kiddo part 1

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Name// troy  charming
[Name meaning] Irish Origin- foot soldier
[Full name] troy hermès charming

Age// varies
[Birthday] december 20th
[Zodiac] sagittarius

Gender// Male
Species// Human
Sexuality// unknown


noah jupe

emjay anthony

[Skin tone] pale olive
[Hair color] dark brown
[Hair style] short and curly
[Eye color] brown
[Facial features] freckles cover his nose
[Height] 4'11- 6
[Medical conditions] anxiety

Personality// troy is very shy and has really bad anxiety so he never talks to anyone, normally just drawing or embroidering something as others do the speaking for him. that being said- he doesn't think he's better then anyone nor does he think that he is above talking. unlike most think he will do a lot of work to get things done- just like his father, dante, he is very possessive of things aren't working the way he think they should- he doesn't take criticism very well but after he calms down he tries to listen to it. everything has to be perfect to him and he really just wants everyone to get along. he will fight his own battles and he's got a bit of a rough streak with a strong glare and temper.

Likes// drawing, painting, sewing, earrings- sparring with his brother or dad. fencing. creating jewelry, sparkly things- dark colors, birds and horses

Dislikes// ponies, cats, having to speak- loud music- when his family is mad at him, constant conflict, slackers and people who won't do their work. anyone who tries to hurt his family.

Strengths// he is a very fast learner and he always likes to try new things if his sister is with him. he is very talented at sewing and art, and he loves to read. he's the oldest and normally takes responsibility for his siblings

Weaknesses// he is quiet and never talks so people are often annoyed with him or they make fun, troy also feels left out a lot so he will just exclude himself most times instead of trying because he thinks it's easier

//Background Information

[Major Family] 
Dante De Vil- father
Paris Charming- father
Lillie Bell- adopted aunt
Briar Charming- sister
Liam Charming- brother
A brightly colored betta fish which he named Dolace

other| He is a selective mute and has only said a few words in his life


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