Chapter 16

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"Are you for real?" he asks with his eyes that are bulged open.

"What? Scared to take the challenge, Deany-boy?" I ask as a smirk works its way across my face.

"No, but I've never thought you would actually love my kind of fun," he replies, smirking.

"Well let's go then!" I scream joyfully before I grab his hand and put it in mine.

His hand is so warm and it ridiculously feels comfortable in mine.

Before, he was the one who led the way but today is my turn. I was deadly serious when I said that I was going to win him back.

"Why have I agreed to this again?" he mutters incoherently.

"Because ... you love me," I say with a smirk.

"In your dreams, buttercup." He mimics my smirk.

"But my dreams will only consist of me murdering you. Sorry to break the bad news," I answer, trying my best to flash a pained face.

"One day you'll take back your words. One day buttercup, you'll see."

My heart starts to pound rapidly as soon as his words register my mind and I gulp nervously.


"Red or black?" I ask, smirking again. Wow, I smirked a lot today. Like that someone.

"Definitely black."

After I have passed the spray can to him, we quickly get our work done. It takes us two hours to finish it.

"What do you think?" I ask curiously.

"Obviously not a pro," he replies with a smirk tugs on his lips.

"Hey!" I exclaim before I hit his arm as hard as I can.

"Ouch!" He hisses and rubs his arm with his hand. "For a girl, you hit like a guy," he murmurs.

"Say what again?"


I roll my eyes before I continue, "So..."


"How did I do?"

"Not bad. You're better than before. It was kind of okay since it was your second time."

"Hey, just admit than I'm good at vandalizing thing." I grin like a kid who gets a lollipop.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes. "Let's go before we have to run from the police again, like before."

My mind abruptly goes to our memories together, a few weeks ago, doing the same thing we have just finished doing. A smile slowly attaches to my lips.

After he has helped me pack my things up, we walk out of the building to leave.

"Did you buy those sprays by yourself?"

"No, Sam helped me though."

"Of course he would. You wouldn't even know which spray was suitable to vandalize a sign." He chuckles lightly.

"Stop with the rude comments, Deany-boy. I'm good at this and you know it," I say and flip my hair with class.

"You're really something, buttercup." He stares at me with an unreadable expression. As soon as he saw me looking at him curiously, he instantaneously runs his gaze to the road and clears his throat. "So, where are we going next?" He asks, changing the topic.

Before I could answer, my stomach somehow knows that it is the perfect time to embarrass me by making rumbling noise and this is followed by a blush that immediately creeps up my cheeks.

Dean chuckles lightly but I'm glad that he doesn't make any rude remarks about my embarrassing moment.

As I'm just about to exhale a breath of relief, he says with a smirk, "Let's eat before you die out of hunger, judging by the way your stomach rumbled."

I groan annoyingly but I reply nothing nevertheless.


"This pizza is really good," he comprehends with his mouth full of food.

"Slow down there, Deany-boy," I say as a chuckle escapes my mouth.

"Where did you even find this place? I had never been here nor heard about this place before."

"Well, my family used to bring me here when I was a child. It has become my favorite place since then," I answer, smiling faintly as the sweet memories flood back, crashing the front of my brain. "This is just a small pizza place, that's why you haven't heard about it. Plus, you're still new here."

"Yeah, right," he answers reluctantly as he averts his gaze back to his plate.

Weird. I shake my head metaphorically and continue, "You should feel honored. This is the first time I've brought someone here other than my family."

"Really?" he asks, his eyes bulging open unbelievably. "What about your boy— I mean your ex?"

"He had never been here. He didn't like pizza as much as I did. So, why the hell in the world should I bring him to the place he hated, right?"

Dean's jaws drop to the floor as his mouth hangs open wide. "What? Nobody in their right mind doesn't like pizza, let alone hates it. He must be either crazy or just dumb."

I guffaw at his reply and his funny shocked expression. "Tell me about it."

After we have finished our meal, I drive my car back to his house.


"So, uh, today was kind of okay. So, thanks," he murmurs before he quickly closes the door right in front of my face.

What the hell? Rude!

"Hey! Did you really think I was going to leave already?" I shout and knock the door furiously.

He opens it, raising his eyebrow. "You weren't?"

"Of course not. It's still early for God's sake." I roll my eyes. "Let's watch a movie or something."

I push him to the side as he is blocking my way and I immediately walk past him. There's no sign of Sam in the house.

"Where's your brother?" I turn my back to him as I ask the question curiously.

"Went to a date or something. I don't know. I'm not his bodyguard." He shrugs.

I roll my eyes at his answer. Then, I drag my butt to the sofa and switch on the TV.

"So you want to watch the movie here?"

"Why? Is there somewhere else you want to watch it?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"Well yeah. The upstair living room has a TV too, you know. My room has one too." He leans forward and whispers in my ear, "So if you want to watch it more privately, we can go there."

"No thanks. I'm good here," I reply, scowling at him.

"It's your loss then." He shrugs.

"What loss? Say another word and I'll cut your mouth out of your face."

"So feisty," he murmurs quietly and I pretend that I didn't hear it.

"What movie do you have?"

He makes stupid signs that tell me that he can't talk because I asked him not do it.

"So childish, just wow," I mutter, rolling my eyes. "You can talk now. Answer my question."

"Not childish, just being sarcastic," he answers as a smirk curves his lips.

"Whatever. So, what movie?" I cross my arms impatiently and lean on the sofa.

"Deadpool," he says, smirking wickedly.


Deadpool was definitely hilarious. But the crude remarks were embarrassing especially when I watched it with Dean. I mean it might be okay to watch it with my girl friends, but with him? I couldn't bear it and I guess my face turned into tomato a lot during the movie.

After the movie, I yawn, trying to keep my eyelids open, but they keep on closing. I didn't even realize that I've fallen asleep. And more importantly, I've fallen asleep, on him.


Hey guys! It's been soooooo freaking long since I last updated this book. It has been one month you know. It took me 2 hours to write this short chapter. I kind of struggled to write it just now because once you stopped writing, it was hard for you to get back on the track.

So, about Deadpool, have you guys watched it? I have! Yeah, it was really funny though.



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