Part three

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They whipped around to see the elderly butler standing at the top of the stairwell with a smile. "You can't be serious," Damian argued. Was he the only sane one in this entire family? 

"Yes I am," Alfred replied, joining the family.

"He's just a child. What happens if Joker gets him? No, when. What happens when Joker gets him?" he asked. His face was red with anger. 

"Damian, go upstairs and look at him. He's a kid, yes, but he asked us to bring Zucco to justice. Imagine helping put away the man who killed your entire family and made all these bad things happen." Tim replied seriously. He sighed and looked down. 

"We haven't even asked him yet. What if he doesn't want to?" he asked.

"Then we don't force him. Damian, please." Tim answered.

"Fine. I'm going to bed anyways. You annoy me so much, you know that?"

"Be hard not to," Tim replied with a chuckle.

Dick woke up in the middle of the night, wide awake from fear. He looked around his pitch black room. There was nothing particularly scary about it but he hated the dark. Slade did things to him in the dark. (I mean beating him up.) He slid out of his bed and shivered a little as his feet hit the cold lamented wood floor. Grabbing Peanuts, Dick ventured out of his room into the dark hallway. He didn't notice the heavy rain until a lightning bolt lit up the hallway. He jumped and got into a fighting stance, an instinct taught to him. "Dick?" a voice asked. He turned around quickly with his fists still up. "Dickie it's Tim, calm down," Tim told him walking out from the shadows. He held a plate with some food on and wore a questionable look. "Oh, hi Tim. What're you doing up?" he asked, relaxing and picking up his stuffed animal. 

"I got hungry. Why are you up? You should be in bed," he responded. 

"I got scared. T-the dark reminds me of bad people," Dick stated, hiding his face with his stuffed animal. "Do you want to stay up with me?" asked Tim with a grin.

There was silence. "I don't want to bother you."

"Don't worry about it. How about I sit with you until you fall asleep?" he suggested. 

"That sounds nice." Tim walked him back to his room, placing his sandwich on the bedside table. "Tim, do you get scared of the dark?" he asked, clambering into the bed. He thought for a moment. "I used to but being Red Robin helped me stop feeling scared of it," he answered. He sat beside Dick, letting the small child hug him for comfort. "But you have to be scared of something. Nobody is fearless, they just seem that way," the child said. Tim chuckled a little. "Well, I'm scared of killing someone and being abandoned. There are other things as well." Dick smiled a little. "Do you think bad people get scared too?" he asked. 

"I'm not a bad person so I wouldn't know," Tim joked, getting a giggle out of Dick.

"Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer if you don't want to," Tim asked. He felt Dick tense up but the boy nodded. "If you had the chance to meet Zucco and do whatever you wanted to him, what would you do?" he asked. Dick fell silent, fiddling with Tim's pyjama fabric. "Dick?" He should've kept that question to himself.

"I would- I would ask why he did it. Then put him in jail. Maybe he was scared of my family," he replied with teary eyes. "You'd make a good hero. Would you want to be?" Tim asked.

"Yeah. I would love to." Tim grinned and was about to tell him about the plan until Dick spoke again. "But I'm no hero. I have done bad things and make mistakes all the time." 

"Even Batman makes mistakes Dickie, he even shot an owl once so that's a bad thing," Tim joked. Dick chuckled. "I think you'd be a great hero." 

"I know what my hero name would be," Dick replied happily. He was getting tired but it was a pretty adorable sight for Tim. "What would it be? Kid Bat? Maybe Bat Kid?"

"It'd be Robin. My Mama always said when I do trapeze I'll fly like a robin."

"Maybe Robin could join the Batfamily," Tim slyly suggested. 

"Really? You think I could be a hero?" He nodded and Dick smiled with a yawn. "Thanks, Tim. It'd be fun to be a hero. I could make up for the things I've done." His voice trailed off as he fell asleep. The older could only wonder what he'd done that made him feel so guilty.

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