Chapter 5

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Quantum Coffee - Toronto, Canada - January 2020 CE

"You have to take this deal!" Jessica exclaimed loudly while she clapped her hands like a small child. Jessica may be the director of the largest museum in Canada but she still was a child at heart.

"You don't have to yell. I don't need the whole world knowing my business." Maria hissed as she looked around the busy cafe to make sure no one was eavesdropping on her conversation. She had just showed her two closest friends the letter she received from Nasser Awad. Maria wanted to take the offer but she needed some reassurance before she finalized her decision. She chose to meet them at their favorite coffee shop which was one of Toronto's hottest espresso spots. 

"You should have told us this weekend. You could've met Mr. Awad right away." Sylvester added budding into the conversation. It was now Monday and Maria had received the note on Friday during her exhibition.

"I know, I know. I just wanted to relax and not think about anything this weekend. Also you know I need to reconnect with my kids." Maria explained.

"I get it but you should let Mr. Awad know about you decision as soon as possible so you can start planning. He wants to leave in June so you got six months to tell Rose and find someone to fill your spot for the year." Sylvester said as he sipped his espresso, even though it was evening Sylvester didn't sleep much so he drank coffee whenever.

"Also you got to figure out who's coming on the trip. I believe you should have some of grad students come. It would be good for them to get some field work done." added Jessica.

"You're right. I'll call him tomorrow." Maria said warily while smiling at both her friends. She was beginning to feel overwhelmed but she trusted her gut and friends advice.

"Call him now! Go outside and give Mr. Awad a call. You're just stalling now! said Jessica impatiently.

"Alright I'll go." Maria got up from her seat and pulled out her phone.

"I'll be right outside." Maria said as she motioned herself towards the cafe's entrance.

Maria stepped out into Toronto's cold mid January snow. The snow was falling softly down and snow flakes were starting to collect on Maria's black hair that was beginning to gray as she dialed the number to reach Nasser Awad.


Nasser Awad lived in Toronto's most expensive neighborhood - Bridle Path. Home to Drake, Hong Kong billionaires and Toronto's elites. Nasser had lived in Toronto for the last ten years. He owned countless properties in some of world finest cities - Cairo, Dubai, Paris, Singapore, Baghdad and Athens but Toronto's diversity made Nasser stay even though he hated the cold. Toronto was the only city where the natives came in all colors. 

Nasser Awad may have been born into the lap of luxury and made billions from his investment in Microsoft and his family's oil fields in Iraq but he didn't live your typical playboy lifestyle. For starters he didn't marry a woman half his age. Nasser had stayed happily married to his Zainab for over thirty years. He also put a lot of money into museums and universities.

Nasser was hoping he hear from Maria since Friday.

"Who could refuse 50 million dollars?" he wondered to himself. Nasser knew Maria was a religious woman since she wore a crucifix around her neck but she couldn't be that humble. Anybody would accept that kind of money. It wasn't like he was asking Maria to do something illegal. If anything he was funding her passion.

The whole weekend made Nasser on edge. He was checking his phone all the time. It got to the point where his wife told him to pray and relax.

"You go pray some sunnah. If it is meant to be, Allah will let it happen." Zainab would say. She was by Nasser's side and helping him maintain his composure. Nasser needed Maria to agree to the excavation since she was the most educated on Babylon. Nasser saw that when he went to Maria's exhibition. It was God sent that he saw the commercial for the event on TV, if he didn't Nasser wouldn't know who was qualified enough to be site director. All the other universities had sub par candidates. If Maria refused his offer, Nasser would have to make professor Henry Collins of Cambridge University the site director for the excavation. Something Nasser didn't want since Henry Collins was known for being extremely arrogant and hot headed.

When Zainab tried to calm down Nasser's eccentric outbursts. He would smile and say "Allah gave me the best wife."

When Nasser's phone rang he answered it without checking the number.

"Um...hi, is this Nasser Awad?" said a woman in a slight Latin accent.

"Why, yes it is." Nasser said with a toothy grin. He knew Maria would come around.

