Chapter 17

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Sorry guys major inspiration, that's why there are so many chapters coming out at once. Thanks for reading! :)

Bumblebee wandered aimlessly around the base looking for Rachet. Team Prime hadn't been able to find the medic all day. Wheeljack told them he had left last night with Mrs Darby, but wasn't sure if he came back. The scout heard a car engine coming up the tunnel. He ran into the main room with the others and saw Mrs Darby pull up. She got out and looked at them with confusion.

"What's wrong?" She asked looking around. "Wait, where's Rachet?"

"We were hoping you could tell us." Smokescreen said. She looked at him confused.

"Mrs Darby, did Rachet assist you to your home?" Optimus asked.

"Yes...but I got home at 8:30 and he left right after." She said worry starting to creep into her heart.

"Did he say anything else that would be helpful?" Optimus asked. June tried to calm her mind down as she focused on what they had talked about the previous night.

"He mentioned that he needed to go to the hardware store, so I told him how to get there." She said, the nurse felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach, and in her throat. She had been the last person to see him.

Where could he be?


Rachet slowly opened his eyes, his head was throbbing, and he realized he was laying on the floor with his back against the wall. The floor was cold and the room was dark except for a small hole in the ceiling. He blinked slowly as the far door opened, or cell door, he wasn't sure. The red headed man walked into the room and crouched down next to him. He cocked his head to the side and looked at the doctor.

"Wakey wakey." The man said smiling wickedly.

"Knockout..." Rachet rasped as he struggled to sit up. He winced as he leaned against the wall. "What do you want?" He seethed. Knockout smirked and acted as though he had offended him.

"Oh please doctor." Knockout said still smirking. "I'm not the one who wants you here. Lord Megatron ordered us to capture you, though I seriously don't know why." He said getting back up. The con lazily walked towards the door. Rachet glared at him, once the drug wore off he was going to have to punch him in the nose.

"If I were you, I'd cooperate. Otherwise we'll have to find the proper motivation." The con said smiling wickedly at him before he left. The doctor just glared at the closed door.

"Like I would ever help Megatron." He thought angrily.


Team Prime had all jumped into a van and drove to Jasper to find their missing teammate. Optimus had decided it would be to suspicious for all of them to take their own cars. They parked the car in an alley behind the hardware store and all got out.

"Won't it be weird for a group of people to just walk into the store?" Arcee asked. Optimus looked at the group for a minute.

"I see your point. Wheeljack and Bulkhead search down the street in case someone saw something, or he went that way. Arcee and Smokescreen take the van and circle the block, see if you can find anything that might help. Bumblebee your with me, we will talk to the shop owner and see if he knows anything. We'll meet back here in an hour." He said, they nodded and left.

Bumblebee looked around as they walked to the door of the shop. The sign on the door said closed, but they could see the owner inside sweeping. The scout looked at the leader suspiciously and pointed to his wrist.

"You're right Bumblebee, the shop should have been open two hours ago." Optimus said as he read the shops hours. He tried the handle and was surprised to find it unlocked, the bell dinged.

"We're closed." The shop owner said without looking up.

"Then why is your door unlocked?" Optimus said. The owner looked up and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Must have forgot to lock it..." He muttered. Bee nudged the leader and motioned towards the mess.

"We're looking for someone who came here last night." Optimus said pulling out a picture of the doctor. Agent Fowler had insisted they take pictures just in case something happened. The man looked at the ground and kept sweeping.

"Never seen him." He said sounding bored, and walked behind the counter.

"You didn't even look at it." The leader growled.

"Look I'm very busy." The man said trying to shrug them off. Optimus slammed a fist on the counter making the man jump.

"I have tried to be patient, but this man's life could be in danger, and I know something happened here last night. Now tell me what you know." He said angrily.

The mans eyes widened in fear and he trembled a little. He didn't know why but this man scared him. Optimus didn't want to lose his friend, and he could tell this man was lying to him.

Bee looked out the window and saw two men approaching. He whistled a warning which surprised him, because he didn't know he could do that. Optimus turned around and glared at the door. He motioned for Bee to follow and they hid in the back.

"Not a word." He growled at the man who whimpered softly and nodded. The two Autobots waited just behind the swinging doors.

"Ah gentlemen, how are you today?" They heard the owner say.

"Shut up!" One man growled. "We aren't here to chat, we just need to know something." He said.

"The man we took last night, might have had something with him." The second man said. Bumblebee narrowed his eyes and looked at Optimus who nodded slowly. "Did you by chance find it?" The man asked. The owner thought for a moment.

"I may have...let me go check in the back really quick." The owner said and he ducked behind the swinging doors.

The shop owner looked around but he didn't see the other two men. He shrugged and figured they had gone out the back. He walked down a hallway and stopped just in front of his office. He looked around again and unlocked the door, as he pulled it open a hand shot out and quietly pushed the door closed. He looked up and saw the silent man glaring at him.

"You lied to us." Optimus growled angrily. The man turned and saw the leader on his other side. The look on the mans face made him want to disappear.

"I-I-I I'm s-s-s-sorry but they were here last n-n-night and threatened me." He stammered nervously.

The man looked back at the silent one, only because he wanted to escape the angry gaze of the other man. The silent one glared and nodded towards the door. The owner unlocked the door and let them in, he went to the desk and pulled out Rachets device he was working on. He shakily handed it to Optimus and stepped back.

"Get rid of the other two men and come straight back." Optimus ordered. The man nodded and took off. Bumblebee looked up at the leader and motioned for them to leave. He had a bad feeling.

"I agree, but we need to know a little more." Optimus said.

Bumblebee suggested that they at least find the back door. The leader smiled and nodded. The scout looked around the corners as they searched making sure it was safe. They came to another hallway that had a door at the end. After opening it they found it was a tool room with a door that lead to an alley. Bee smiled big and they headed to the exit.

The scout went to close the office door when he heard a gun cock. His eyes widened as he saw the store owner at the end of the hall, aiming a gun at his head. Bumblebee turned around and tackled Optimus to the ground as the gun went off. They rolled and hid under the desk. Bumblebee looked at his surroundings and grabbed a hammer. He threw the tool at the shop owner who ducked around the corner. Optimus tried the handle to the back door, but it didn't budge. He noticed the door was only able to unlock by key.

The leader rammed his shoulder into the door and it burst open. Bumblebee looked over his shoulder and smiled when it opened. He ran to the exit when he heard the gun go off. He felt the bullet tear through his skin as it grazed his cheek and whizzed past. Optimus grunted and leaned against the alley wall as the bullet hit him. Without stopping the scout grabbed a wrench, spun around and threw it at the shop owner. He heard the man yell as it hit him, and he slammed the door behind him as he jumped out.

Optimus grit his teeth as the pain came. The scout quickly looked at the wound and saw it had hit the leader in the shoulder. He looked around frantically and smiled when he saw Rachets car. He motioned to the wounded man and he nodded. They walked to the car, the scout dove under it and found the spare key duct taped to the front axle.

He smiled as he retrieved it and helped Optimus into the emergency vehicle. He motioned frantically to his leader to call the others as he started to drive out of the parking lot. The injured man winced and radioed the others to meet at a certain spot.

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