Chapter 7: Planning to see Astrid

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Pirena's POV

I was looking outside the castle while drinking my favorite wine.

I already calm down after the crying scene back at the throne room.

Right now my sisters are laying on my bed playing with their powers while I'm standing here lost in thoughts.

"Pirena,would you quit drinking that thing, you already finished two glass of it!" I heard Amihan said making broke in my thoughts.

"I just can't, all this time Astrid is alive and Mother kept it in a secret" I said in annoyance.

Since I can't still believe it that our mother didn't told us the truth, she knows how much we love Astrid.

"So what are you planning now, that we just found out that Fearless Astrid is still alive" Danaya said and stood up.

"And please don't tell me your angry to mom, cause we understand what she did, she only wanted to protect Astrid like us" Amihan added.

I face the two of them and spoke, "One I'm not angry to our Mother, but I'm disappointed cause she didn't tell us that Astrid is alive.

And two, I'm planning on going to the Modern world to see Astrid.." I finished off and face them.

Their looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on.. Your freaking planning on going to that world tsk, Pirena you know that Ether is out there, she might kill you or do something to you. And besides you don't have the key to go there" Amihan said.

I just rolled my eyes and placed my glass of wine down to my be side table, "I don't have a key, but.. Mother have one" I said and smirk.

All I need to do is explain to her how much I really wanted to see Astrid..

But I needed to plan this for a while, cause my sister is right, Ether is out there, if she sense me I'm dead, even though I know how to defend myself and have a gem, she's still a god, a god that has a powerful power of evilness, compair to me.

So, I'm going to plan on seeing Astrid and try to convince her to go back here in Encantadia, but I know mother won't let her until she reach her right age.

"Ugh, I wanted to see her, I wanted to hug the baby we use to always play with" I said and layed on my bed and my two sisters is sitting on the edge.

We're already wearing our night gowns, so yeah..

"Calm down sis, you'll get a plan soon on how to go in that place, And besides she's still safe, no one in out enemies can track her or sense her, because she is protected like us" Amihan said and I gave her a sweet smile.

"Ok, we still have training tomorrow, we need to go and sleep now, we don't want to make our trainer get angry because, in a blink of his eyes were gone, running away, like we always do" Danaya said and we just laughed

She had a big point, ever since were children were running away when we got tired in training.

I gave my sisters some hug and also said goodnight before they disappeared and went to their rooms.

I just layed here in my bed until I fell asleep.

-Back at berk City, in the modern world-

Hayden's POV

After what happened this morning, a lot of people start to hate Astrid more and were one of that..

I don't care if she have the guts to be brave, but, I will make sure she will regret everything she've done.

Right now me and my friends are talking about her again, but our topic today was more interesting.

"She just showed up from nowhere" Ruffnut said.

"And we've never seen her around here" Fishlegs added.

"And more importantly did we seen her before?!" Tuffnut said and we all agree.

"I'm going to ask my dad later, if he knows anyone named Hofferson, who is living in our city, since he's the mayor" I said and all of them agreee.

As we talked we decided to go and take a spy on Astrid.

"Where is she?" Snotlout said and groan.

We're searching for Astrid and see if we can make fun of her.

We're really are one bad gang, that's why were popular and a lot of people are scared of us, since we will give them something to remember that they can't mess with us.

When we got to the lockers room we saw a glimpse of a blonde girl, and we recognize its Astrid.

All of us grin and was about to walk to her. But she suddenly fell to her knees breathing heavily it's like she got into a massive fight.

Me and my friends got confused and just watched her for a moment.

After watching what she's doing, she stood up and she look ok, me and my friends hide behind the locker since we noticed her looking at our direction.

Suddenly,snotlout start to breathe heavily and was holding his neck.

"Guys.. Ne... ed..." He said struggling to talk, we got confused we look at our surrounding and Astrid is out of our site.

"What in the name of thor, Snotlout what's happening!!" I ask getting worried.

He didn't reply but tried to get some air in his lungs, it's like, someone is taking his breath away.

"What should we do?!" Fishlegs ask the twins are trying to help snotlout.

But since we don't know what to do, we decided to take him to the clinic.

But when we were about to take him to the clinic he suddenly took a deep breath and start to breath normally again.

"What happened?!" I ask and he Look at me.

"I don't know it's like someone tried to stop my breathing mid way" He said still breathing heavily.

Astrid's Pov

I grin at myself as I made my self invisible.

I watched snotlout struggle in his breathing, I know their behind me, so I act like something happened to me

And fell on my knees, when I felt their watching me, I stood up and decided to pretend like I was looking at my surroundings.

When I noticed they hid. I just smirk, and since there's no CCTV camera in here, I use my invisible power so I could do something to them.

I walked in front of them, since they don't see me, I opened my palm as my gem appeared.

They won't see my gem as well since it's also invisible, and even though I talked or yell they won't hear me either.

"I'am commanding you to take snotlout's breath away, little by little" I said and there it goes.

I watched as my powers surrounded snotlout's neck and start to stop his breathing.

I watched them as they got worried to their friends.

I watched them for a moment and I think snotlout have enough of my torture so I decided to stop killing him.

"You were lucky I have mercy, but if one of you did something stupid that will make me angry, I won't think twice to take your breath away" I said to myself as I watched snotlout recover.

I disappeared away from them and ended up in the bathroom.

Good thing no body is here so no one didn't notice me.

I smirk at myself as I remember what I did.

I went out at the bathroom, and decided to go to my next class since I still have 25 minutes before class starts.

As I was walking through the hall I felt a warm wind covered in my body making me feel weird.

I just pushed the thoughts away and went to my class.


Sorry I didn't update this past days.

There is something just happened in school and I didn't have time to update

By the way I hope you enjoyed the chapter🙂🙂🙂

See ya at the next chapter.

Written: August 26,2018
Published: September 2,2018

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