Chapter twelve

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I stepped off the last stair, my long dress flowing around me. Klaus offered me his hand, dressed in a suit, and wearing a tie that matched my dress.

"Ready to go love?" He gave me a dimpled smile.

"Yes" I took the hand, he laced our fingers together.

"You look like a queen" he commented, kissing our linked hands.

"Every king needs a queen" I grinned at him.

The abattoir was decorated for the formal event, the table set with a table cloth and fine china. We'd arrived early so Marcel and Nik could greet their guests.

"Marcellus" Klaus caught the man's attention, switching from holding hands, to circling his arm around my waist.

"Klaus, and I see you brought Eve" Marcel smiled at me, bringing my hand up to his mouth to kiss.

"Good to see you too Marce" I returned his smile, internally praying this meeting would go well. "Shall we go greet our guests?" I questioned.

"Yes" Marcel led us over to the front door, where we'd just entered.

"Diego" I smiled kindly at him as he entered. He nodded at me and the boys going to sit at the table.

"He's my representative for the vampire faction" Marcel whispered to me.

A man who wore a black suit with a white clergy collar entered, he was followed by a man in a uniform and badge, along with a man in an expensive suit. "Father Kieran" Marcel caught his hand in a handshake. "This is Klaus" he gestured to my husband who had a secure arm around my waist. "And Eve, they're married" He introduced.

"Ah, I've heard of Klaus Mikaelson" he nodded at him. "And Eve" he nodded at me.

"This is the Mayor of New Orleans as well as the sheriff" Marcel introduced to us. They gave Nik a nod and gave me an oddlook.

Ignoring it, I smiled kindly at the three. "Excuse me" I left Klaus' side. Hayley had been secretly seeing to the werewolves and I wanted to know if they were going to come.

I exited Klaus' hearing range so he wouldn't know what the two of us had been doing. I called the pregnant werewolf in question, hearing her phone ring.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, the meeting is going to start soon, is someone from the werewolf faction coming?" I questioned.

"Yeah, they're getting settled down to eat, the alpha, Jackson, said a guy named Oliver was headed that way. He's got blonde hair and a southern accent" she responded, sounds of plates clinking were in the background.

"Okay good, how did you get away?" I wondered. Elijah and Rebekah had promised to watch the girl like hawks.

"I convinced Rebekah to let me be with my people" she laughed. "She was a lot easier to convince than Elijah would've been, she promised she'd handle him though"

I smiled. "Good, how's everything going with their transition?"

"the spell worked, everyone is getting used to walking around on two legs" she replied.

"I bet, anyway I just wanted to check up on you, and the werewolves but I have go before Klaus gets even more suspicious" Hayley said goodbye and we both hung up.

I walked back into the abattoir, an old woman, Agnes, I believe her name was, she was accompanied by another witch, Sophie Deveraux, were already sat at the table. I took my place between my son and my husband, Klaus' arm immediately going back around my waist.

"Where did you go?" He questioned in my ear, there was slight anger in his voice but I could tell it wasn't directed at me, it was at the witches in the room.

"We'll deal with them when the time is right okay?" I placed my hand flat on his chest, hoping to calm him down before the meeting began.

"Sorry I'm late" a man with blonde hair and green eyes came up to us. He wasn't particularly dressed for the occasion, and I could smell the bayou on him.

Marcel was about to step forward but I beat him to it. "You must be Oliver" I gave him a warm smile. "I was told you would be coming, my name is Eve Mikaelson" I held out my hand, the two boys beside me were tense, until Oliver gave a friendly smile back, and took my hand.

"Been told a lot about you" he grinned, his southern accent on full display.

"This is Klaus, my husband, and Marcel" I introduced. The men exchanged handshakes.

Oliver went and sat at the table, between Diego and Father Kieran who sat next to the sheriff and Mayor, the vampire looking uncomfortable that a werewolf was next to him.

Marcel had someone close the doors while we walked to the table, Nik pulling out the chair at the head of the table for me, waiting for me to sit. He sat on my right, Marcel on my left.

"Alright, should we get this meeting started?" I questioned, my words followed by some waiters coming around, setting plates of food in front of everyone, blood for the vampires and wine for the other attendees.

"Yes" Nik grinned at me, before turning to the rest, his face now serious. "New Orleans is under new management, Marcel and I decided to rule the city together, no one above us except my darling wife" he and Marcel smiled at me, while I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I didn't know that was the plan" I whispered to the two.

"Yeah well, you are better at diplomacy than the two of us" Marcel sent me a cheeky smile.

"A woman is running things now?" The mayor stood in outrage, I simply lifted a brow, grabbing both Klaus and Marcel by the arm, stopping them from doing anything.

I tilted my head at the man, narrowing my eyes slightly, sending a look to Diego to not do anything. "I've got this" I whispered to my boys, standing, and walking around the table.

"Mayor I suggest you sit down" I gave him a sickeningly sweet smile. He hesitantly took a seat, I settled behind Father Kieran, resting my hands on the top of his chair. "Now, Marcel and Klaus have put me in charge because I usually keep a level head, but do not mistake my kindness for idleness. I am an Original, putting me at about a thousand years old. Disrespect me again, and New Orleans will have to find itself a new mayor."

Now that the mayor, and apparently the sheriff shared his thoughts, were properly terrified, I went and sat back in my seat. Nik placed his hand on top of mine.

This could be interesting.

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