Chapter 22

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"So, who's gonna start to spin the bottle first?" I ask while munching on my M&M's chocolates.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see a hand crawling into my packet of M&M's chocolates and trying to steal my babies.

I shoot Dean a glare and grab his hand to stop him. "Aha! I've caught you, chocolate stealer!"

"What? Sharing is caring," he defends himself with an innocent smile.

"Next time bring your own chocolate. Don't come stealing mine," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Give me some, please buttercup." He pouts along with puppy eyes and bats his eyelashes.

I heave a sigh before muttering, "Fine." I release my grasp from his hand and let him eat my M&M's chocolates but I express my annoyance by throwing him an unsatisfied look.

"Thank you," he mumbles, grinning like an idiot.

"Again, who's gonna start first?" I repeat.

"Me, me!" Emily shouts, raising her right hand.

With a bottle in her hand, Emily quickly spins it until it stops and points at a certain direction. At Bella.

"Truth or dare?" Emily begins to ask.

Bella remains expressionless for a while before smiling nervously and answering, "Dare."

"Text the person you have a crush on and admit to him that you like him."

"Em..." Bella warns Emily, her eyes burning with anger.

"What? Do it," Emily says with an innocent smile.

"But the line here isn't good. He probably won't receive my text."

"Just do it. No more excuses."

"I change my mind. I choose truth," Bella replies.

"Well then. I'm not that cruel. You can do the truth." Emily shrugs before a wicked grin curves her lips. "Who is the guy you like the most?"

Emily is surely looking for trouble with Bella tonight. Bella couldn't escape it anymore.

"I hate you. Both options are terrible for God's sake. Fine, I'll do the dare," Bella mutters and a sigh escapes her mouth.

"Good girl," Emily coos, looking at Bella amusingly before she pats her head.

"Shut up." Bella snarls, slapping Emily's hand.

She takes out her iPhone from her bag and begins to text someone. My iPhone vibrates in my pocket and I hastily take it out.

I look over at her amusingly. Poor Bella. She makes a pleading face and pouts at me. I shake my head and mouth, 'I'm sorry' at her. She groans and starts to type something on her iPhone. I notice that her fingers are trembling and she is sweating profusely.

As soon as she buries her iPhone in her bag indicating that she has sent the text to the person, Sam's iPhone begins to ring. He quickly unlocks his iPhone and squints his eyes at the sudden brightness. His mouth hangs open in surprise while he is staring wide-eyed at Bella.

"Is ... um ... is ... is this true?" Sam asks, looking taken aback.

Bella just stares at the ground, her face crimsons in embarrassment.

"Well that explained everything," Dean says as a smirk works its way across his face.

"Oops, sorry Bella. I didn't know you actually liked him," Emily lies in a hush with a sad face.

"Ouch!" Emily hisses before she turns to face Bella and glares at her.

"Oops, sorry Em. I didn't notice your foot was there," Bella mocks, flashing a pity face.

Both of them are like having cold war as they are shooting daggers at each other.

"Next question please," Sam says, clearing his throat to break the awkwardness.

Bella spins the bottle swiftly and within a few seconds it stops, pointing at another unlucky victim, which is none other than me. Great.

Dean snickers before whispering, "Good luck, buttercup. You'll need it."

"Well thanks a lot. I really need that," I reply with a hint of sarcasm and roll my eyes.

"Truth or dare?"

Uh ... which one should I go with? Knowing Bella, she may ask me to do something weird if I choose dare, especially after the stunt I pulled on her last month.

"Let's see ... you know the old man who lives two houses on the left? I want you to ring his doorbell, hug him and scream 'I love you!' at him."

I know that she hasn't forgotten about it and she's waiting for the best time to strike and make a payback for what I did. So, I won't risk my precious life by choosing dare. Na-ah. Truth is the safest choice.

"Truth please."

"So, say Els, do you believe in love in first sight?"

