Chapter 7

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A few days later.

Bumblebee sat in his car across from the school, as he waited for Raf. The Scout wondered how he was going to handle the situation with the bullies, or if he even should. As he continued to contemplate, the bell ran and kids started running outside.

Raf saw Bumblebee's car across the road, he waved and started down the front steps. Someones foot caught him in the shin and he tumbled down the stairs. Shaking himself, he put his glasses back on, and turned around to see a group of boys surrounding him. 'Oh no,' he thought 'Not today.' One kid stole his backpack, while another pushed him down and stole his glasses. They tossed his glasses back and forth as he tried to get them back. Raf tried not to get upset as they laughed at him. Suddenly they started pushing him around, and kids around them started chanting 'fight fight fight.'

Bumblebee had waved at Raf when he walked out of the school. He looked down for a minute to put the keys into the ignition, when he looked back at the school, Raf was gone.
He looked at the kids gathering in a certain spot, he saw Raf for a brief moment getting pushed by someone. Anger started to flow inside of him, as he watched Raf get pushed around. Bee jumped out of the car and walked towards the school, this was going to end now.

Raf was trying really hard to keep his footing as the kids pushed him. But as one boy pushed him, he landed hard on his back. The leader of the group grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him up a little bit.

"Hold still, this might hurt." The bully said snickering, as he brought his fist up. Raf flinched and closed his eyes.

Suddenly the bully felt a firm strong hand grab his fist. All the kids went dead silent, none of them had seen or heard him approach. The bully looked over his shoulder and saw a tall muscular young man glaring at him. Raf opened his eyes and looked up, he wasn't sure if he was happy to see Bumblebee, or if he was embarrassed that Bee felt he had to be rescued from the bully.
All eyes were on this mysterious young man, the bullies weren't sure if he was going to take them to the principals office, or do something else.

Bumblebee glared at the kid that had Rafs backpack, he nodded towards the young boy he watched over. The kid stared at the man's blue eyes, and handed the bag back to Raf. The Scout immediately turned his gaze to the kid with Rafs glasses. The kid jumped a little before handing the glasses back. Bee turned his gaze back to the leader, who still had Raf on the ground. The Scout gave him a look that could kill, and the boy released Raf. The boy got up put his backpack and glasses on, then walked over to Bees side. The Scout let go of the bully, put a hand on Rafs shoulder and steered him to the car.

Raf kept quiet as Bee drove to the base, he watched the man's expressions to see when the anger left. He looked at his shoes and and thought about what to say.
The Scouts anger lessened a bit, he glanced over at the boy next to him, and felt all the anger leave. Bee reached over and tousled the boys hair, smiling when he looked up.

"Thanks Bee." The boy said smiling back "Thanks for helping me out." Bumblebee rubbed his head a little harder, making him laugh. As if trying to tell him that it was his job to help Raf. The boy got the message, and gave his friend an awkward sideways hug.

"Hey can we stop at the game store?" The boy asked. Bumblebee looked at him funny. "Please!?" He asked. The young man smiled and drove towards the mall, as the boy cheered.

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