"Chapter Ten"

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I've literally looked at all the places and messaged all the people she knew and all said they haven't seen her since the gathering.

Her supposed adopted Dad messaged me on Facebook while I was about to go to sleep.

Hi. You must be my little Evie's ex-boyfriend. My wife had seen your post on finding her. I do know where she is going to be tomorrow.

I felt relieved and both nervous of my ex-girlfriend's dad texting me this late at night.

Tech is my thing. And I tracked on her last conversation with William at six pm.

What did it say?

She's inviting him and his sister Khloe to go a small coffee place called Coffee Bean and she'll be performing not only to promote the upcoming movie - but for charities that support Down syndrome.

Thank you so much... Also... shouldn't you be a little stern with me because I'm a boy and who's in love with your daughter?

No. Little Evie deserves another guy that treats her right and makes her happy. Plus I kept up with the both of you on Instagram and I can tell my baby looks so happy around you...

I chuckled. I love how he calls his daughter "Little Evie."

The only time I was stern and cold was towards that boy. Plus I knew he was using her by using my skills but I knew telling her wouldn't make her believe me since she was so blinded. I know I sound like a horrible father but Evie is a hard head to explain and it'll take her to see proof to get her to see that if it's true or false.

Her dad went on. He's not wrong she is a hard head and there are times she would look up something and apologize if she was in the wrong.

No, it's okay, Mr. Jackson.  She's definitely a hard head at times. Lol

Please boyo, call me Logan.

Will I ever meet you and her Mom soon?

Once she invites me and my wife to the gathering again for this movie.

Get some rest, boyo.

He said as I turned my phone off and let Stella come cuddle with me and passed out.

Next morning...

I had Mesa come with me to the Coffee Bean as her Dad said, it was set up and I haven't seen her yet.

"Care to explain?" Mesa asked in concern.

"Her dad texted me la-la-late last night tracing her last texts to W-W-Will inviting him and his s-s-sister here," I explained.

Then, I saw her... she had her hair cut short, it looked like she also had got a tattoo of a rose on her arm. She had her phone pressed to her ear and was listening intensely. We both heard a woman clear her throat.

(Thank you.)

"Était-ce trop dur?" 
(Was it too hard?)

"Non, je suis désolé."
(No, I'm sorry.)

What happened to this girl? The woman laughed.

"C'est juste une plaisanterie. À bientôt." The woman said as Evelyn waved.
(I'm just kidding. See you soon.)

"E-E-Eva?" I called out to her.


Then I heard the voice that I am still trying to avoid.

"Eh? Qui est cette Eva dont tu parles?" I said in clear French.
(Eh? Who is this Eva you are talking about?)

"I know you speak English."

I took a deep breath.

"What do you want?"

"Look, I know it's been a week... but I-I-I can't over you. Every night, I thought you. Every time I-I-I go on a walk with Stella your singing and voice always come to me. Why did y-y-you suddenly leave?"

"Drew - I realized that long distance relationship doesn't work for awhile. You're busy with your comedy - and I'm busy with my acting. Now my question is how did you even found out I was here?"

"Y-Y-You're dad texted me last night."


I forgot my adopted dad being a good hacker. Must've tapped in my text messages with Will and told Drew.

"I need to have a word with my father about this." I harshly said as I swiftly turned around and he grabbed my arm.

"E-Evelyn, please... Listen to me."

"Evelyn Jackson." The director's assistant said I turned my head.

"Are you busy, ma'am?" She asked me.

"No, I'm not," I responded as I swiftly turn back. He grabbed me by the wrist again.

"I-I-I want you back, I love you. We can make this work, I promise."

I need at least a month to think about it.. either go crawling back to him - or move on and focus on my career.

"Let her go." Geoff, my bodyguard said.

I gave Geoff the look of relief. He let's go of me and Geoff gave me the look.

"Not until I get an answer."

I then sneaked passed and went behind the curtains.

"So let me get this straight, Drew Lynch aka your ex-boyfriend is here because of your Dad gave out the location?" Ziggy, a new friend, and the director's daughter.

