Chapter 1

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Dear diary

Today is the day! I can't hold it in any longer, I have to tell Trunks how I feel and I know this will just make or break me. I don't ask for much but I...really want this. Wish me luck! xxx

"Hey Trunks!" Goten waved energetically running towards his secret love. He is just too perfect Goten thought, his beautiful lilac hair flowing through the slight breeze with his devilish smirk that was enough to make anyone melt.

"Hey chibi how are you feeling after our last session?" Goten tried not to blush but it was difficult when being called chibi, even though he knows he should be used to it by now.

"I'm okay but you didn't need to be so rough on me Trunks, it really hurt when you turned super saiyan and blasted me into that mountain!"

"Heh sorry chibi you know what I'm like for getting carried away, I blame dad hehe".

How could I stay mad at him?

"Anyway are you ready to spar in our usual place? I promise I won't launch you into a mountain this time"

"Okay Trunks but not too intense today, I'm still not feeling too great"

The two boys took flight towards their favourite sparring place, a tranquil meadow that's surrounded by mountains with a river snaking through. It was out of harm's way from everyone and everything. It was Goten's idea, he took after his dad more than he realised.

He was in his own little world trying to think of ways to finally beat his older friend but thoughts of Trunks restraining him and forcing his tongue in his mouth kept invading his mind. He shook his head trying to snap out of it.

"Oh great, now I'm blushing!" Feeling his cheeks warm up he flew slightly ahead, hoping Trunks wouldn't notice.

"Hey chibi we're here!" They both landed gently on the grass staring directly at each other from a slight distance.

"Okay Trunks, remember don't go too over the top"

"Don't worry I won't..." As Trunks was staring at Goten, he sensed new found determination in the young saiyans glimmering onyx eyes. "Hehe, this should be fun"

The stage was set, they both knew they couldn't win by attempting to stare each other down, so Goten thought he would initiate the training before he started to blush again. He rushed towards Trunks with blinding speed with the plan of landing a swift punch but hit thin air.

"Where'd you go?" He was answered by Trunks grabbing him from behind, locking his arms around Goten's shoulders putting him in a full nelson lock.

"Too slow chibi haha! Try and get out of this!" He struggled furiously but Trunks kept slowly applying pressure, almost forcing him to his knees. Struggling, he started to get angry with himself for getting into this mess just as soon as they started.

"I can't let him beat me already! Only one thing for it" Trunks noticed the surge of ki in the air and saw his younger friend's jet black hair raise up starting to flicker gold. In an instant Goten broke free from his grip. Trunks looked up at him hovering above, now with golden hair and piercing green eyes.

"You cheated Goten! We agreed yesterday not to turn super saiyan today!" But he had a little plan to get away with his actions, he slowly descended to the ground returning to his normal state. As he landed, tears started to form in his now onyx eyes. "Wha? Goten are you ok why are you crying?" Trunks rushed over to comfort the younger saiyan. He threw his arms around his friend, resting Goten's head on to his toned chest and started running his fingers softly through his thick dark hair, knowing this always used to calm him.

"It's working!" "I...I...I'm so sorry Trunks...I..I" Trunks continued to run his fingers though Goten's hair

"Calm down chibi just tell me slowly what's wrong"

"Sniff...I..I just didn't want to lose as soon as w..we started...sniff I'm sorry Trunks I just didn't want you to think I was weak and you were wasting your t..t..time sparring with me" Trunks completely fell for Goten's ploy. Trunks grabbed his friend's shoulders, bringing him almost level with his pure blue eyes, unable to look away from his tear streamed face.

"Don't be silly chibi! I would never think that, you are more to me than a sparring partner you know that!" Goten flinched a little after his taller friend raised his voice. "I'm the one that should be sorry chibi I got carried away, I was too full on but I didn't mean to be! I just kinda lose control when I'm with you" Trunks pulled his friend back into their previous position, tightening his grip. Goten didn't know what to do now, his plan had just collapsed. His idea was to vanish behind him while Trunks was comforting him then launch him into the lake, but he found it impossible to move an inch from this heavenly hug. The two boys stayed hugging for what seemed like an eternity when Trunks broke the silence and started giggling. Goten lifted his head glancing up at him.


