Chapter 27: The Cove

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Astrid's Pov

Hayden's has been driving for 15 minutes, I don't have any idea where he's taking me, but everytime I will ask he will just say, Its a surprise.

I felt a little bit nervous, but I kept myself calm, I look through the window and saw that were out of town, and where near a forest, it only made me more nervous.

After 5 more minutes, we stopped in front of a forest, "Um, what are we doing here?" I asked as we both got out, he just smile at me and I kinda think its cute.

What the Astrid stop it, he might hear you, "Well, I wanted to bring you to somewhere, special, nobody knows this place except for me"  He replied and gave me a grin, I think he's kinda cute, What the? Astrid, no focus, you have to focus its not the right time.

My thoughts were interrupt when Hayden suddenly dragged me through the forest, we walk for a good 5 minutes and finally were now standing in front of a big rock.

"You wanted to show me this big rock?" I asked, and he just freaking laugh, its soo cute, "what? No no, its behind the rock, follow me" He said and lead the way.

We went over the rock and I saw something like a light or something, I just look at him and he just smile, I followed him behind and wow, this place is... Amazing.

There's a big pond in the middle and a beautiful view of the night sky that reflects to the water, "Wow, this is.. Beautiful" I said and he lead me to the pond.

" Hayden, how did you found this beautiful place" I said and look around, "Well, I found it when I was 16, I call it the Cove, this is the place where I always go if something is bothering me, I never told anyone about this place" He replied and look at me.

"Then why did you bring me here?" I ask, "Well, you see, ever since I met you, you brought a big change to my life, You made me think that, I'm not just a guy who dates girls and do stupid stuff, you made me think I'm more of that!" I said and hold my hand.

I don't know what to say and I just kept looking at him," Astrid Hofferson, ever since that day I saw you, I fell in love with you, that's why I'm saying this to you now, because I don't I can ever take it anymore by keeping this to myself.. Astrid... I love you" He said

I didn't know what to say, I just stood there like a statue, I look at him in the eyes and he was telling the truth. Finally I realize something now, I like him too, not just like, but Love, that's the word love.

"Hayden, I-I love you too!!" I said and did the only thing. I smashed my lips to his soft ones....


Belated Merry Christmas and ADVANCED HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Heheheh... *quiet* Sooo Yeah i know I'm Alive... And oh god I'm really really sorry, that I didn't update for so so so so so long!! I'm hope this Hiccstrid chapter would make it up to you.. But I promise I will make sure we will finish this book.!!


Written: December 2,2018
Published December 27,2018

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