Chapter 2: First Day

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Ok. Before we start on the Chapter I would lovely want to dedicate this Chapter to Astridhofferson2003 here the chapter you've been asking sister.

Hope you will enjoy it,and same to the other readers.

Now lets start with CHAPTER 2😍😍

-Next day-

Normal's POV

The sun shines through Astrid's window, but the bed inside the room was empty.

There were no Sleeping Astrid, Instead Astrid was taking a shower.

She was so excited for her first day, and she even woke up earlier than her mommy cass.

She woke up around 3:30am. After the 15 minutes of taking a shower, Astrid tried her self and wrap the towel around her.

When she got out of the bathroom she quickly went to her dresser to pick something to wear for her first day.

She decided to wear just something simple for her. She picked the blue shirt that says, 'Love Me' and a rip jeans. That her mommy cass bought her yesterday.

She wears the clothes and she decided to also wear her white converse, and comb her hair and decided to put it into a side braid, since her hair was long only stopping at her waist.

She also left her bangs hanging like usual

After getting ready she checked the time and it's already 4:45am. "Hmm I still have 2 hours before school starts" She said to her self, she took her bag, and went downstairs.

"Good morning Mommy cass" She greeted happily, "Morning Asty, I can tell your excited huh" her mommy cass said putting the bacon and egg in the table.

"Very excited mommy cass, I can finally be free" She said and took a bite in her bacon.

"I see, Also remember what we talked about yesterday, No using powers in public, and our personality needs to be remain as a secret" Her mommy cass said..

Astrid just nod and ate her breakfast until Janesa and Teresa finally showed up. "Hmm smells delicious, is that becon?" Teresa said landin in the table.

"Yup, now eat, we have a big day to start" Astrid said and they all eat.

After 15 minutes all of them already done eating, since Astrid still have a lot of time, she decided to wash the dishes while her mommy cass gotten ready for work.

After washing the dishes she dried her hands and was about to go outside when Cassiopea called her.

Astrid's Pov

I was about to go outside when mommy Cassiopea called me out.

"Astrid, I want to say something before you go out there" Mommy cass said while standing at the stairway.

"What is it?" I ask, "I want you to be careful, and if something bad happened you know what to do" she said and I smile

"I will" I replied when Teresa and Janesa went inside my bad.

"Well then. Let's start this day on" Teresa said and I just laughed.

"Bye mommy cass" I said and faced the front door. I took a deep breath and open it.

The light start to shine on me, and I stepped outside, I feel so free.

I said to myself, I can breathe some fresh air, I can hear birds singing, This is definitely the best day of my life.

Ok let's get this day started,I look around to make sure nobody was around.

Ok so since I don't know the way to my new school, I need a little help from my gem.

I opened my palm and my gem revealed "My gem, Please take me to my new school called Berks Academy high school" I said and my gem glows until I felt myself disappearing.


My powers suddenly brought me behind a tree, to make sure no one saw me there.

I was confused for a moment until I look behind the tree and there. I saw the most biggest building ever.

"Wow, this place is amazing" I said to my self. I walked towards the school, and when I was about to go inside I noticed a blue bus coming here..

After a minute the bus stopped at the front of the school, until a lot of kids went out.

I look at them for a moment and I saw some of them stare at me.

I just shrugged and went inside to find the.. Um.. What was that call, oh yes, Principals office.

When I was inside the campus, I don't know where to find the principals office, and the worse part is, I felt eyes looking at me.

I was walking around but I couldn't find it, and I can't use my powers, There's a lot of people.

Since don't have any choice, I went to ask some random kids.

I was looking around and I saw a boy with Auburn hair putting something in his locker.

I went to him and tap his shoulder and I was met with beautiful green eyes...

"Umm, Hi, I'm kinda new here, and I was wondering if you could help me to find the principal office?" I ask awkwardly.

And he stare at me like he saw a devil.

Hayden's Pov

Ugh school day again, it's already been two months since school start and I'm already stressed.

Oh by the way I'm Hayden, But some people call me Hiccup, My full name is Hayden Hiccup Haddock the third.

Son of the mayor and School's most popular and hot guy.

At the moment, I was putting some books in locker when my phone rang.

