Chapter 4

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Bumblebee smiled when he was introduced to everyone in Raf's family. When they found out he couldn't talk Raf would translate for him, or the others would have fun guessing. As Rafs parents worked on dinner, the kids all wrestled with Bumblebee and played games with him.

The Scout ate the home cooked meal as if he had never had food before, though he did remember to be polite. The children all snickered and laughed at him, but quickly went quite after their Mom gave them a stern look. Raf cleared his throat and gently kicked Bees leg. The Scout looked up surprised and saw the kids trying not to laugh. He sat up and ate slower, when no one was looking he smiled at Raf and winked.

"It's so nice to finally meet the young man that Raf talks about all the time." His Mom said, as they talked at the table. The kids had all run off to play while the parents talked to Bumblebee. The Scout smiled at Rafs parents, and scratched the back of his head starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Where did you say you came from? I mean how did Raf meet you?" The Dad asked. Bumblebee thought about how to answer the question, he decided to tell the truth. He told them, in his own way, how he saw some guys threatening Raf and beat them up. Now they were friends.

Rafs parents stared at him, and the Scout wondered just how much they understood what he had just tried to communicate. They looked at each other, then at the young man in front of them.

"Well at least we know that you mean well, and that Raf is safe with you." The Mom said as she took a drink. Bumblebee looked at her curiously, and seemed to question what she meant.

"Oh I don't mean it in a bad way... uh... what is your name again?" The Mom said. Bumblebee thought for a minute on how to communicate, then drew the letter 'B' in the air.

"Your name is 'B'?" The Dad asked. The Scout nodded while shrugging his shoulders. The Dad laughed loudly which made Bee jump slightly.

"Well anyway, it nice that he has such a wonderful friend, maybe the bullies at school will leave him alone now." The Mom said. Bumblebee gave her a questioning look, he had no idea Raf was being bullied.

"Oh hon he's fine." The Dad said sounding annoyed.

"No he isn't, he has come home in tears a couple of times, and I think those boys beat on him." She said. Bumblebee felt his anger start to rise, and he clenched his fists. No one was going to mess with Raf as long as he was around.

"Please dear I think your making a bigger deal about this then it really is." The Dad said getting up "Now if you excuse me please, I have to get some work done. It was nice meeting you." The Dad walked off to another room and started working on his laptop.

"Oh don't mind him, so far Raf is the first kid to get bullied at school. His older siblings never had a problem. But it will pass." The Mom walked into the kitchen and started doing dishes.

Bumblebee got up and walked towards the living room, he leaned against the door frame, and watched the little boy for a minute. Raf looked up and waved, the Scout smiled and told him he had to go. After saying good bye to everyone, he sat out in his car and thought. He decided that he needed to find a way to stop Raf from getting bullied.

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