Chapter 2

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Today's last period: English.

"Shit, I'm late." I increase my pace towards English class.

Out of a sudden, I bump into someone.

"Sorry!" I say without looking at him. I just know that it's 'him' and not 'her'. Call it senses or whatever.

I quickly pick up my books that are scattered on the floor and he does the same thing. As soon as my gaze falls on him, both of us get into the "who breaks the eye contact loses" game.

I know that this is the perfect cliche scene in the movie where the lead girl bumped into the hot guy and boom! They fell in love with each other and got married soon after that. Well, this isn't that scene.

Wait, isn't he one of the new students? Crap, he looks even hotter close up. I stare into his eyes intently and I don't know why but I can't stop myself from getting lost in his green eyes.

Oh my God, his eyes are definitely beautiful.

A few seconds that passed by us feel like a thousand years. Just kidding. A thousand minutes, maybe?

Wait a minute. What am I doing?! I quickly snap out of my thoughts and break the eye contact.

I get up and stand on my feet before I wave awkwardly. He must think that I'm a freak. Way to make an impression, Els.

"Hi, I'm Elisa. You're the new student right?"

His face changes like he just remembered being there. A glint of sadness that flickered in his eyes is then replaces with a look of disgust before he walks away.

What. The. Hell. Just. Happened. He couldn't be serious!

"Such a jerk!" I groan. My whole body feels the need to shout at him, to tell him off, but he had already walked away. Plus, I'm late for class.

Yay life.


English class is one of the class I love. Not because I'm good at English or whatever, although I truly am, but because the teacher is totally cool. Mrs. Phillips who's in her early 30's just gave me one of her famous disapprove look and a small smile after I apologized repeatedly for being late.

I slump against my seat, sighing exhaustedly, before I take notice of something or more specifically — someone.

"What are you doing here?!" I whisper harshly and narrow my eyes at the person next to me.

"Learning, got a problem with that?" he says, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I mean what are you doing by sitting here? Couldn't you sit somewhere else?" I fold my arms and lean into my seat.

Although I'm still mad at him because of today's incident, I can't help myself from checking him out. Even his long eyelashes are pretty. Bad, bad Els. Snap out of it please!

"I thought this was a public place. Since when did you own this seat?" he replies rudely. Ouch.

"But, that seat was supposed to be empty. I need it to put my things on it!" I exclaim in exasperation.

The truth is, all of my friends don't have the same English class with me. So, I was supposed to sit alone. Until ... today.

He looks at the floor and he seems like he is searching for something.

"What are you searching for?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'm searching for ... the fuck to give." He smirks.

"That wasn't funny." I stare at him blankly.

"I don't give a single fuck whether it was funny or not, loser," he whispers, emphasizing the word 'loser'.

"Why the fu—"

"Could both of you stop flirting please? I'm disappointed in you, Miss Evans. I thought you were better than this." Mrs. Phillips says, shaking her head.

"Sorry, Mrs. Phillips. I promise it won't happen again."

When people are not looking, she winks at me.

Well, today is definitely weird.


Emily asks us to walk to the parking lot without her because she has something to do; related to her class project or something. David, as always, has to stay after school again. This time he needs to go to a peer tutor program. To be honest, I don't even remember that a peer tutor program exists in our school. But — whatever. I'm not someone who cares about school stuffs so maybe that's why I didn't know about it. Aaron and Jace are also busy. That leaves Bella and me alone.

"You have English class with him?" She gasps. "Oh my God, you're so lucky!" Bella yells excitedly.

"No, it's not a big deal. Plus, he was totally rude." I frown. "What about you? Do you have a class with the other twin?"

"Actually, yeah. I have Physics with Sam. You know what? He's actually really smart. I bet he will beat me in the next test," she murmurs, sighing dreamily.

"Woah, woah. Wait a minute. Sam? So you two like knew each other already?" I ask, unable to hide my curiosity.

"Um, yeah." She grins sheepishly. "I talked to him in Physics. He was so nice. I could never believe someone as perfect as him exists."

"Lucky you." I sigh.

"What? Why? What happened?"

"His brother, Mr-I-don't-know-his-name was a total jerk. You know what? He bumped into me and without saying sorry, he just walked away with this ... look of disgust or something. Actually I don't know who bumped into who, but that's not the point. At least he should have the decency to say sorry like I did," I ramble while rolling my eyes. "And not to mention about the I'm-searching-for-the-fuck-to-give incident!" I yell furiously.

"Okay, okay, no need to tense up. Maybe he had a problem. Or he didn't like moving here. Chill."

"Maybe you're right." I heave a deep sigh.

We walk towards our own cars and say goodbye to each other.




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