Meeting your new siblings

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A tall boy stood at the doorway he had a old green cat hat, some black shorts, a green sweater with a small green cat print on the chest.
" Oh hi your the new kids right? Era?" The boy asked, you looked confused
"Oh what year are you from?" The boy said
"Oh uh 1939, and I'm y/n" you reply, still a tiny bit confused
" I'm clover by the way also that's your sister in the back right?" Clover asked
" Yea her name is rosemary" you reply, you look over to rosemary helping to cook like she did with your mother...... Clover quickly took you out of your head
" Mama can y/n come play with us?" Clover asked
" Of course buy y/n some sweets ok?" Autumn handed him a few werid coins, he took you out leaving rosemary and autumn alone.

" You miss home right y/n? don't worry! Also you can stay with me I'll help you make friends" clover smiled " you like pear drops right?
" Mhm...." You were trying to hold back tears
" It's ok y/n you can cry follow me" clover took you to a quiet place where you saw James! By the time you got to James you were crying, james explained how you knew eachother. You must of fallen asleep in James lap because the next thing you see is James smoothing your head, you both jumped and screamed a little.
" You feel better now?" James asked
" Yea we better get home soon, its dinner soon" you looked at the sun, it was going down, you left to go home. James walked you home, you both got lost a few times but came home with the other kids. A girl ran over
" New kid you have magic? " The girl blurted out, she looked pretty young, younger than rosemary. The girl was wearing a white dress with a yellow rim around the dress, she had little baby blue and baby yellow spots on the dress with a which hat on, it was a cyan blue with little white moons on it.
" No I don't have magic" you said truthfully
" I can test you!" Said the little girl, you nodded thinking it was fake
" Ok you can try " you said, smirking.
The girl looked at her spell book, pointing her wand at you, she muttered something, you felt something in your veins and suddenly your eyes when devil red. You lifted up with a beam of red light, you float back down with the bright red eyes.
"WOAH I DID THAT SKY LOOK WHAT I DID!!!" The girl yelled.
Another little girl came over, holding two little boys
" Hiya I'm sky, your very pretty do you have powers?" Sky put down the little boys
" I don't know " you reply
" I have ice and teleporting!" Sky teleported into the fireplace which was cooking everyone's food by now, as quickly as she teleported on she teleported off. " What's your favourite animal, and what's your name?" sky asked, smiling alot.
" Uhhhh....elephant and y/n" you reply, you never had seen a real elephant but you had seen some of James books about them. Sky made you a little elephant made out of ice, it felt stronger.
"It's power Ice! It will never melt" sky yelled.

We ate food, it was delicious not as best as your mother's but it was pretty close. You learned everyone's names and favourite animals. You enjoyed being in a big house with nice people.
"Everyone go get ready for bed, nova show y/n and rosemary to the bathroom so they can go get washed up" autumn said, Nova nodded. She wore a purple dress with little eye gems on the bottom of the dress, she also wore a mask to cover her whole face including her eyes, it was white and purple, it had feathers of the same colour.

When you got into the bathroom it was packed, a small shy boy looked at you. Clover whispered something into your ear
" That's gilbert, he was in the same war as you" clover when back to brushing his teeth. Gilbert stepped out in the light, his face looked was heavily scarred, he was wearing glasses, you could tell he had surgery to make him look " better" you decided to talk to him
" Hey Gilbert right?" You say, rosemary came over to come see what you were doing.
" Y- yea y- your y/n r-right?" Gilbert struggled to not stutter
"Don't worry" you try saying to calm him down, you finish up brushing your teeth and head to bed which your suitcase was by, rosemary was by you too.

Autumn tucked in everyone. You opened your book because you knew it was going to take awhile, suddenly as soon as you opened the first page you heard Rosemary's voice
"Y/n?" Rosemary asked
" Yea?" You reply, you wanted to read but you had to be there for rosemary first
"I like it here! I got so many friends and people like me!" Rosemary smiled
"That's cool" you reply, you were very homesick
" This is better than our home!" Rosemary smiled at you. You couldn't take it anymore how could she abandoned your old home!? Your mother?! Your old life, you screamed at her " HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!? WE ARE ONLY HERE BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD ADOPT YOU BECAUSE OF YOUR EYES! YOU DEVIL!" You yelled, it set rosemary off, she started to cry. Autumn Walked in " oh dear what happend come on rosemary" autumn left with a crying rosemary.

You fell asleep crying to yourself, for not doing the one thing you promised too do, protect rosemary from all the evil in the world. You were in a dark room, lighted by one tiny candle. You heard a knock from your close door, you decided to look, it was robin, your little brother. He wordlessly handed you a little teddy bear
" From nova" he left to go back to his bed, he had little bear socks, they were brown with two little teddy bear ears, black button eyes and they looked quite fluffy.

You crawled back into bed, hugging the soft brown teddy bear, falling asleep around 1 am.

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