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You stepped out of your room, the letter was well hidden, you hoped it would never be found by anyone but you.
"Y/n what do you like to do?" Clover said, walking with you
"I like to read and I love animals and swimming" you said, you never had been in a swimming pool, only lakes.

You two put on your shoes and when out, you had never seen the town fully, there was a huge treehouse it was made out of oak mostly, it had two floors, a ladder and a rope swing which was on the top floor.
" Wow, who built that?!" You looked over at clover
" The first generation of kids" clover said
" The first generation?" You ask, confused
" Yea, basically long ago hybrids weren't like they were called " witches" and " devils" and got killed. So a group of 15 kids ran off and made the realm when they died they got turned into spirits who protect the portal too this very day!" Clover said, out of breath by the end "that was alot of words" he flopped on the ground, you laughed at him.

A boy came over, eating pear drops" Hey newbie" the boy said " I'm nickel" nickel had White horns, with olive skin, a yellow shirt and some brown eyes and messy brown hair
" Hey nickel this is y/n came from a 1939" clover said "also give over a pear drop" clover sat up
" Sure if you can catch it" nickel smirked, he threw it in the air, clover caught it in his mouth.
"See!" Clover said, enjoying the sweet
" That's beginners luck, y/n you want one?" Nickel asked
" Yea" you respond, he gave it too you, instead of throwing it, you eat it.

A girl ran over with alot of bees, she was fast
" Guess that's my cue to run bye clover, bye y/n!" Nickel bolted
" Their siblings don't worry " clover joked
" Why is she....mad?" You asked
"Uh" clover looked over to nickels sister yelling at him, the girl came over.
" Hey new kid, your y/n aren't you? I'm bea by the way Sorry you had to talk to my dumb older brother" Bea looked like her brother but with no horns, she wore a sunflower necklace with black shorts and a bee sweater it had black and yellow stripes on it
"Yea I am" you smile a little " how do you know my name?" You ask 
"Lil Megan tells me everything" bea smiled
" Oh thats cool" you smile.

Suddenly you see a bunch of kids running away the treehouse, you looked confused and a little scared
" It's a fight, you wanna watch with us y/n" nickel said, clover ran of already to watch the fight. You walked over
"You gonna bet on it?" Nickel said
" Mabye I'll get a free bet from my clockwise...." Clover walked up to this man, he looked good looking and tall. He wore a suit with a light yellow and flamingo pink stripe on the hat. The suit was the same yellow colour, he also had a stopwatch, it had a gold rim.
" Hey clover, you good?" Clockwise asked
" Yea, you enjoyed your " friend" house?" Clover asked
" Yea" clockwise said
" You taking a beat?" Clockwise asked
"Free one for y/n?" He asked
" Hey y/n I'm clockwise if you need anyone gives you trouble come to me ok?" He said, writing something down
" Ok..." You said, a bit afraid
" So who you betting on?" Clockwise asked
"Tommy" clover said "7 gems"
" Alright, you know the odds" he wrote something down " Pay me back whenever " clockwise said.

The fight wasn't the best, it ended after ten minutes, you won though. Only a few hybrid coins
"Why do you call it gems?" You asked
" Better name then hybrid coin" clover said, you agreed.

You played leap frog with your siblings till it became late. You brushed your teeth and got into bed, rosemary looked off
" Hey what's wrong?" You ask rosemary, concerned
"T- this boy called me a poopy head" rosemary said
" A poopy head?" You tried not to laugh
" Yes!" Rosemary said
" Wel he's very mad, you can hang out with me and my friends tommorow ok?" You say, still trying to not laugh still
" Can you read me a story?" Rosemary asked
" Sure" you make up a story about a fairy princess, she fell asleep when you got to the end.

You remembered the letter. You looked through your clothes and got into your best clothes, brushed the hair and snuck out of the door. You saw James, right on time
"Thank you!" You mutter
" No problem, ok so I know this is a terrible time to say this but.... I like you" James said, you blushed alot
" It's just the right time " you smiled
" I like you to...." You said, the moon light shining bright

You two kissed, it was your first ever kiss. You liked it, it felt wonderful.

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