell asleep, still rubbing his back. You woke up to a rubber duck on your head
" Whats...going on?" You say, trying to figure out what was going on
"we are having a fight and we need to protect our child" marigold said" Me and clover broke up in our game so your head was the best spot to keep him till we sort out who has him what days" marigold said in a very matter of fact tone
" Ok..." You just nod confused
" Also I do NOT have a crush on clover! Once he didn't shower for a week and a half!" Marigold said as clover rode his bike inside " it's a inside bike y/ n don't worry!" Clover said, looking at your face.

You when out to ride bikes with clover, you borrowed clockwise bike it looked well loved but worked like a dream. Clover suddenly stopped
" You wanna see your grandpa?" Clover asked
" He's....ended" you said sadly, he always had the most creative stories about a village where everyone had magic
"Cmon I know a person" clover and you rode your bikes to a old wooden hut, it look it was about to fall over at any second. You walked in
"Hey Tommy, can you find anything on y/n baker?" Clover asked. A tall older boy who was wearing a midnight black cape which covered basically everything.
'' sure" he tapped his head three times and stared of into space
" You have a grandad about 45 minutes away, almost two miles" Tommy smiled softly at you
" He disappeared a few years ago to make sure you didn't die, he's a very sweet man, will do anything for his family all around a good guy, favourite chocolates are the one in the red box with the white ribbon"
Tommy finished.

you looked at his eyes to see...nothing was there it had sunken in, it was just skin where his eyes were supposed to be, you stood in shock due to his eyes
"Cmon y/n" clover said
" Alright" you got back onto your bike and left
"You wanna know his deal don't you?" Clover smirked at you
" Kinda" you reply
" Far far far far far far in the future like 10 million years in the future, all the humans kinda left because a huge nuclear bomb when off, Tommy had to get his eyes taken out because the nuclear bomb and he has a tumor which has teeths! Its kinda creepy honestly" clover said
" How does he know English?..." You ask, creeped out
"So people could read stuff I guess?" He shrugged.

You kept riding your bikes till clover broke the the silence
" So who you going to see?" Clover asked
" Don't know" you reply
" Explain to James" clover said
" Ok" you reply

You rode home for dinner, you threw your bikes to the ground and ran in and got washed up to eat dinner.

It was some roast chicken with veggies and juice. You ate quickly and when to go play inside due to it drizzling with rain.

You chilled with clover till the sun set.

A bird landed on his shoulder
" Hey lil guy" clover rubbed his head, they chatted for awhile
" Oh sorry! Y/n this is pumpkin, pumpkin y/n" clover smiled at the bird
" Is he a normal bird?" You ask
" Not normally he's just a bit sick right now so finds it hard to change to human form, it will pass quickly, 3 days normally" he smiled at you, still petting the bird. Pumpkin flew over to you, sitting on your shoulder, tweeting at you as you pet him. He jumped of your shoulder and turned into his human form, a short boy with light brown skin with a few missing baby teeth in the front and chestnut brown hair.
" Hey y/n" pumpkin coughed a little into his Handkerchief
" You ok?" You ask
" Yea I when to a place with the plage thankfully I didn't catch it I must of breathed in some bad air" pumpkin smiled a little at you.
"Don't go to plage eras, you know what to do, oh and 2020 and 2021 those two are hell there's like no kids.... or people anywhere" clover told pumpkin
" Spooky" pumpkin replies
"What if there was like zombies or something?" You ask, trying to not be afraid
" Mabye ask some of the new era kids, their Hella weak though barely no magic" clover said
"Word the wise if your gonna sneak out do it in about 10 minutes, autumn is going room checks y/n you gotta run" clockwise said before bolting upstairs.

It was like if a bomb when off, everyone ran of into their rooms. Pumpkin turned into a bird and flew out very quickly.

You left as soon as autumn left, you opened the window and when slid down the pipe. You fell into the bush.
" You okay y/n?" James asked
"Yea just a scratch" you reply
"So I heard about your grandfather and I understand! Should we go to see him?'' James asked
"Sure" you reply
" Alright let's go" James smiled
"Let's go" he dragged a old red motorbike from the bush. Some of the leather on the seats were peeling. The paint was also peeling, so was the leather on the handle bars.
"Wow James.... I never thought...you would be that type!?" You smirked at him
"Do you like it?" James asked
" Of course! Just surprised, a good one through" You got on as James got on
" Hold on tight!" Said James's as he started the old motorbike
" Ok!" You held on tight, screaming of joy as he got faster.

Your heart raised as he got quicker and quicker but you loved it. After 30 minutes you got to a old, creeky house. It had ivy everywhere and overgrown plants. You got off the motorbike
"Come in with me?" You pleaded
"Alright" James took your hand as you knocked the door.

A old man came out of the old creeky house
"Hello?" The old man asked
"Hello, we believe y/n here is your grandchild....." James said
"Who's your mother y/n?'' the old man asked
"Mary baker" you reply
"Oh my goodness! Little marry, she used to be a little sweetie" the old man replied
"Come on in I'll tell you everything you want to know" the old man replied.

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