Chapter Thirty- The Finals

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"Sta diventando scuro. Probabilmente dovremmo iniziare a tornare a casa(It is getting dark. We should probably start going home)," Ella suggests.

I nod. We pick up the basketball and head out of the court. My house is in the same direction as Ella's so we walk home together.

"Ci vediamo domani(See you tomorrow)," Ella says.

"Ci vediamo domani(See you tomorrow)," I repeat.

Ella smiles before walking to the edge of the pavement while I search my pockets for my keys. I put the key in the lock and I'm about to twist it when I hear screeching tyres of a speeding car. And then...a scream. High-pitched. Out of shock.

I turn around to see the commotion. There's a thin, dark-haired girl lying on the pavement. She's pale and frozen, looking like no life is in her. It's Ella.

I run. Faster than I ever knew I could run. There's blood everywhere. Covering her skin like a blanket. Splattered on the road like a painting. I feel dizzy.

"ELLA!" I yell but it doesn't feel like it's coming from inside me.

"Mi dispiace. Non l'ho vista(I'm sorry. I didn't see her)," a man gabbles.

It's the driver. The person who ran over my best friend. The only friend I have. Somewhere from inside of me, anger bubbles like hot soup. I feel like screaming but I can't. I still can't believe what's happened right before my eyes.

I throw myself at Ella's side.

"Ella? Riesci a sentirmi( Ella? Can you hear me)?" I ask her frantically.

I find it impossible to find that the girl who always has a smile on her face and is fully of energy is lying in front of me. There's pain, sadness and shock written all over her face.

"Luna?" Ella chokes, trembling.

Behind me, I can hear the driver calling an ambulance.

I smile, relieved.

"Non ti preoccupare, ok? L'ambulanza sta arrivando. Resta con me. Starai bene(Don't worry, okay? The ambulance is on its way. Stay with me. You'll be fine)," I reassure myself more than her.

"Fa male(It pains)!" Ella laments, eyes watering.

"Dove? Dove ti fa male(Where? Where does it hurt)?" I question, trying to stay calm even though there's panic rising in me.

"Ovunque(Everywhere)," Ella tells me briefly.

"Sì. Ma dove fa più male(Yes. But where does it hurt the most)?" I ask, exasperated.

Ella stares at me blankly as if I'm talking in a completely different language.

"Luna, non dimenticarti di me quando giochi sul campo da basket in un'enorme arena americana. Realizza il nostro sogno per me, il migliore amico(Luna, don't forget me when you play on the basketball court in a huge American arena. Make our dream come true for me, my best friend)."

It was that she said before closing her eyes and never opening them again.

I wake up in fright. There's a layer of sweat stuck on my back and my heart is pounding so hard, that I'm scared it's going to burst out of my chest. I burst into uncontrollable tears.

"Luna, qual è il problema(Luna, what's the matter)?"

Mamma runs into my bedroom and is by my side.

"È stato orribile, Mamma. Ho sognato quella notte che Ella mi è stata portata via(It was horrible, Mamma. I dreamed that night that Ella was taken away from me)," I explain, my voice choked with tears.

"Va tutto bene, Luna(It's all right, Luna)," Mom reassures me, enveloping me into a hug full of love.

"Prometti che non mi lascerai, Mamma(Promise you won't leave me, Mamma)," I plead.

"Lo prometto(I promise)."

I must doze off because I find rays of sunlight shining on me.

"Mamma?" I call out sleepily.

No response. I sit up. There's nobody in my room. I groan and drag myself out of bed.

"Mamma?" I call out again, this time by the entrance of Mom's bedroom.

No answer. There's nobody there either.

Climbing down the stairs, I hear the kettle boil. I peer in and find my Mum wandering around the kitchen.

"Buon giorno(Good morning)," Mamma chirps," Affamata(Hungry)?"

"No. Un cafe, per favore(A coffee, please)," I reply, seating myself at the table.

"Sicuro. Sembra che tu ne abbia bisogno(Sure. You look like you need it)."


Mom smiles and passes me a mug of coffee. It's satisfying feeling the warm liquid trickle down my throat. My Mum sits next to me. There's a serious look on her face; I'm afraid of what she's going to say.

"You know, Luna..." she starts.


"You don't have to play today."

Play? What is she talking about? Play... Oh! She means basketball. How could I forget: today's the American High School Basketball Teams Tournament Finals! I appreciate that pressure isn't being put onto my shoulders and I feel like a weight has lifted. The word 'yes' is about to slip out of my mouth when I remember a promise:

"Promise me one thing."


"You'll never give up."

A hand is rested on my shoulder, snapping me back to reality.

"I can't, Mamma. I promised Lara that I wouldn't give up," I sigh.

"She's a good girl," Mom comments," But at least let me with you today."

"But you have a shift today. At the restaurant," I argue.

"So what? My daughter comes first."

I smile, gratefully," Thanks."

"OMG, Luna! You look horrible!" Lara gushes.

"Well, what do you expect? Us to sleep on the night before the finals?" Logan asks.

Lara just smiles sympathetically. However, when we enter the girls' changing room, she shows her concern.

"Are you sure it's not just nerves?" Lara questions.

"Just nerves," I lie.

Why didn't you just tell her the truth, a voice inside of me asks. Because she'll go gossiping to others just like your Mum talked about your personal issues with her friend, another voice answers.

"Well, honestly, you're going to be great out there," Lara encourages me.

The game starts off with a jump ball. However, I'm not on the basketball court anymore.

- Flashback -

I'm playing with Ella, the last basketball game we ever played. I miss the ball that she fumbles with.

"Dai, Luna. È stata una palla facile(Come on, Luna. It was an easy ball)," Ella teases.


I snap back into reality, too late to intercept the ball as it enters the other team's hoop. There's a cheer from them and Coach Taylor calls for a timeout. Our team runs over to Coach, who's unimpressed.

"Luna! How can you miss that chance to intercept the ball? It was like you were on a whole different planet," Coach disapproves.

"Sorry, sir," I whisper.

Coach Taylor discusses a new play but I don't pay attention.

"Come on, guys. We need to show them who they're dealing with!" Coach motivates before we make our way back onto the court.

"Don't worry, Luna. It's the finals so Coach is stressed," Logan consoles me.

The referee blows his whistle.

- Flashback -

"No, Luna! Non è giusto(No, Luna! That's not fair)!" Ella complains.

"Come lo sapresti? Non sei un arbitro(How would you know? You're not a referee)," I answer back.

"Se solo avessimo qualcuno da arbitrare per noi(If only we had someone to referee for us)," Ella wishes wistfully.

The blow of the whistle calls me back into the game.

"For goodness' sake, Luna. What's the matter with you, today?" one of my teammates groans.

Logan approaches me.

"You're not moving, Luna. Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?" Logan questions, concerned.

- Flashback -

"Dove ti fa male(Where does it hurt)?" I question, trying to stay calm even though there's panic rising in me.

"Luna?" Logan's voice is muffled.

- Flashback -

It was that she said before closing her eyes and never opening them again.


That's the last thing I hear before I fall into a blackness.

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