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Temple of Marduk, Babylon - 539 BCE (Modern Day Iraq)

The city of Babylon was surrounded by King Cyrus. All its walls were penetrated by the Persians and it was only a matter of time before they declared Babylon as a city of the Persian empire. 

As the walls of Babylon began to crumple and King Cyrus's men marched into the streets of Babylon, chaos ensued. The soldiers burned shops, killed innocents and starting taking loot. In a matter of minutes, the city of Babylon began to flow with blood and the screams of terrified citizens. 

While havoc wrecked most of Babylon there were still some places that were safe. This included the Temple of Marduk. The Temple always had a serene vibe to it. Even as Babylon was being pillaged the Temple could still bring calmness to a shaky heart. 

The followers of Priestess Anatu were gathered around her in the dimly lit temple. Heads down and ears open waiting for her guidance and instruction. They were waiting for their escape. If they were captured or caught. Anatu and her followers would be killed or forced to convert to the religion of King Cyrus.

"The city will be conquered by the enemy within a few hours. I need you all to follow my instructions closely." Anatu said with utter clarity.

The followers nodded. And dared not make a sound. The Priestess was youthful and possessed great beauty. Even King Belshazzar himself wanted her hand in marriage. Anatu refused since she did not want her faith to be corrupted by riches and wealth. Anatu could've been Queen of Babylon but chose a life of devotion and prayer. 

Anatu was raised by the temple, she was abandoned there as a baby. No one knows who her family was but some people speculate that she was the child of foreigners. Since she was extremely light and had yellow hair, not a typical look for the brown skinned Babylonians. 

Ever since she was a child, Anatu took over the mundane tasks of the temple. Cleaning, tending to the gardens and helping the worshipers. Even as she rose up the ranks to High Priestess she still did these tasks. Despite her lack of a family, Anatu grew up to be intelligent and respected.  She learned the art of magic from other priests and priestesses and could curse anyone who crossed her or the followers of the temple by using her knowledge of botany. She once poisoned a whole village that was known for robbing caravans outside of Babylon by only using a few herbs. She was both feared and loved by all the people of Babylon. 

When she spoke people listened especially in times when people were in dire need of help. Her advice and guidance was always accepted and followed. 

"I need you all to leave Babylon but in two caravans. So we don't draw attention. One caravan will head north to Athens. We have traded with them. So you'll be safe in their lands." Anatu said looking at all the scared followers as she spoke. 

The followers nodded again. With tears flowing in their eyes.

Anatu continued. "The second caravan will head south to Arabia. Once you make it to south Arabia cross the red sea for D'mt. The kingdom there is also good for trading and is well connected. The civilians should treat you fine."

The followers looked assured now. Their tears were still there but they had hope now. 

"Who will lead the caravans?" asked one of the followers.

"High Priestess Shala will lead the caravan north and High Priestess Kissare will lead the caravan south." Anatu replied firmly. Shala and Kissare were barely grown women. They rose of to the ranks of High Priestess just like Anatu in a short amount of time, they were also abandoned at the temple when they were babies. 

"What about you?" asked the same follower.

Anatu sighed. "I will die for this temple. You must carry our teachings to new lands. The art of our botany and our religion. Make sure our ideologies last till the end of time!" Anatu shouted encouragingly.

Her followers began to cry bitterly. Hoping their leader would join them for refuge.

"Do not cry for me. You will always have my teachings with you. Your new leaders are Shala and Kissare." Anatu said assuredly looking towards Shala and Kissare.

At this point Anatu was starting to tear up. She realized that if her followers didn't go soon the Temple of Marduk will only be a memory. 

She grabbed a clay tablet and began to write.

"To future generations of Babylon, D'mt and Athens. I use this stone to remind you of the Temple of Marduk ,a place with the art of holy incantation and souls devoted to serving the deities that provided us blessings and hope. I, Anatu High Priestess of Babylon am one of the devoted worshipers here.

