Chapter Twenty- What's going on with Luna?

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Since I've woken up from my dream, I can't go back to sleep. Instead of torturing myself in bed, I tiptoe down the stairs and start preparing breakfast, in order to repent myself. I enjoy the aroma of baked beans warming in the microwave, the sizzle of bacon and eggs on a frying pan, the crunch of toast as I butter it and the hissing of the kettle as I prepare a mug of hot chocolate for me and a cup of coffee for Mamma. I'm so distracted that I don't hear the shuffle of footsteps behind me.

"Oh, good morning!" I chorus after I turn my back, my hands laden with plates and mugs.

Mom doesn't respond as I set the table and just sits down and eats.

I clear my throat.

"I'm going to play basketball with Logan and my teammates today and afterwards I'm going shopping with Lara," I tell her.

After staring at her plate for the whole time, my Mum finally looks up.

"E lasciami indovinare: sei state invitato ieri e hai deciso di dirmelo brevemente prima di saltare(And let me guess: you were invited yesterday and decided to tell me briefly before flouncing off)?" Mamma aggressively suggests.

Why is she behaving like this?

"Mi dispiace di avere amici e tu no(I'm sorry I have friends and you don't)!" I blurt out before I can stop myself.

Mom flinches as if the insult I've thrown in her face is a slap. She gets up abruptly and makes her way upstairs.

"E la tua colazione(What about your breakfast)?" I call out.

"Non ho fame(I'm not hungry)."

When I've finished my breakfast, she comes down, dressed up in her uniform for work.

"Non hai un turno oggi(You don't have a shift today)," I complain bitterly.

"E successo qualcosa al ristorante(Something came up at the restaurant)," my Mum briefly explains before slamming the door.

I feel like throwing something! She's so selfish as to book herself an extra shift just to get back at me. However, I don't care; I will go out and have fun.

Up until it's time to go, I lounge on the couch and start on some homework. When it's eleven o'clock, I change into a plain grey hoodie and black Adidas cycling shorts whilst grabbing my purse full of all my savings and leave the house. I study my phone on which bus I should take - and the next time it comes-, where should I take it from and where I should get off.

On the bus, I listen to music and I find out that Logan has created a group chat for us on WhatsApp:
Logan: Hey, guys. Just arrived at McDonald's - 11:45
Unknown number: Can't see u - 11:50
Unknown number: Never mind - 11:52
Logan: Ur the only 1 left, Luna, to come - 11:55
Me: K. Just coming in - 12:00

Inside there are youngsters, toddlers, parents, teenagers and kids. At one of the tables, the basketball team are laughing and chatting loudly, all except from Logan who is anxiously glancing around the fast food restaurant and smiles when he sees me, beckoning me over.

"Hey!" I greet enthusiastically.

"Finally, she's here so can we eat?" Tom, begs.

"It's your fault that you didn't eat breakfast this morning," Logan scolds.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes, you greedy pig."

Tom shoves him before throwing a handful of chips into his mouth.

I chuckle.

"I'm going to order my food," I tell them.

They all nod distractedly.

At the till, I order and wait for my cheeseburger, chips and Fanta before taking them back to the table of my teammates. Logan offers willingly the seat next to him and I accept it gratefully.

They all start talking about subjects that are my specialities: basketball games, players, teams and coaches. It feels like those times with Ella. I feel a pang in my heart, thinking of the dream/nightmare I had last night. I shake my head, trying to rid of the thought.

"Logan, why do you keeping on staring at Luna?" Tom asks, smirking.

I don't make eye contact but in the corner of my eye, I can see Logan blushing.

"She was shaking her head. I was wondering if she was ok," Logan answers.

"It was nothing," I reassure him.

"But you've been staring at her since she's come in," Tom stated.

Suddenly, I feel uncomfortable.

"I'm going to the toilet," I excuse myself," Where is it?"

"Upstairs and take a left turn," Tom directs, a sly grin still pulling at his face.

"Thanks," I whisper, rushing off.

I didn't actually need to use the toilet. It was the only excuse I could think of to escape the awkward situation. After dawdling what I feel is long enough, I return to the table.

"Are you finished eating? We were thinking of going to the court," Logan suggests.


We exit McDonald's, strolled to a local basketball court.

"Let's play basketball!"

Lara's POV

I'm flicking through my clothes when my notifications makes me jump in surprise. My phone reads:

Luna: Hey! Pls come and pick me up. Ik it's earlier than we planned but something came up - 14:00
Me: Sure. Text me where u r and I'll be on my way xxx - 14:01

I slip on the nearest pieces of clothing, climb downstairs, beg Mom to drop me off to meet Luna and I'm being driven in her car. Outside my window, Luna's leaning on the barbed wire surrounding the court.

"Hey!" I chorus.

"Hey!" Luna responds, absent-mindedly.


Someone is calling for Luna. In the distance, I just about make out my cousin, Logan running, flustered. However, Luna ignores him and says,"Let's go."

"But Logan's calling for you!"

Luna scowls, angrily.

"I said let's go!"

She quickly greets Mom.

"Are you coming?"

"Yeah. See ya, Mom."

"See you, sweetie.

One question is ringing in my head:

What's going on with Luna?

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