Bella's question starts to descend in my mind and I wrap my head around it slowly. Do I believe in love in first sight? I don't know ... I've always believed in it. I mean ... it's possible right? You look at one person and you instantly know that she or he may be the one. I felt that way with David. I fell in love with him as soon as I laid my eyes on him. David told me he felt the same way, that he fell in love with me when my eyes met him. He said he was mesmerized by my beautiful eyes. But then ... everything he said was bullshit. He wasn't the one. If he actually fell in love in first sight with me, he wouldn't have cheated on me. In fact, he didn't actually love me. No love, no love in first sight crap or whatsoever. So, once again, do I believe in love in first sight?

My answer to Bella's question begins to resurface from deep within my mind. I've made up my mind. I don't believe in love in first sight.

Dean is observing my reaction to the question, curious to know my answer.

"No, I don't believe in love in first sight. I think it's bullshit," I answer confidently, not a hint of doubt is visible in my voice. "I mean come on, you saw someone and you suddenly fell in love with him or her? That's a whole new level of bullshit. That's kindergarten level of love," I add with a laugh.

I steal a glance at Dean. I start to frown when I notice his face falls and he clenches his fist as he stares at me deeply with a look that I can't interpret. He seems ... off. Or am I hallucinating things?

"Okay, my turn now," I mutter, ignoring Dean's sharp stare that could pierce through me.

I spin the bottle carefully and it lands in front of Dean.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth," he answers with a serious face. He isn't being playful anymore. Have I done something wrong?

And ... what should I ask him? I really have no idea.

Remembering his reaction to my answer, I tap my fingers to calm myself before I move my fingers to my hair and twirl them. I clear my throat before asking, "Um ... do ... do you believe in love in first sight?"

I know it seemed lame that I was copying Bella's question, but hey, curiosity kills the cat. He gave a weird reaction to my answer, so I really want to know his opinion on this matter. I'd rather ask him now and know his answer rather than later, when he'll probably won't answer it.

"I actually do, Elisa," he murmurs, looking intently at me.

I quickly avert my gaze to the ground so that I won't meet his eyes. Why was he acting weird?

Jace claps his hands, bringing our attention to him. "Your question was so lame, Els. Boring," he says and fakes a yawn. "So, next question please."

Dean takes his turn to spin the bottle and we wait for it to stop. When it stops in Sam's direction, Dean's blank face changes to a playful one as a smirk tugs on his lips.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare?" Sam says, his voice latching with uncertainty.

"Kiss the person next to you," Dean answers and wiggles his eyebrows.

Our eyes bulge open and we gape at Dean in surprise. Bella gasps, her jaws look like they might fall to the ground.

Sam whispers to Bella, "May I?" But since all of us don't crack any sound, we could hear his question. He asked her whether he could kiss her? Wow. Such a gentleman.

Bella doesn't answer anything but she nods her head, giving Sam the permission to kiss her.

When they begin to lean closer and closer towards each other, I take it as my queue to stop looking at them. Awkward. So, I avert my gaze from them and turn to look up to the sky instead.

"Come on lovebirds. Enough of the kissing. Let's continue with our little game," Emily chirps.

Sam clears his throat and without saying anything, he spins the bottle until it stops in front of Emily.

Bella's eyes shine brightly at this and she straightly goes to Sam's ear and whispers something to him. Sam nods his head, grinning at Bella.

"So, Em, truth or dare?" Sam asks.


"Coward," Bella mutters under her breath.

"What did you say?" Emily asks through gritted teeth.

"Nothing," Bella replies, smiling innocently.

"Fine, I choose dare."

"Okay. So ... I want you to have a two minute conversation with an inanimate object," Sam says with a sorry face.

"What? Do I look like a lunatic person?" Emily's mouth hangs open in surprise.

All of us chuckle at her reaction.

"You actually are. Go on," Bella replies in a sweet, sickening voice.

"This must have been your idea, Isabella Jones," Emily mutters, fuming with anger.

"Oops, I don't care. And this task is the easiest one I could think for you. If I was really evil, I would've given a worse task."

"Fine." She takes out her iPhone and sets a timer for 2 minutes. She heaves a sigh and as soon as her eyes land on a stone near her, she begins to speak to the stone. "Hello little one! Are you alone? Are you scared? Let mama warm you. You're so cute. Oh and there you are Mr. Woody! I miss you. It's been a long time since we talked to each other..."