Our temple should have lasted centuries more if it were not the greediness King Cyrus and the laziness of our King Belshazzar. I have sent two Priestesses to spread our message. Priestess Shala to Athens and Priestess Kissare to D'mt. If they are to make to it to those lands. This tablet will just be a reminder of our trials but if they do not. I'm afraid this is all that that remains of our Temple."  

Anatu of Babylon.

Anatu hide the tablet under the floor and wept. She hoped the tablet would be found by someone who cared for the temple as much as she did.

"Go now! You must leave soon or we will be destroyed." Anatu shouted as she heard screaming intensifying outside of the Temple. 

Her followers began packing everything they needed old scriptures, healing herbs, spell books, trading items, food for the journey and their personal belongings. Both caravans had about twenty five people and with that there was about three to four children per caravan. 

The followers began loading the camels and horses with their belongings. The screaming outside the temple was beginning to become deafening. This made the followers move more quickly and caused the children of the group to start crying.

Anatu comforted the children with prayers sung in her soft voice. Her voice was so soothing. It made them tune out the screams and cries from outside the temple temporarily .

Once the caravans were ready, Anatu ordered the southern caravan to go first since their journey was of a longer distance. Once an hour passed the second caravan going north could depart. Anatu didn't want both caravans leaving at once because that would draw too much attention. She wanted her followers not to be noticed as they escaped the cities walls. If they were caught they would be prisoners of war or worse. Before the southern caravan left she spoke to Kissare, the leader of the caravan going south.

"Pray as much as you can and never forget about the teachings of the Temple of Marduk. Spread our teachings to the southern lands!" Anatu said rallying.

Kissare smiled and hugged Anatu good bye. She lead her caravan quietly and quickly so the enemy would not see them. 

After a painful hour, Anatu knew the second caravan had to go to. She hugged the leader of the second caravan, Shala. Anatu gave the same advice as she did to Kissare and told them to hurry. Anatu could feel the walls of the temple shake as if people were smashing giant rocks against it.

As much as it hurt Anatu to see her followers go. She felt at ease knowing that Kissare and Shala were leading them. They both been very keen about the teachings of Anatu, sometimes a little too keen.

After all the followers had escaped, she prayed towards the deities made of stone and prayed for her followers protection. Anatu did all the rituals she learned so many years ago. Tend the gardens, clean the deities and use the profane censer to make the temple smell nice. 

As she used the profane censer to make the temple smell its usual calming smell. The soldiers of King Cyrus burst though the temple doors armed with their swords drawn. Items that were strictly forbidden in the temple. 

"I ask you to remove your weapons from the Temple of Marduk. This is a place of peace not a battle ground." said Anatu with her teeth clenched. 

The soldiers laughed wickedly and the soldier leading them walked towards Anatu. 

"Silly girl, we have captured Babylon and are taking our prize." the soldier said.

"I am not a prize. I am here to serve the deities." Anatu snapped.

"Forget this temple life. I will take you as a bride and you can be spared. Your beauty shouldn't be wasted in a temple." the leader of the group said with a sly smile. This smile made a Anatu boil inside. His smile reminded her of a jackal ready to pounce.

"I'd rather die in this temple than live a thousand years with you!" shouted Anatu.

"Suit yourself then." the soldier sighed as he drew his sword to kill Anatu.

Anatu swung here profane censer at the commander blocking his sword. The commander was taken aback by this. Once she had the chance, Anatu struck the commander in the head with the profane censer. Smashing his skull. 

King Cyrus' soldiers looked at Anatu in shock. A priestess killing a soldier? The soldiers thought the young priestess would surrender in a heartbeat but she was resistant and bared her teeth like a lioness.   

"I am Anatu. High Priestess of the Temple of Marduk. You must kill me if you want to claim this temple for your empire!"

And with that King Cyrus' soldiers charged at Anatu with their swords. Stabbing her all over. The once beautiful and powerful priestess was now laying in a pool of her own blood. 

Anatu was one the most important and esteemed people of Babylon but after the siege of Babylon by King Cyrus. She was forgotten like everyone else who died that unfortunate day when King Cyrus decided Babylon was his.      

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