Part nine

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Dick was just about to fall asleep when the pane of the back window smashed. He jumped up and peeked over the couch. Two men. Two of Slade's men. "Richard? Where are you?" one asked. They said it in a sickly sweet voice making Dick's stomach do flips. "You're coming home kid," the other added. 'Home'. Dick could've scoffed at the word. Slade's prison wasn't a 'home' in any aspect. The men approached the couch and heard his bare feet hit the floor. "We've got you brat!" one yelled in premature celebration. Dick jumped up onto the couch, grabbed the lamp and knocked the man out with it. "Du-te dracu!" (Go to hell) he shouted. The other snatched him up, causing him to kick and punch wildly. Somehow he weaselled his way out of his grip and kicked him in the crown jewels. Slade's minion went down to Dick's eye level where he punched Dick in the nose, getting on top of him and punching him hard. Dick kicked him back and grabbed the cord to the lamp, using it to choke the man.

"Richard!" A voice yelled as arms wrapped around him. He looked up and saw Jason's scared eyes. The cord around the man's neck relaxed and he watched him gasp for breath. He almost did it again. His face went pale, his eyes wide and unfocused. His body was beginning to shake. "Richard?" Nothing. "Dick?" Not a word. "Dickie-bird come on, talk please," Jason begged as the acrobat's knees went. The man he had almost killed picked up the other and quickly ran out of the house, leaving the Batfamily to deal with Dick. "Grayson?" Damian asked, running over to the partially limp child. "I...I...I." Dick couldn't get his mouth to work. Tears began to fall but Dick remained deadly silent. He was going to kill him. He knew he was. Another life would've been taken by his hands. "Master Dick, calm down. Everything's alright." Alfred assured him. "Get him on the couch. Bruce, get a blanket and his toy from upstairs. Boys stay here whilst I get some water and band-aids," he instructed. The boys nodded and watched them leave.

Damian held Dick's hand tightly but Dick didn't feel it. He was falling into a deep dark hole in his mind. "Dick, we're not mad at you," Tim said. Dick gulped. 

"Snap out of it kid," Jason added. 

"H-hurt. I...I h-hurt." Was the reply. 

"What hurts? Where does it hurt?" Tim asked panicked. Blood dripped down from his nose and lip. "Does your nose hurt?" Damian asked, trying to decipher his words. 

"K-kill. C-could... could've...k-kill." Tim hugged Dick tightly. 

"I know but it's alright now. Everything's going to be fine." Jason joined and Damian squeezed his hand. "I want my mama," Dick cried out, finally coming out of the comatose trance. Their hearts broke. They couldn't get his mum. There wasn't a feminine person in this household either. "I know but...but we can't get her," Damian said even though it hurt him to do so. 

"I just want my mama. Please. I just want her," he cried. Tim began to cry with him. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Dickie." he apologised. "She's not here. She's gone. I'm sorry." Dick cried harder. "Maybe we can get Diana? She knows how to deal with children." Jason suggested.

"We don't need her help. We can do this on our own." Damian replied.

Alfred and Bruce soon came back with everything that was going to help Dick. Bruce wrapped a blanket around him and gave him his toy whilst hugging him. He didn't know what to do. He remembered when he had seen his parents die and the mess he was after. Maybe that's how Dick felt right now. All he could do his hope that hugging him would take the pain away. Alfred tried to give him water and patch him up but he only moved closer to Bruce. He didn't want to be patched up. He just wanted to be calm again. Calm enough to catch his breath. "Alfred, cancel all my meetings for today and tomorrow. I'm not going anywhere until he calms down." Bruce told his butler. The butler nodded and went off to make some calls. "Will he be alright?" Tim asked, his voice weak and frightened. "I-I don't know Tim. I really don't." Bruce answered. The room went into a sombre silence only broken by the occasional sobs of Dick. 

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