I stifle a laugh by covering my mouth but it's impossible because Emily gets funnier as each second passes. When the time is up, Emily cheers and her lips curve into a fat grin.

"Finally! My turn to shine ... or in other words, payback time," she announces, smirking at Bella.

She spins the bottle as soon as possible but she instantly lets out a groan when it points towards someone else other than her frenemy, Bella. It points towards Aaron.

"Truth or dare?" Emily asks with a pout.

"Truth," Aaron answers without hesitation.

"Who is the prettiest girl among us?"

"Jace," Aaron replies with a smirk that is planted on his face. When he notices that we are staring at him blankly, he rolls his eyes and says, "Geez, I was kidding. You guys couldn't take a joke."

"So who is it?" Emily asks once again.


Um what? Am I hearing it right? Did Aaron just say that I was the prettiest among us? Woah, and here I thought I was the hideous girl among us.

My face flushes and I couldn't help but blush. I throw him a smile but as soon as I notice Bella, Emily and Sam smirking at me while Jace wolf-whistling to me, my smile turns into a frown. What's up with them? I turn towards Dean and I catch the sight of him rolling his eyes.

"That poor guy has never stopped being in the friendzone," Dean mutters quietly.

"What did you say?" I ask, unable to hear what he said since it wasn't audible.

"Nothing," he responds.

I turn towards Emily and Bella with a grin before asking them, "What? Jelly?"

Bella and Emily murmur at the same time, "Please, as if."

When they realize they were saying the same thing, both of them huff and cross their arms before turning their heads away from each other. It's amusing to see, really.

"My turn right?" Aaron asks rhetorically.

He swiftly spins the bottle and this time it lands in Jace's direction.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Jace answers but he quickly changes his mind by saying, "No, truth."

"What is the most embarrassing moment in your life?"

His face turns into a deep frown as he rubs the stubble on his chin while thinking.

"When I shit my pants in 5th grade. Good time." Noticing that we are looking at him weirdly, he defends himself, "What? I had Mexican food the night before. It was just the way my body reacted to it."

I shake my head, snickering at him. "Just proceed with the next question, dumbass."

"Fine, fine." He spins the bottle and once again, it points at Dean.

"Truth or dare?"


"Shout the name of your first crush," Jace says, a sly smirk tugs on his lips.

Dean face changes slightly at the question as it turns white, like he just saw a ghost.

He answers, "I don't have one". He fakes a cough and soon after that is it followed by a yawn. "I feel sick ... and sleepy. I'm gonna call it a night. You guys can continue without me." Without waiting for our reply, he quickly gets up and brushes invisible dust on his pants. He waves at us with his back faces us while walking to his tent.

"Well then, it's just us. Let's continue," Jace says, still being cheerful.

"I'm gonna call it a night too," Sam mumbles with a yawn before he gets up and follows Dean.

"Me too," Bella says and leaves us.

"I'm gonna sleep too. Goodnight," Aaron gets up and waves at us.

"I'm gonna follow them," Emily turns to speak before she goes straight to our tent.

And now it's only Jace and me.

"Well, let's continue," Jace says with a grin.

I give him an amusing look and shake my head before making my way to the tent I'm sharing with Bella and Emily. Luckily, our tent is big, and the biggest one among all the other tents, so it leaves enough room for the three of us.

"Bye Jace. You can continue playing with the friend next to you," I say while looking at his side.

"What friend?" He asks, dumbfounded. When he realizes who is the friend I was talking about, he mumbles 'oh' and bulge his eyes in fear before sprinting to his tent. I laugh whole-heartedly at him. But then, I feel cold wind brushing my skin and I hear owl hooting again. Uh-oh. Gulping nervously, my eyes trail over the bushes that lead to the woods again but I barely see anything as it is really dark.

Time to leave, my subconscious whispers to me. I instantly get into the tent and zip it up, leaving no room for anything to enter our tent.


Another update! I hope you guys like this chapter. By the way, Merry Christmas!

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