"This is Maria from the exhibition. I would just like to thank you for giving me an opportunity to lead this excavation and I would be honored to help you." Maria said.

"Splendid. Is it okay if I meet you right now? I would like to speak to the chancellor of your university, Rose Patten." Nasser said.

"I'm at a cafe in downtown. Is it okay if I meet your tomorrow morning at the St. George campus?" asked Maria.

Nasser was feeling impatient. He wanted to get down to business as soon as possible. "It's only 5pm perhaps I could meet you there. You understand we only have six months to plan this. Right?"

"You're right. Meet me at Quantum Coffee, its on Spadina and King. Mind you I'm with my friends." Maria replied. She felt she was being rushed to make a decision but who could refuse this. If Rose Patten, her higher up agreed Maria could me making history in a matter of no time.

"Alright, I will see you there in twenty minutes." Nasser said as he hung up the phone.

Nasser's heart was beating if Maria could get her boss to agree and get enough students. His face could be on the front of National Geographic or even Time. He knew the tablet of Babylon connected Babylon to Africa and Europe, he just needed the artifacts to prove it.

"Zainab, Maria agreed I'm meeting her now. Wish me luck!" Nasser called out to his wife beaming. 

"Alright love. I told you, you just needed patience." His wife replied as she kissed him goodbye.

Nasser went to his garage and decided to take his Tesla Model S. If was quick and energy efficient. Nasser drove an electric care but his family was rich because of the oil fields they owned. Nasser started the car and drove to the core of Toronto to meet Maria.


The line disconnected. Maria smiled, she was glad her friends pushed her do to this. The only thing that was standing in Maria's way to this once in a life time opportunity was Rose's approval and finding someone to take her place for the year.

Maria actually never met Rose. Rose was one of Toronto's most successful business people and was just elected chancellor of the university back in 2018. Sylvester knew Rose from meetings since he was the head of the faculty. Sylvester said she seemed nice but didn't know her outside of meetings. Maria knew she was a Bay Street executive but that was the extent of it. 

As for finding a replacement for the year, Maria's obvious choice would be her assistant professor Victor Loper but he was incompetent, had a horrible stutter and didn't get along well with the students. Maria thought about getting a new assistant professor but felt bad for Victor and put him under her wing. 

Maria walked back into the cafe escaping the cold and getting back to her seat with Sylvester and Jessica.

"So?" Jessica asked making intent eye contact with Maria.

"He's coming here in twenty minutes and wants to meet Rose after this." Maria said.

Jessica clapped her hands again and elbowed Sylvester beside her. "You hear that. Your girlfriend's going to be a millionaire." said Jessica a little too loudly.

Sylvester shot her a look that could shut anyone up. His thick grey eyebrows furrowed and his wrinkling skin bunched up. "You know damn well we didn't date."

Jessica backed off "Sorry, is it a crime to think you two would've have been a good couple?" Jessica was the kind of friend to put all her single on dates. 

Maria hated when people asked about her love life. Ever since the death of her husband, Maria only went on two dates. Every time she went on a date she felt like she was cheating on her husband. He was a good man and Maria doubted any man could be like him.

"Sylvester, do you know where to reach Rose at this time?" Maria asked, wanting to change the subject.

"She has a budget planning meeting today at the Scarborough campus till eight tonight. If you want to I'll drive you to Scarborough to meet her there."

Jessica gave Sylvester a sloppy grin when she heard that.   

Maria glanced at her watch it was now 5:15 pm. She had amble time to get to Scarborough. Which was about an hour's drive from downtown.

"I want to see what Nasser wants to do. But its likely he'll want to meet Rose today. He sounds like he's rushing." Maria said.

"Of course he's rushing. He already has Cambridge University with him and you only have six months to decide who will be your replacement for the year, who will you bringing and most importantly who will be watching the kids." Sylvester said with a strong voice.

Maria was quiet for a second and took in what Sylvester said. "I know I don't want Victor replacing me for the year. He's sweet and all but he's not really a good teacher."