"Heh heh, sorry chibi, your hair was tickling my nose" He started twitching his nose, while Goten glanced at him, he had always pictured Trunks as handsome and sexy, but right now he thought he was extremely cute. Trunks looked down, noticing Goten staring at him. "Hey glad to see you've stopped crying" giving him a smile.

"Aah!" Goten buried his head into his friends chest again as he was blushing far too much.

"Chibi?" Trunks broke the hug attempting to look down at his dark haired friend, but Goten turned around too quickly, staring at the mountains around him.

"Umm Trunks...would it be ok if we just hang out today? I think I still need more time to get back to 100%" Trunks laughed to himself trying to resist the temptation of teasing him.

"Yeah that sounds fine to me, you've just proved there isn't much point in sparring if you're not 100%" Trunks laughed. Goten turned around glaring at his friend.

"Thats not funny Trunks!" It took him a minute for him to calm down but he knew it was impossible not to tease his chibi when he was so cute.

"Hehe okay, okay I'm sorry, we can just hang out today if you want. Are you still alright to stay at mine tonight?" Goten nodded

"Yeah my mum said it was okay, so what do you want to do today instead?"

"Umm well, I'm still feeling competitive, so do you wanna race or something?" Goten couldn't really say no to Trunks so he agreed.

"Awesome! First one to fly to the city and back wins!" with that Trunks blasted off.

"Hey, wait up Trunks!" He soon followed, day dreaming about staying at his best friend's house.

After an exhausting day of flying, the two boys flew towards Trunk's house and landed at the front door

"Huff...huff I never thought I would be exhausted from flying around hehe" Trunks panted. Catching his breath, he lifted his head up and glanced at Goten.

"Huff...huff, I know it's weird. Hehe, I'm actually sweating!" Just then Goten's stomach rumbled loudly causing him to blush slightly. "Truuunks I'm sooo hungry! I need to eat before I do anything else!"

"So cute". "Hehe ok chibi. Come in then we can get something to eat, I'm starving too"

As they entered the kitchen, Vegeta was sitting there reading the paper. Goten had always been a little scared of him as he always seemed so moody and intimidating.

"Hey Dad, I'm back." Trunks beamed.

"Hmph" Vegeta responded, not looking up from the paper but Trunks was used to it by now.

"H..hello sir" Goten squeaked. Suddenly, Vegeta slammed his paper down and glared straight at Goten inserting fear straight into him.

"Enough with the formalities boy! You're Kakarot's brat, not a stranger, so you call me Vegeta!" Goten thought he was going to die for a moment.

"U.." Just then Trunks decided to save his friend from his dad.

"Hey dad where's mum?" Vegeta picked his paper back up.

"I don't know. She was whining about working too much or some gibberish like that, and then decided to go out for the night." Trunks just glanced around the kitchen, and then at his friend who was almost doubled over in hunger.

"Sooo what about dinner?" Trunk's said quietly. Vegeta slammed his paper down again.

"For Dende's sake boy, there is food she prepared earlier in the refrigerator! All you have to do is heat it up. You're not too idiotic to do that are you?"

"No dad, I can do it" Trunks sighed.

"Good now I'm leaving to train in the gravity control room and I don't want to be disturbed, got that?" Trunk's sighed again.

"Yes father." With that Vegeta got up and walked out of the kitchen. Trunks walked over to the fridge and removed most of the food inside. Goten was still trembling a little.

"Man Trunk's, your dad is really scary sometimes."

"Don't worry chibi he probably just had another argument with my mom again and now he's taking his frustration out, just be glad he's doing it in the gravity room hehe" Goten often wondered how anyone could put up with Vegeta's mood's.

"Bulma must really love him" he thought. He often thought about living with Trunks, knowing he could get really angry sometimes, but he was pretty sure he wouldn't mind as long as there was love. Off in his own world again he jumped when the lilac haired prince touched his shoulder.

"Day dreaming again chibi? Hehe the foods ready" Goten beamed.

"Great I'm starving!"

Trunks just sat in awe of how much Goten ate.

"Wow chibi where do you put it all?" The little saiyan just leaned back in his chair looking satisfied after wolfing down more than his body weight in food.

