Your new home

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There were many crying children, but just as many looking happy they still thought they were going on a " little holiday".

A tall woman came over she had soft ginger curls and brown eyes which looked almost... Fake.You didn't say anything about her eyes though you wanted to. The woman spoke up
" Your y/n and rosemary right?"the woman said
"Y- yes y/n baker and rosemary baker" you said, feeling nervous for no reason. The woman noticed and gave you and rosemary a toffee each " this way dears, James booker is here too do you know him?" The woman asked
"he's y/n sweetheart!" Rosemary yelled, very excited for her " little holiday"
" Oh I'll seat you two together ok?" The woman said, leading us to our seats by James.
There were many other children like rosemary with weird eye colours and hair colours.

There was a small girl about Rosemary's age sitting next to James. She had the most pretty Purple eyes, rosemary and the other girl became fast friends whiled me and James chatted
" Y/n? You excited?" James asked whiled chewing his toffee
" Kinda" you reply, bored of waiting. The train left leaving weeping mother's behind, you waved with rosemary whiled the little girl next to James cried
" Sister what's wrong?"James asked which surprised you, you've been James friend for 13 years! Since you were born and he didn't tell you about his sister. You had tuned out The world until you heard your name
"Y/n I'll explain everything when rosemary and Jenny are asleep"James said, handing you a toffee, you smiled and played i-spy till rosemary and Jenny fell asleep.
" So I know everything needs to be explained and I figure this is a safe place" he came closer
"Yes! It does!" You spoke, a little annoyed
"So yes I have a sister...she's magically!" James said
" Ok you know you sound insane right?" You said, wondering if this war drove your best friend insane
" Yes I know, but it's true!" James said he smiled a bit
" How do you know? You when there?" You joked
" I did!" James said, not joking
" you know.... you weren't dreaming?" You said, more confused
" My whole family went due to my sisters eyes changing and she got her powers" he smiled softly
" your saying I have powers too?" You asked, semi joking semi not
" Yes! Well they might of been weaked due to you not using them" James said proud of his knowledge.

A short lady walked over with Blond hair and baby blue eyes, she was wearing a mid length dress, it was a beautiful red colour.
" You two should get some rest, it's getting late and your sisters are already Alseep" Said the lady
"What time is it?" James asked, beginning to yawn
" Around 10pm, here's some extra blankets" the lady said, giving us some blankets. The nice lady left to tend to some other children. You fell asleep quickly.

You wake up early the next day to James waking you up
" Earth to y/n wake up!" James said, helping Jenny put her coat on.
" Huh? What is it?" You said, getting some hair out of your mouth. James laughed at how tired you were.
" We're almost here y/n, around ten minutes left, comb your hair before we get off, you looked like you've been in a train wreck" he joked, passing over a comb, you brushed your hair, wondering how James was awake.

Rosemary and Jenny were already awake, not seeming tired at all
"What time is it?" You rubbed your eyes for hopefully the final time
"7:30, you were really sleepy!" Rosemary giggled, James nodded to confirm this. The train grinded to a halt, steam puffing up. A man began to talk, you didn't pay attention you were just trying to stay awake. Some of the children began to get off, James followed them so did you, rosemary and Jenny were behind chatting about animals.

You got off the train to see beautiful countryside with no house... That worried you where were you going to sleep? Or live for that matter? You looked at James, you must of been making a face
"You'll see" James said,smirking like he would always do when he was right. You all got took in a old looking town hall. You all sat down as some people walked In, they began to take children left and right, mostly babies and their mothers, or little girls. A lady came up to James. She had a dress on with little daisy's on. She had soft freckles on her nose and soft brown hair, she had White flats which made a sound when she walked on the floor, she smelled like roses.
" What's your name dear?" She asked James
" James booker, and this is my sister Jenny booker I'd like if you adopted us together due to Jenny can get stressed easily" James said, holding Jenny closer than before.
" Oh dear I would never break up families how old are you two?"the lady said, smiling kindly at them.
" I'm 13, Jenny Is 8" James said, smiling back at the woman
" Come on dears" she Walked off with Jenny and James, handing them two toffees each, you could tell from the wrapper. A lady walked over to you, she had a sweater on it was a soft orange colour, some black pants and a orange bonnet on with some flowers on it, she had ginger hair, she smelled like she uses the same perfume as your mother which made you feel horribly homesick for the first time since you left.

" Hello honeys, what are your names?" The woman crouched down to Rosemary's level, she had a kind voice and a kind face
" I'm y/n Dean and this is rosemary Dean" you said, hoping she would adopt you.
" How old are you two?" The lady smiled at you both
"Rosemary is 9, I'm 13" you said, smiling at the lady
" Do you two want to come home with me?" The lady said, smiling kindly
" yes please!" Rosemary said, speaking after a while. You both stood up walking home with the lady.

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