Chapter 14

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The desert was quite as a black motorcycle drove off the road towards a car laying on its hood. The figure parked the motorcycle and walked towards the car. Two men that looked very similar to each other followed close behind.

Bulkhead groaned and looked around, he realized he was hanging upside down. He grunted as he tried to move. He looked over and saw Miko hanging upside down still unconscious.

"Miko..." He grunted as he reached for her, and winced in pain when he moved. "Ugh...Miko..." He groaned straining to help her.

Bulkhead heard people walking towards them, he looked out his window and saw three figures. They stopped and the leader approached. When the biker was a few feet away he stopped and crouched next to the drivers window. The wrecker glared at the man. The biker was wearing a black jacket and a black outfit that was lined with dark blue. He had black gloves and a black helmet with purple markings around the V shaped glass. The wrecker saw the Desepticon insignia on his shoulder. The biker cocked his head and pulled out what looked like a whip.

"Soundwave." Bulkhead growled as he realized who it was. The Desepticon nodded once and reached for him. The roar of an engine made him turn suddenly and yellow muscle car came to a screeching halt. Three figures jumped out and ran towards them.

Wheeljack and Acree attacked the two drones, while Bumblebee ran straight for Soundwave. The con stood up and charged the scout.

Bulkhead looked around again and unbuckled his seat belt. He grunted as he hit the roof, and winced when he got up. He crawled over to the girl and carefully put an arm around her shoulders. He held her close as he unbuckled her seatbelt. Bulkhead winced and grit his teeth as he carefully pulled the girl out of the car.

Bumblebee dodged as Soundwave cracked his whip thing. He had no idea what it was but he didn't want to touch it. He kicked and punched at the biker, who dodged with ease. The con kicked and punched at the scout. As he dodged another punch, the con hit him with the whip and it wrapped around his arm. Soundwave smiled to himself and pressed a button. Electricity coursed through the scouts body, he grit his teeth and tried to fight back. The con increased the power level.

"BUMBLEBEE!!" Arcee screamed. Wheeljack ran towards them.

The con increased the level and the scout screamed silently, he fell to his knees and he felt his skin burning. He continued to scream silently as the con shocked him. Wheeljack yelled and smashed his swords hilt into the cons helmet. Soundwave stumbled back and dodged as Wheeljack swiped at him with his swords.

Arcee ran to the scout, he was laying on his side clutching his abdomen. He was shaking a little as the electricity coursed through him.

"Bee? Bee are you okay?" She asked.

He nodded and shakily pointed to the car, she saw Bulkhead struggling to get Miko out of the vehicle. The scout weakly pushed her towards the wrecker. Arcee ran to the car and helped Bulkhead out. He carefully craddled the young girl in his arms and limped to the yellow car. Arcee ran to the scout and helped him up. He used her as a crutch and grit his teeth in pain as they walked to the car. She looked over her shoulder towards Wheeljack who was still fight Soundwave.

Wheeljack slashed at the con and ducked as he swung his whip. He kicked the con in the stomach as he came back up. Soundwave stumbled back and cracked his whip. He swung again and Wheeljack caught the whip with his sword. He yanked and pulled the whip out of his hand. He smirked and the con kicked him in the face. Wheeljack fell to the ground, Soundwave kicked him in the stomach and picked up his whip. He kicked the Autobot again and walked towards his bike. Wheeljack glared after him as he got up. He stumbled to his feet and wiped blood from his mouth. Soundwave jumped on to the motorcycle and looked over his shoulder at the warrior.

"This isn't over Desepticon." Wheeljack growled menacingly. The con sped off and his engine roared angrily as he went down the road. The wrecker picked up his swords and made his way over to the others.

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