"I dunno I'm just lucky hehe" Trunk's just laughed to himself.

"Such a cutie" "So now you're full up, shall we go to my room?" Goten hesitated due to his excitement about his friend asking that question.

"Yeah okay I brought a new game that we can play tonight, I think you will like it".

They both headed upstairs and as soon as Goten entered Trunk's room, his very sensitive nose was attacked by his friends scent, there were clothes, weights, games and books on the floor and his bed wasn't made, it looked like he left it like that as soon as he woke up.

"Sorry chibi my mom normally comes into my room and clears everything up. I guess she did need a night out, haha" Goten just kept inhaling the wonderful musky scent.

"T..that's ok I don't mind" covering his crotch with his hands.

"Ok chibi let's play that new game I'll get my console" Goten reached in his bag and got the game out.

"I don't know much about this game. I just know you only start off with a couple of characters"

"That's okay we can just try them out on each other first and go from there". Trunk's finished setting up the console, put the game in and handed Goten a controller. They then both sat down on the edge of the bed. "Okay, these two characters looked the best so let's try them out first chibi" Goten just agreed. He really didn't care as he was in heaven because all he could smell is his friend's musky scent. He was more than happy to do what he said, even if it was just choosing a character in a game.

"Argh you only beat me cos I can't get used to my character. Chibi, "let me try yours" This was Gotens chance to get his own back for teasing him earlier.

"Nuh uh, you would only lose again. I'm just too good hehe" Trunks knew he could give out abuse, but had never been good at taking it.

"You cheated! You've obviously played it before you came here Goten!"

"Did not" Goten argued back.

"Did too!" "Now let me try out your character!" Trucks retorted grabbing the control but Goten wouldn't let go of it. Trunks shoved him backwards onto the bed and pinned him down.

"Ouch! Trunks go easy on me, I still ache..." but before Trunks could carry on, he stopped trying and just stared at Goten with his mouth wide open, still holding him to the bed.

"Wh..what's wrong Trunks?" He didn't say anything, he just lowered himself down towards Goten's neck inhaling deeply.

"Oh man... Goten you smell really, really good..."

"Huh? Don't be silly I haven't had a shower yet today" Trunk's wasn't really listening, he was far too turned on. The scent of his chibi drove him wild, and before he knew it he was pressing his tented shorts against Goten's leg. "aah..t..trunks stop I need to have a shower" Goten was now incredibly horny as well and started to get hard, which was very noticeable through his gi. He felt Trunk's tongue running across his neck leaving a trail of saliva, causing Goten to gasp in shock.

"You taste as good as you smell chibi, I just want to eat you up!" He stared into the younger saiyans eyes that were filled with lust and noticed that he was blushing immensely after that comment. As there was no sign of discomfort Trunks decided to carry on assaulting Goten's neck by nibbling under the ear. Judging by the noises his chibi was making, he was enjoying it.

"st..stop it feels t..too good" but Trunks ignored him and Instead, he ran the flat of his tongue across the side of Goten's neck, paralyzing him with pleasure.

"You are just too cute chibi" with that said, Trunks locked his lips onto the side of his neck and started to suck, aiming to give him his first love bite.

"aaaaah it feels so good!" Goten whimpered. Trunks trailed his hand down the saiyans body, slipping his fingers inside Gotens underwear, grabbing his very hard member. Goten gasped with pleasure feeling his friends hand caressing his erect cock, almost instantly squirting precum. Trunks released his neck, which now had a big red mark. Looking down at the cute saiyan that had his eyes closed tight, running his fingers across his lips he leant forward and their lips connected. He wanted to explore more so he pushed his tongue through into his mouth. Goten fought back with his tongue, letting him know his tonsils were off limits. While sharing this passionate kiss, Trunks was using his chibi's precum as a lubricant, sliding his hand up and down his throbbing member causing Goten to moan loudly. Trunks broke off the kiss and slowly slid his hand up his cock, causing Goten to open his eyes to see why he stopped. He watched the older saiyan lick his hand and fingers all over.