"Yeeeeppp," I said as she handled my ear-piece.

"Well, this is awkward especially if you haven't told him if you need time."

"Can you shoot the messenger?" I told her as she knows I would only have small breaks but won't be enough to socialize.

"Of course." She spoke.


Soon as she got on stage and introduced herself, I had to sit close by. I heard him crying while his service dog was there comforting him and his assistant was also trying to comfort him.

Come on, Zig. She can't do it because she doesn't a lot of time on her plate. I thought as I got up and approached them.

"Hi," I said with a frown.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ziggy... The Director's kid." I paused.

"What do you want? Did she sent you?"

"Sorta of... Look, I'm sorry to break it to it to you... But she feels afraid of losing you while you're doing comedy and she's doing her acting. She feels the long distance relationship isn't what she wants. She wants actual cuddles, watching movies, kisses..." I went on.

"I get it now, she's just afraid. Is there a way I-I-I can –"

"No. You're only going to make it worse by her wanting to remain single."

Then I heard her giggling that caught our attention.

"Someone wants old school huh?" She said while reading the list that customers write down requesting a song for her.

Bye, Bye Bye begins to play as she held out her hand for me.

"Hey hey." She began to sing.

"Bye bye bye." She continued as I taken her hand finally.

"Bye, bye." She continued.

I know my dad is going to kill me - but I've never actually had friends because of him.

"I'm doing this tonight. You're probably gonna start a fight. I know this can't be right, hey baby, come on."

"I loved you endlessly and you weren't there for me. So, now it's time to leave and make it alone."

"I know that I can't take no more, it ain't no lie. I want to see you walk out that door. Baby, bye bye bye." I joined in with her singing.

Singing with her felt different and I can understand why she told me she loves singing off to the side. It's like... being on a stage with screaming fans, chanting your name... screaming that they love you...

Thought I got dirty looks from my father, but his assistant was clapping and being positive about the whole thing.

I looked at her ex-boyfriend who looks like he's trying to hold on the fact Evelyn needs some time and space.

I don't know if he's the kind of guy who would wait on her and probably give up on her.. I hope not.

I looked at her and back at him while singing. I wish I can find a way to push them back together.

But only it would be hard on Evelyn since she just feels long distance relationship isn't enough and she's afraid of losing him.

Once the song ended, my dad approached forward.

"Evelyn, Ziggy.." he said our names coldly as we went backstage.

"Evelyn, what were you thinking back there?"

"Look, sir... I think you never let your daughter have fun or even know the word is invented. You treat her like a Rapunzel stuck in the--"

He slapped her, and I screamed her name.

"I quit." She blurts out.

"Actually you can't quit. You're under--"

"Enough, Ryan." Debbie, his assistant said.

"I quit too because I knew you were always a cold bastard and treat not only your daughters like shit but your cast. I'm not letting you get away with this."

"Fine, leave because I'll replace you both."


The pain stings and my adrenaline was pumping. Everyone saw what happened and began to join in saying they quit.

"Why don't you leave and take your 5 followers on Instagram with you," I said as he stormed off.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine." I paused.

"How about the event?"

"Well... I will take over the movie everyone you're hired."

"Would that push the movie back?"

"No, the idiot has given me his script and I have it on my flash drive. So even if he can take me off."

"Can I do one thing before I go back up there?" I asked her as she nods.

I went outside and saw Drew.

"Andy..." I said his name. He got up from the chair to hug me. This time I only accept it.

"Your l-l-little friend explained to me... I'm not going to cheat on you. Y-Y-You're the best girl that changed my life."

For some odd reason... something was telling me to apologize. Getting all this kindness and love from him when I haven't seen him for a week. It cleared all of my doubts... ish.

"I know this is probably too soon to give you this b-b-but.," he whispered as he slid a ring on my finger.

"ANDREW!?!" I screeched his name looking at it.

"Relax, it's a promise ring. I know it's too early for i-i-in our two-month relationship."

"Almost gave me a heart attack," I said relieved and jokingly.

He laughed softly before hugging me again.

"Well, I should be head back up there."

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