Sylvester and Jessica nodded in unison as Maria continued. "As for my team and my kids. I think I'll bring them. Jose would love an opportunity like this and I don't trust Sofia to stay in Toronto alone. I just have to figure out who will be on the excavation team."

"Well it seems you got things covered but if need some people for your excavation I have some field archaeologists who I'm sure will love to accompany you and I'm sure Sylvester could provide some team members from the university." Jessica said while she and Sylvester nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys. I would never know what to do without you two." Maria gushed.

Sylvester gestured towards the cafe's entrance. "It seems the man of hour has arrived." Jessica and Maria both faced the entrance to see Nasser.

Nasser Awad was sixty two years old but was still stylish and poised. He wore a Canada Goose jacket, a silver Rolex watch and Cartier Panthere glasses. His accessories alone cost more than Jessica, Sylvester and Maria's incomes combined.

Nasser made eye with Maria and smiled as we walked towards their table.

"Mind if a take a seat." Nasser said as he pulled up a chair.

Jessica and Sylvester knew Nasser before Maria did. Nasser gave Jessica a donation of 10 million dollars to the museum and did like wise for Sylvester for the faculty of Anthropology at the University of Toronto.

"Ah...Mr. Greene and Mrs. Golding, I hope you put the donations to good use." Nasser said as he waved towards Jessica and Sylvester since he didn't like shaking hands.

"Of course, the funds were used to help with student scholarships." Sylvester said proudly.

"Oh! The museum open ten new exhibits and helped with the funding for the excavation of Qumran." added Jessica excitedly. 

Nasser laughed heartily "You two are perfect for your careers."

Nasser turned to Maria "I believe we briefly met last Friday."

"Yes I would like to accept your offer but I have two conditions." Maria said firmly.

"Anything you want." Nasser replied.

"I want to bring my children."

"Of course."

"And I want you to find me a replacement for the year." 

Nasser nodded once Maria finished her demands and said "I think I have someone in mind but we need to get Rose on board first."

"Well she is at the Scarborough campus tonight till eight tonight. If you go now you'll probably be able talk to her tonight." Sylvester said.

"My car is parked outside and we shall leave this moment but I suggest you all come with me. It would make our request more convincing if have the head of the faculty of anthropology and the director of the Royal Ontario Museum backing us up." Nasser explained.

Sylvester and Jessica smiled from ear to ear and got up from their seats at quickly as possible to join Maria and Nasser for the drive to the Scarborough campus. Sylvester paid the bill and left a twenty dollar bill as tip because he was a good mood. 

The group left Quantum Coffee and followed Nasser his red Tesla Model S.

"Rush hour is over now. So we should be in Scarborough in under an hour even if it's snowing." Nasser claimed.

Toronto was an enormous city with over six million residents. The city was split into four districts Etobicoke, Downtown, North York and Scarborough. It took forever to drive from one district to another especially in the winter.

The four intellectuals sat in the Tesla making awkward small talk while driving to the campus. After minutes of grueling traffic and lots of uncomfortable moments of silence the group made it the University of Toronto's Scarborough campus. Unlike the like St. George campus that Maria and Sylvester worked at this campus was far from the city center but had a modern look. The St. George campus had an old colonial look.

Nasser showed his expensive Rolex to the group and said "Its about 7:30 she should be out soon."

"Shouldn't we go find her?" asked Jessica.

"You're right. Sylvester do you know where the meeting is tonight?" asked Nasser as motioned his hands towards the snow covered campus.

"Uh...yeah. It should be in the Highland Hall Building which is not too far from this parking lot. Uh...about a twenty minute walk from here." answered Sylvester in a slow voice since he was trying to remember where the building was. Sylvester spent most of his at the St. George campus and rarely went to the other campuses. 

"Well lets head off to that building now!" Nasser said eagerly. 

The group began walking to the Highland Hall Building in hopes to meet Rose. Maria's heart was beating in her chest. If Rose agreed to the project Maria could be writing one of the most important and groundbreaking research papers the University of Toronto has ever seen. Also she would be a millionaire. 