"mmmmm chibi you taste sooooo good" Goten's face turned bright red. "You don't believe me? Taste for yourself" Trunks shoved his tongue down Goten's throat, this time coated with his chibi's precum. He thought it was weird tasting himself but he was enjoying himself too much to care right now. After swapping cum coated saliva for what seemed like an eternity, Goten pulled away.

"Trunks I can't take it anymore I need you inside me now!" Trunks hesitated, but saw the desperation in his chibi's eyes.

"Are you sure chibi?"

"Yes please please Trunks I can't stand it anymore please make me your mate" For Trunks, this was far too cute. He couldn't restrain himself any longer.

"I won't lie to you chibi this might hurt if this is your first time" Goten wasn't really listening grinding his heavily coated member against his older friend's clothed thigh, smearing his seed all over his gi.

"Please Trunks I need you to make me yours now!"

"Okay chibi if this is what you want but remember I have a problem holding back when I'm around you." Nervous and excited Goten silently nodded anxiously anticipating the moment he had been waiting for as long as he could remember.

Trunk's removed his gi now showing his perfect muscular body on display. Goten's eyes trailed downwards and became fixated on his erect penis. It was slightly bigger than Gotens, but he became even more aroused. Trunks grabbed his rock hard penis, pumping slowly in front of Goten's face. "Chibi, make me feel good too." Goten obeyed almost immediately and leaned forward to caress his older friend's member with his tongue. "mmmm chibi I've always wanted this, It feels sooo good" Goten continued to pleasure him to the best of his abilities, licking and swirling his tongue around the tip of the older saiyan's enticing shaft. Trunks started to slowly thrust his member further into Goten's mouth, increasing the speed of his movement. Suddenly he grabbed his friends black shaggy hair pulling the younger saiyan's head towards his thrusting penis, creating a faster rhythm, fucking his mouth relentlessly to the point where Goten tried pushing him away to stop himself from gagging on Trunks saliva coated cock.

After what seemed like an endless barrage of thrusting into Goten's mouth he released his grip from the younger saiyan's dark hair, letting him take a bit of break.

Looking at his chibi laying down on the bed gasping for breath, his lips covered in precum, Trunks knew he had to have him there and then. He became impatient then pulled off Goten's sparring outfit, displaying his glistening muscle and threw him down, arched him over and started rubbing his erect member against his virgin hole teasing him. Trunks pulled away and put his finger in his mouth, using his saliva as a lubricant so it wouldn't hurt his chibi as much.

"I'm gonna take it easy on you at first Goten"

"Okay...Trunks" he whimpered. With that he moved his hand towards the younger saiyans butt and started to swirl his finger around the younger saiyans tight hole, enjoying the quiet moaning he was making. He slowly pushed his index finger inside Goten making him squirm a little.

"aa..aah..Tr..Trunks" Goten couldn't really say much else, this felt very strange to him, getting what he wanted for once.

"This is too good to be true, this has to be a dream I'm gonna wake up soon" he suddenly jolted upwards in shock feeling a second finger enter his hole.

"Man your tight" Trunks said while trying to fit both his fingers all the way in. He laid Goten on his back while keeping his fingers inside him, seeing his eyes shut tight gasping for breath. Trunks leant down and shoved his tongue in his chibi's mouth while pushing his fingers deep inside. Opening his eyes in shock Goten's gaze met with the older saiyan's blue eyes.

"I love him so much, I can't wait for him to finally make me his mate". Trunks broke the kiss, slowly slid his fingers out of the younger saiyan's looser hole and moved slowly down his body, licking his nipple while breathing in his heavenly aroma. As he went lower down the body his chibi's scent became more and more enticing, until Trunks ran his tongue on the base of his penis running it up to the head. As he engulfed Goten's penis in his mouth he felt hands pull at his hair. "Please stop I..It feels too good"

Trunks didn't listen because he had always wanted to taste his chibi and now he couldn't get enough of it. After caressing every inch of Goten's member with his tongue, Trunks felt Goten pull tighter on his hair while lifting his hips off the bed and started uncontrollably thrusting against his friends face, moaning in pleasure not wanting this moment to end. Eventually Trunks managed to pull away from the younger saiyans grasp, gasping for breath.

"Man chibi I didn't expect that hehe" Trunks said while licking his lips clean.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me, I...It was just too overwhelming, I couldn't help it" he whimpered.