I look at the caller and It was my Girlfriend 'Chloe' I just groaned and didn't answer it since I'm not in the mood.

I continue to put my books inside my locker when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

Ugh what is it now?! I said to myself and turned around and I was met, with a crystal blue eyes.

Something I've never seen before.

I didn't heard she ask me a questions cause I'm really lost in thought, soo I quickly snapped my self..

"Oh Umm you were saying?" I ask and she jusr smile awkwardly "I said, I was wondering if you could help ne to find the principal's office, Cause I'm new here" She said and I just nod.

"S-sure" What the.. Why am I stuttering.

Ugh.. I just pushed my thoughts away and helped this new girl.

"So umm, What's your name?" I ask while I lead her to the principal's office.

"Oh, Astrid. Fearless Astrid Hofferson" She replied and I just nod.

After a minute we finally arrived at the principal's office "Here's the principal's office. Hope to see ya in class" I said and I was about to walk away when I heard her ask something.

"By the way, what's your name?" She ask.

I look at her and smile "Hayden, Hayden Haddock" I replied and wink.

"Oh okay.. Thanks for the help Hayden" She said and I just nod.

I watched her enter inside, and I went to my first class.

When I entered the room I immediately saw my friends.

Which is Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston they are twins, Snotlout Jorgensen my cousin and Fishlegs, He might be a genius one but he's one of my gang.

And our gang is popular in this school.

"Hey guys" I said and they look at me, "Hey Cuz" Snotlout said.

"Hey Hayden, Have you heard there's a new transferred student" Fishlegs said

"Oh, you mean the blonde girl I saw today" I said.

"Wait you met her?" Ruffnut ask..

I just nod and we talk for a moment until the school's nerds enter..

All of us got quite and we all look to the two of them.

Yes there were two nerds in this school and that's none other than.

Melody Heather Derange
And Gwyneth Heart.

They are the school's joke and nerds.. Suddenly snotlout stood up with a grin in his face.

"Well, well, well, looks who's here, the school's nerds" Snotlout said and all of us laugh.

The two of them just sat the corner of the room but my friends aren't done messing up with them.

Until Heather stood up with an annoyed look, "Could you just leave us alone!!" Heather shouted

"Oh so your being like that huh!?" Snotlout grab Heathers arm forcefully making Heather hissed in pain.

Gwyneth tried to stop snotlout by hurting her only but the twins start to hold on her.

"You know that I hate when people do that to me" Snotlout said angrily and was about to hit Heather.

But suddenly...

"ah!!" Snotlout was pulled by someone making him fell down.

"What fuck dude!" Snotlout yelled. All of us look at the person who pulled snotlout away from Heather and all of us gasp when we saw who it was.

It's none other than..


"Did your mother teach you how to respect a girl!?! " Astrid ask annoyed.

Heather's POV

Me and my only friend Gwyneth went to our first class which is English.

But when we entered the room, everyone got quiet.

Me and Gwyneth went to our seats and like as always.

They make fun of us.

Suddenly snotlout, one of our biggest bully ever came to us along with the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

Me and Gwyneth just stayed quiet.

"Well, well, well, looks who's here, the school's nerds" snotlout said.

They didn't stop messing up with us until...

I stood up with an annoyed look, "Could you just leave us alone!!" I shouted..

I didn't know what I was doing but somethings tells me that I need to stood up for ourselves.

"Oh so your being like that huh!?" I heard snotlout said, and grab my arm forcefully, making me hissed in pain.

I saw Gwyneth tried to stop snotlout from hurting me but the twins just hold her down.

"You know I hate when people do that to me" Snotlout said angrily and was about to hit me..

But suddenly.. He got pulled away from me making him fell down.

"Ahh" snotlout yelp, I look at the person who just pulled him away from me, and I was shocked that it's a girl with blonde hair looking at snotlout annoyed.

"What the fuck dude!" Snotlout yelled. I heard all of them gasp.

"Did your mother teached you how to respect a girl?!?" She ask annoyed..



That's all for today!
😂 😂 😂 Chapter two done..

See ya in Chapter 3!!

Written:July 23,2018
Published: August 18,2018

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