Maria wondered what she do with once she received her millions from Nasser. Would she move to Havana? New York? Or maybe just purchase a mansion in Toronto? Would she would retire? Maria shook her head. Even if Rose agreed to the excavation there was no guarantee that they find anything in Athens or Yeha. 

Maria felt a ball in her throat once she approached the Highland Hall Building. Its modern glass design gleamed in the moonlight as the group opened the doors to the entrance. Maria mouth began to feel dry once they entered the building. Rose Patten was the chancellor of the University of Toronto and Maria had never laid eyes on Rose in person but here Maria was asking for time off and permission. What a good first impression. 

The building was empty since it was after school hours but the group of history buffs could hear the soft mummer of voices in the distance. 

"They're probably in one of the lecture halls. Once the meeting is over we'll go visit Rose." Sylvester said.

A lecture hall door opened and several people began to exit it, signalling the meeting was over. Nasser rubbed his hands together and was ready to convince Rose that she should give the university permission to go along with the excavation. Nasser felt like he had a good chance of convincing her since he just gave the university a fifty thousand dollar donation a few weeks ago. If he remembered correctly, Nasser was the university's largest donor. If anything Rose was returning him a favor.

The second Rose left the now empty meeting she was greeted by Nasser.

"Madame Rose Patten its great to see you again." 

"Nasser, you're not making another donation are you!" Rose exclaimed remembering the countless times Nasser came in by surprise just to give her a check for the university.

"Actually, I just need a few minutes to explain something to you. Can I have a few moments of your time?" asked Nasser.

Rose pulled out her iPhone and sighed "It's a little late. Can it wait?"

"The sooner the better." Nasser replied has he clasped his hands together to form a begging motion.

"You have ten minutes. I'm only doing cause I like you." Rose said firmly as she walked back into the lecture hall. She motioned Nasser, Jessica, Sylvester and Maria to take a seat.

"Well start by introducing yourselves ladies. I already know Nasser and Sylvester." Rose said.

"I'm Jessica Golding, director of the ROM." 

"I'm Maria Lorenzo professor of ancient civilizations at University of Toronto."

Rose smiled at Maria then Sylvester. 

"Ah yes...I heard about you from Sylvester. So what is your business here?" Rose asked.

"I would like to ask you for your permission to do an excavation and have University of Toronto represent the research paper." requested Sylvester.

"I heard of your big excavation project Nasser and I'm impressed. To prove Babylon was connected to both Europe and Africa? I surprised you didn't ask Cambridge to the paper though to be honest. Cambridge would be all over that."

Nasser's mouth dropped opened. How could she have known that. Seeing the look of surprise of Nasser's face Rose clarified herself.

"I spoke with David Sainsbury of Cambridge this week. He told that you were going to ask the University of Toronto to lead the excavation and I'm glad you chose us. This whole meeting just now was about how to finance the excavation."

"So we your permission to have the University of Toronto lead the excavation?" asked Nasser with a surprised face on."

"Why of course! You've donated millions to this university to we have the funds available." exclaimed Rose.

"Well I wasn't here to ask for funding seen I'll be doing that myself." Nasser explained.

"Well if don't need funding what are you asking for? My blessings?" Rose asked quizzically. 

"I just want to have professor Maria Lorenzo come to the excavation. Her knowledge on Babylon is just what this excavation needs. She translated the Tablet of Babylon and she was the one who figured out that Babylon, Europe and Africa were connected. I just need you to grant her sometime of work and find her a replacement for the year." explained Nasser.

"He's right. Her exhibition on Babylon was one of best events the museum ever hosted." Jessica chimed in.

"Of course you can have the time off and I'll get you a replacement. If Nasser is funding the whole excavation I don't see why not." Rose said.

Maria was engulfed with delight her dreams were finally coming true but her life would be a nightmare in a matter of months. Eight months from today Maria would have a two thousand year cold hand wrapped around her neck in Ethiopia. 

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