"shhh don't worry chibi, I kinda liked it and you taste sooo good so I didn't mind heh" Goten started to blush again, trying to control himself while his best friend stared into his onyx eyes.

"T..Trunks please make me yours, I can't wait any longer, I need you inside me now!"

"Okay you've waited long enough, turn over" Trunks whispered. Shaking in anticipation, Goten turned himself onto his hands and knees, provocatively lifting his cute little butt in the air while Trunks got on his knees positioning himself behind his chibi. He then proceeded to grab his rock hard member and press it against Goten's, now looser hole. "Okay chibi I hope you're ready" said Trunks. With that said he slowly pushed his cock into his chibi's hole.

"Oww..aah..t..trunks!" Goten whimpered. " hurts."

"Don't worry, it will only hurt for a second" said Trunks reassuring him while forcing himself in deeper, invading his inner walls. After fitting his throbbing cock inside he let out a sigh of satisfaction, as he began slowly thrusting in and out of Goten's cute little hole. The feelings Goten had were immeasurable, love, lust, excitement, accomplishment all in one, it was all most too much for him to cope.

"aaaaah..ah..ah..ah" Goten screamed in rhythm with Trunk's thrusts, feeling only pleasure and trying not to cum all over the bed. Trunk's thrusts began to get harder and faster, knowing that once he released his seed inside Goten he would be his mate and no one else's. He continued to fuck him relentlessly and his chibi's loud moaning enticed him even more. Clutching to the bed sheets, enduring the pain and pleasure he was receiving from his best friend, Goten was in ecstasy.

"aah..ah..Im gonna come" Trunks shouted while thrusting rapidly in and out his chibi's loosened hole. Seeing Goten on his hands and knees being dominated and screaming out in pleasure, he knew he was going to shoot his load any second. With that in his lust filled mind he pulled out, turned him around so he was on his back and thrust straight back in his stretched hole and then grabbed Goten's precum covered cock, pumping his fist rapidly, wanting him to cum all over himself. Hearing Goten moan louder and louder he couldn't take anymore.

"mmmmmmm..ah..ah..yeah..fuck chibi that was too good" Said Trunks ramming his cock all the way in making sure he released all his seed inside his best friend. Trunks was satisfied but he knew Goten was about to explode, he continued to pump his glistening cock as fast as he could.

"aaaaaaaah...aaah...I.. gonna cum!" Then Goten shot his seed all over his upper body and chin while the rest dripped on Trunks hand. He then pulled away and licked his hand clean, leaned forward and ran his tongue across his chibi's stomach and chest and lapped up every bit of delicious cum, causing Goten to whimper quietly.

"heh I didn't know you had that much in you cutie"

"..I know...I can't believe we did that but I'm gl.." before he could finish his sentence Trunks lifted his chin up and gently licked the rest of his friends seed, swallowing it with delight.

"You missed a bit chibi" Goten then looked down at the bed with a bright red face. Trunks lifted his head up making direct eye contact, slowly leant forward connecting his lips with the younger saiyans. "You are just too cute" Trunks said with a content smile. "You wanna get some sleep?" Goten just nodded and turned over to his normal sleeping position.

"Hug me...please Trunks"

"Sure thing" With that he pulled the cover over both them and wrapped his arms around him so tight bringing his chibi's back close to his chest. Goten never wanted this moment to end. "I'm so happy I can't believe the love of my life is hugging me while I fall asleep"

" know I you right?" For a few seconds there was nothing but silence "I can't believe I just said that! Now I'm going to get rejected and I will have to fly away as fast as I can". Just then the silence was broken.

"I'm happy to hear it I feel the same way." "Your mine now and I'm not gonna let you get away or anyone hurt you, I love you so much chibi" Trunks then kissed him on the neck and hugged him tighter.

"Thank you Trunks." As Goten fell into a deep blissful sleep he had never felt so happy in his entire life, thinking he can't wait to wake up in his first and only loves arms.


Are you cliffhanged?.. Don't worry I've prepared the story long before I decided to publish this..

And please shout with me, now say NO TO CLIFFHANGING!!

Dear readers, WHERE'S MY REVIEWS!! 😤😤

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