Chapter 5

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Next day, in the school, in the free period, all the boys were playing Cricket in the classroom. Avneet was in deep thoughts, trying to recall what had happened in the inter school competition. A ball made from crushed paper went inside her back. She did not know about it.
In the maths period, when she opened her maths book there was a note which said,
" Meet me near the auditorium in the last period
                    - Siddharth "
Avneet's happiness knew no bounds, but she was confused, why Siddharth will call her. Then she saw towards Siddharth, Siddharth also saw towards her and they both shared a smile.

In the last period Siddharth was not there in the class. It was Ms. Ahuja's period-Avneet's favourite. She doesn't Wanted to bunk the class, but she had to- how could she miss this golden opportunity coomeet Siddharth. She asked Ms. Ahuja, " Ma'am may I go to washroom?"
" Yes! " Ms. Ahuja replied.
Instead of going to washroom, she went near the auditorium, but could not find Siddharth over there. Thousands of questions started floating in her mind; Was Siddharth making a fool out of her? Was the note from Siddharth? If not, so who was doing this?
Avneet decided to go back and as she turned back she got bumped into a boy, ah... That was Sidharth.
" Ouch... " Avneet wailed while rubbing her nose.
" Avneet, how come you are here?" Siddharth stammered.
" Didn't  you send for me?"
" OK! So it was your book!" he mumbled.
" Pardon"
" Actually, it wasn't for you it was for Shanaya."
Avneet's eyes filled with tears, these words from Siddharth infuriated her. Her emotions were mixture of sadness and anger. Without a word she moved away.
Siddharth called out, " Send Shanaya... please."
Agreed stopped and turned back.
" I've lots of other work even." She fumed and went away.
This was the first time in her life that she had talked to Siddharth or anyone like that. When she reached home, her mood was not very good. She was fighting from herself. She held herself responsible for her heartbreak because she should had been this much reasonable to guess that such a note from Siddharth can't be for a girl like her. She was upset.

She opened the zip of her bag to take out the book which she had recently issued from the library and suddenly a crushed paper ball fell from her bag.
As she opened that paper in that a verse was written. It said:

' Lost in my own thoughts,
As the clouds turned dark;
And through my imagination,
I peeped into her heart,
Wondering why I feel so caged,
Surviving in these hellish days. '

These 6 lines just bedazzled her. Her whole mood changed. She felt completely relaxed after reading the verse.
" Who can write so beautifully in our class? " Aadhya thought.
Suddenly and urge to write came on her. An idea of popped in her mind and she jotted down her thoughts on that page and kept it in her one of the copy.

In the night, when she was lying on a bed, awaken, she was thinking about the writer,
" He is a boy." She said to herself.
" but who... Ravi... No.. He is worst at it... Ragga.. No.. Ah.. Who it could be. "
She thought.
But strange feeling for the writer of the verse started to develop in her heart. She liked his words, his feelings, everything,   but who he was?? Was the biggest question and in this dilemma she slept.

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