Chapter 47: Farewells

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LOKI'S EYES WIDEN at the three words that just escaped from Anna's lips. His heart aches to repeat them to her, professing his adoration for every inch of her body and soul, but his mind will not allow him to do so. She deserves more than he is capable of giving, of that much he is certain. Nearly paralyzed by fear, by the concept of opening his heart up to someone instead of pushing everyone away, Loki stares blankly at Anna without speaking. There are wheels in motion inside his head that she cannot decipher, and the thought makes her uncomfortable.

"Say something," she looks up at him earnestly, wishing he would cross the distance between them and take her into his arms. A brief look of panic and embarrassment flashes on her face as she realizes that he may not return the sentiment, but Loki lifts a hand to caress her cheek and soothes her fear.

"Anna," he begins, guiding her to the side of the corridor. "I apologize. I did not mean--"

Anna bumps into a guard, toppling to the ground and losing her contact with Loki. The guard looks in horror at the brunette spilled on the floor, quick to help her to her feet. In the commotion, Anna looks to see four armored warriors approaching them from a distance. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three - Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg - barrel down the corridor toward them, and she scrambles to her feet next to a now distant-looking Loki, who - oddly enough - takes a few steps away from her. In the same moment, a booming voice pulls her attention in the opposite direction only to see Odin appear. Clad in gold armor, the king stares down Loki, whose face goes blank at the sight of his adopted father.

"Loki," Odin calls out, his voice brimming with unmasked disappointment. "Say your farewells. The girl is to return to Midgard immediately."

Anna looks confused, "What? Why?"

"You led this organization to my son," Odin tells her, his grip on her arm gentle as he pulls her with him down the corridor. "Now you shall lead Lady Sif and the Warriors Three to this organization to free him."

Lady Sif bows slightly, "We shall not fail you, my King."

"Who's we?" Anna asks. "Who are you?"

"I am called Sif," she tells Anna, before motioning to the Warriors Three. "This is Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg. We shall accompany you to Earth." 

Eyes wide as she takes in the warriors, Anna looks back at Loki, whose arms are promptly captured by two guards. She watches as he is dragged in the opposite direction, a lump forming in her throat. He begins to struggle against them until his expression goes blank, and he ceases to resist. Whatever is happening is moving so fast, she's struggling to wrap her mind around it. Odin appeared out of nowhere, his imposing presence grating against Anna's nerves as much as Loki's rapidly changing demeanor. 

"Loki?" Anna calls, panic rising in her chest as she fails to tug her arm out of Odin's firm grasp.

Loki says nothing, and his green eyes are filled with a mixture of sadness and an emotion Anna cannot identify as Odin separates them further. His fingers twitch by his sides, aching to do something - anything - but he remains compliant with the guards as he watches the distance between them grow. As much as it tears at his soul, part of him knows it is for the best. She cannot be so close to him, to the poison that is his very existence, if she is to avoid harm. No, allowing her to leave is the best gift he can give to her. This heartbreak must happen, this he knows.

They pass out of sight until Anna cannot see Loki disappear along with the guards. Squeezing back tears as Odin guides her out of the palace, they stop in front of a group of horses and she watches as the warriors mount. 

"You can't," she stammers, digging in her heels. "Please, let him come with me. Let him help us." 

"He cannot," Odin replies. "Loki cannot be trusted outside of Asgard without sufficient restraint, and his actions toward Thor have proven this time and time again. He will be returned to the dungeons, where he is lucky enough to be allowed to live out the rest of his days."

Anna chokes back a sob, shaking her head. 

"Don't do this," she begs. "You'll only make it worse. He needs to know how much you love him - how much I love him. If you abandon him again, he'll resent you even more." 

"It is done," Odin replies grimly, his jaw set as unidentifiable emotions ripple across his face. 

He grips Anna's waist, carefully lifting her to mount Hogun's horse, despite her protestations.

"No," she cries, attempting to kick out against him. "Please...please..." 

His strength is too much for her, and soon Hogun's strong arms wrap around her waist to settle her into the saddle. The warrior snaps the reigns, and the horse jolts forward down the Bifrost while tears pour down Anna's face as they leave Odin standing alone.

Once he is certain that Anna and the warriors are well on their way, the Allfather sighs. With a sad look on his face, he re-enters the palace and begins making his way through the corridors with a determined pace. He passes several guards who all bow at the sight of him, none brave enough to address the King. 

Night begins to fall, and the golden halls are set aflame by the warm red-orange glow from the sky outside. Soon, Odin finds himself standing in near darkness in a dimly lit corridor deep within the palace. He nods to the guards outside the entrance to his vault, waiting for them to open the doors for him.

"Leave me," he commands, nodding to the two guards patrolling the inside of the vault.

After they leave, the doors latch behind him and Odin smirks. His appearance shimmers away, the illusion falling to reveal Loki clad in his full Asgardian armor. His golden, horned helmet sits atop his ebony hair, and he exhales - pausing for a moment - before spotting exactly what it is his glittering green eyes are searching for.

The Tesseract.

Now Playing: "Naive" by The Kooks.

Author's Note

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