Chapter 8

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My heart is pounding rapidly, cold sweat falls from my forehead and my hands are trembling. I have to admit, this is the first time I go to the detention room. I've never had a detention before.

I knock nervously and open the door. All of them are already there, except one person, Dean Winchester. He really is a troublemaker, isn't he?

"You can sit and fill in this form." The teacher yawns sleepily.

I take the form and sit next to Emily. Within a minute, the teacher has fallen into a deep slumber. So much for being a teacher. I roll my eyes.

Write an essay more than 500 words about ways to improve your behavior.

"You couldn't possibly going to write it, could you?" His voice makes me startle and gasp in shock.

Once I've recovered, I raise my head and scowl at Dean. He just smirks and walks past me before he sits behind me.

He leans forward and whispers to me so that I'm the only one who can hear what he is trying to say. "I'll make your life a living hell in this one hour."


He really did. He annoyed me so much that killing him is the first thing I would write in my to-do list. He pulled my long hair and tried to tie it up like it was some sort of ribbon and he kicked my seat until my face was planted onto the table. He even made a paper airplane like a little kid to attack my head. It was okay at first, but when he threw 10 at once, or even 20, it kind of hurt. It caused my head to feel dizzy. Hell, I didn't even know where he got those papers. I didn't think he brought those papers along with him. What about my friends? Oh yeah, they just laughed at me like I was a clown that worked to entertain them. Such great friends I had there. When I moved to the other seat, Dean followed me from behind like it was his main mission to annoy the hell out of me.

He certainly would be the death of me.

"Hey little monkey! Help me!" My brother shouts.

Edward's voice brings me back to reality. He must have heard my footsteps when I climbed the stairs. I shake my head repeatedly to forget about the event that took place in the detention room.

"Coming!" Without dropping by my room, I rush into his room immediately.

"Yeah? What's the matter?" My face forms a frown.

"Help me sis, I'm going to die!" He massages his forehead and falls onto the floor dramatically.

I chuckle lightly. "What's the matter?" I fake a gasp. "Oh my god! You've borrowed money from shark loan, haven't you? All of us are going to die after they've found you! There will be no Evans family in the world anymore."

"Now you're being over-dramatic." He rolls his eyes and chuckles. "I just don't have anything to wear for my date tomorrow."

I pretend like I'm thinking and furrow my eyebrows. "What date?"

"You know, my date with Em." He heaves a sigh.

"Oh, that date! Actually I've dropped the dare so that Em doesn't have to suffer by going on a disastrous date with you," I answer smoothly, keeping a straight face.

"What?!" His face falls.

"Just kidding, I'm not that cruel. Gosh, why so serious?" I snicker.

"Don't try to mess around about this, lil' sis. I nearly had a heart attack." He narrows his eyes at me. I roll my eyes without saying anything. "So, back to the topic, what am I supposed to wear tomorrow?"

"Do you have a v-neck T-shirt?"

"No and no way. It looks gay."

I roll my eyes again. "Most girls like guys who wear v-neck, including Em. So get your butt off this bed and go buy it now."


"No buts. Do you want Em to notice you or not?"

"Fine." He sighs. "Hurry up, get ready."

"What? Why should I?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Because both of us are gonna crash the mall," he says with a smirk while pointing his index finger at him and me.


I know that I didn't really dress up to school, but I'm different when I go out. Plus, what's the point of dressing up to school if your main aim is to learn?

So when my brother basically forces me to accompany him to the mall, I rush to my room and search for the best clothes I can find in a short time.

I immediately put on a black tank top and matched it with a butterfly print kimono and black skinny jeans. To complete my look, I grab a pair of ankle boots and a circle pendant necklace. Before I walk out of the room, I snatch my black handbag from the closet. I take out a natural color lip balm from my makeup bag and apply it to my lips. I also put on a little eyeshadows and mascara.

"4, 3, 2—"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I climb down the stairs hurriedly. "Couldn't you calm down a little?" I roll my eyes.

"Let's go." A grin curves my brother's lips.


"The black one or the the grey one?"

"The grey one of course. It'll look much hotter."

"Did you just call me hot, sis?" My brother shows me a goofy grin.

"No. I said the T-shirt looked hot, not you. Now come on, go pay for it." I push him to the counter.

After we have left the shop, my brother stares blankly at me and gives me the plastic bag.

I accept it and ask in confusion, "What?"

He increases his pace to leave me behind. Always act like a kid. I wonder if he's actually 19 years old. I roll my eyes.

"Edward Evans! Hold the plastic bag by yourself or I'll kick your ass!" I scowl.

"Nope, not going to happen." He laughs loudly and walks faster to get away from me.

As I'm about to half-run, I bump into someone and lose my balance.

"Ouch!" I hiss in pain. My brother who hears my scream immediately strides towards me.

"Buttercup? Are you okay?" Uh-oh. Don't say that it's him.

I raise my head and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Dean? What are you doing here?"

"I would love to answer your question, but maybe after you get up from the floor? It's kind of embarrassing right now." He chuckles lightly.

He holds out his hand like he is going to help me, but as soon as I take his hand, he releases it instantly and chuckles at me as I fall down onto the floor again. My high-heel boots aren't helping either.

So much for being a friend. Wait, did I just call him my friend? Honestly, I don't know what kind of relationship we have. Sure, he helped me with David's incident, but after that he annoyed the living hell out of me. I don't even know who he is to me.

My brother who has just arrived in front of me helps me to stand. I shoot a glare at Dean to show that I'm pissed at him.

"Sorry buttercup. Your hand was too slippy so I accidentally released it." He smirks.

"Buttercup? Who's this Elisa?" My brother's eyebrows knit in confusion.

"Um, just a friend from school." I smile nervously. Wait a minute. Why should I be nervous?!

"I'm Dean Winchester. I guess you must be Elisa's brother, right?" He tries his best to smile genuinely but he fails nonetheless.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that he has never showed a genuine smile. All he did is smirk.

My brother who doesn't notice his awkward smile grins. "I'm Edward. We really look alike, don't we?"

"I guess so. I could tell that you're her brother from distant." He returns my brother's grin.

"Since you're Elisa's friend, why don't you join us for dinner and our very own movie night, tonight?"

"What? No!" I respond without thinking.

"Don't be rude to your friend, buttercup," my brother mocks me. "You have no say in this." But it's my house too! I grunt to myself.

"Sure, I guess. Since your sister seemed to be really eager for me to join you guys, I might go. I don't want to disappoint her." His lips curve into an evil smirk.

Oh no he didn't!

"See you tonight, buttercup. Don't miss me too much. Bye Ed." He waves at us and walks away.

"So? What's the deal with Mr. I-love-to-smirk, huh?" My brother shows me a wicked grin.

"Nothing." I roll my eyes.

"Buttercup? Really?" He chuckles lightly.

I narrow my eyes at him and try to say something but nothing escapes my mouth.

"That was what you meant by 'girls like guys who wear v-neck' huh?"

Wait, what?!

My head instantly snaps to Dean's direction but he is already out of my sight.

"What? Don't say that you didn't check him out just now."

I totally didn't. I was too busy being angry at Dean until I didn't notice I've lost the opportunity to see his sexy body in a v-neck.

Poor me. Yay life.

"Please. I wasn't going to check him out. He's not my type." I roll my eyes and laugh humorlessly.

"Whatever floats your boat, little monkey."


I have to end this chapter now. I'm sorry I'm really tired and sleepy. I just want to fall into a deep sleep right now. For the next chapter, we'll continue about the dinner and movie night at Evans that Dean will crash.



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