The magic tea

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You when to Rosa's house
"Ophelia can make the tea" Rosa said
" I thought you could" you said
"I can somewhat, but I'm more better at fortunes" Rosa said as Ophelia teleported down in a meditation pose. She had a few feathers braided into her hair, light brown hair that was shoulder length, pale olive skin with freckles on her face and a long flowing white dress.
" Ophelia will you help y/n find their power?" Rosa asked as Ophelia stood up
" Sure Rosa" Ophelia said, walking to the kitchen, you followed with James.
" You two a couple?" Ophelia joked
" U- uh no?" You stutter as James goes bright red
" Rightttt" Ophelia smiled
"Ophelia used to be the top of the class for 7 years" Rosa smiled proudly of her sister
"That's long behind me, I'm 18 now" Ophelia said, the kettle whistled as Ophelia poured the water in the teabag
" You want some posh dude?" Ophelia smiled at James
" Sure I hope it's not too strong" he joked
" Nah you would be able to handle it, now remember you need to practice your magic when you get it" Ophelia said, handing us the tea's.
'" who's going first?'' James asked
" You?' you ask
"Alright y/n" he drank the tea, suddenly James hair turned black and a pure black shadow horse came out of the floor. Everyone was shocked this was James you were talking about... Everything suddenly clicked
" Is that why?" You asked
" Please don't be scared of me y/n I'm the same old James!" His voice quivered
" James... Don't worry I think its sorta cool" you smiled at him, he smiled back
"Drink your tea y/n! I need to know what powers you have!" Rosa almost screamed.

You drank the tea, it was a little bitter after that everything when... Black, you woke up on Ophelia's couch
"Y/n we thought you died!" Rosa handed you out water
" And that would hurt the resale value!" Ophelia joked, you smiled as Rosa hit Ophelia on the head
" They know I'm joking!" Ophelia said, pleading her case
"Y/n have wings?" James said, not knowing how to tell you, you saw the wings and you yelped
"Try fly y/n!" Rosa said
" You might feel a bit off for a few hours I suggest cuddling" Ophelia smirked at you
" But honestly don't try to fly yet, wait a few days" Ophelia said honestly
"You might pass out so let the james take you home" Rosa smiled at you " when your better I'll do your fortunes" Rosa took your cups into the kitchen.

" You feel well enough to walk
Y/n?" James asked
" A bit dizzy" you muttered
" I'll help you get on my back" James smiled at you as you got on his back, your wings still felt odd.

You fell asleep on James back, waking up in your house with rosemary standing over you
"Y/n! Are you ok?" Rosemary hugged you
"I'm ok" you sat up to hug her
"Mama said I have wings we when to the doctor's and I'm getting wings!" Rosemary smiled
" That's nice" you smile back, you were still tired, getting your wings made you tired
"I still like you y/n" rosemary smiled, smoothing your wings softly.

Autumn gave you a drink full of sugar to help you feel better
" You ok dear?" Autumn smiled at you
" Yea, kinda tired" you said
" It's ok, it'll make you tired try rest ok? Do you want rosemary to stay or go?" Autumn asked
"I'll rest and rosemary can stay" you smile, rosemary laid by you like a puppy.

You woke up the next day, feeling fine. You heard a odd sound coming from your closet and then heard yelling from your doorway
"It's fine I'll just open it" you reply as you open it, it was just a snake, you saw one once in your old home
" It's just a snake" you grab it and take it downstairs
" Autumn I found a snake you know who would own it?" You ask
"I'm guessing Opal and Oscar" she replied
" Oh ok should I take it over?" You ask
"No they will come soon" as soon as autumn said that, there was a knock at the door, autumn opened the door
"Father said our snake ran here right?" Opal asked
" Yes he did" autumn passed the snake over
"Thank you autumn your a life saver!" Oscar replys
" You two going anywhere today?" Autumn asked
" Jungle!" Opal yelled
" There's a jungle here?" You ask
" Yes the realm is full of magic" autumn smiled at you, you heard a bird call
" We gotta go now father is waiting" Oscar ran off with opal.

"Y/n do you have any good friends yet?" Autumn asked
" Rosa and James" you say
" Would you mind doing me a favour?" Autumn asked
" What is it?" You ask
" Well you see, theres this little girl, my brother's daughter, she had no friends because she isn't like the other children and your very sweet, so would you help her make some friends, her name is Blair" autumn said
" Sure" you when off to get dressed and left.

You when to the most likely place a troubled kid would go and you found a girl with ghostly pale skin, a baggy white shirt and a light blue skirt, with her snow white hair in a bun, she had rats running around her. You walked over "I like your rats" you smile at her
" Thanks" she muttered
" Your Blair right? I'm y/n" your wings fluttered a little in the wind, which felt odd to you.
" Yea, nice to meet you" she muttered
"Nice to meet you to" you reply
"Your from autumns house aren't you?" She muttered again
" Yea" you say
"You like rats?" Blair seemed to perk up a little
"Yea, I think there cute, used to own one" you lied to make her more comfortable with you
" That's cool!" Blair seemed alot more comfy with you.

You spend 20 minutes chatting about animals, mostly rats and mice, another girl came over with fake vampire fangs in
" Ooooooooh I'm going to bite youuuu and suck your blood" the other girl said, not noticing you, Blair giggled, the other girl saw you and jumped out of her skin
"It's y/n, basil" Blair said giggling
"Y/n what's you favourite dinosaur?" Basil asked
" Uhhhh t rex?" You reply
" That's cool" basil said

You talked for hours, after awhile you when home and when to bed.

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