Chapter 1 - The Marriage Proposal

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Y/n POV 2 months Before UA Starts

My name is Y/n Kimura, I am 16 years old and I am just finishing middle school and about to enter high school it was currently 3 in the afternoon. I, of course want to go to UA and with my quirk I can. My quirk is White Flames, it allows me to produce and manipulate white flames. I got my quirk from my parents which was a combination of their quirks, my Dad has a White Energy quirk, while my mom has a Sapphire Flame quirk, my parents always told me to follow my dreams and when I said I wanted to become a hero, they supported me and help me in every way they could. I didn't just want to become a hero to help people, I also wanted to become a hero to financially support us as well, we weren't that wealthy of a family, we had just enough to support us, I come up to my house, it was small, but it was home. I then stopped in my tracks when I saw something really weird, there was a limousine in front of our house. I then continue walking and then walk into the house.

Y/n : "Hey mom, hey dad, I'm home, there's a limousine outside of our hou-"

I then walk into the living room to see my parents... and someone I'd never thought I'd see... The Flame Hero, Endeavor.

Y/n : "H-hello Endeavor sir, excuse me, I wasn't aware we had a guest."

Endeavor : "It's quite alright. Please take a seat."

Respecting his authority, I put my bag down and sat down with my parents, then my dad began to speak.

D/n : "So Endeavor, before our son arrived, your offer was-"

Endeavor : "To arrange a marriage between my daughter Sakura and your son Y/n. I will pay you 8 million yen."

My eyes widened at what I had just heard I looked at my parents and saw they were nervous, they didn't want to sell me off to get money, but this could help with our money problem, but I have to discuss about this with them first.

M/n : "Can we talk about this with our son in private?"

Endeavor : "Of course."

Me and my parents then walked to the kitchen and closed the door behind us and that's when I spoke.

Y/n : "I think we should take the deal."

M/n : "But Y/n-"

Y/n : "Mom this could be the only way to solve our money problem, I want to help you guys in anyway I can, and besides I can still visit you guys."

D/n : "I guess, you know why were nervous about this."

Y/n : "I know, you guys don't want to sell me off to get money, don't worry, I want to do this. I want to help you guys."

M/n : "Alright, but you better visit us every month."

Y/n : "Don't worry, I will." *smiles*

We then walk back into the living room to see Endeavor waiting patiently, he looked at us and my dad spoke up, while my mom went upstairs to get something.

D/n : "Alright Endeavor you have a deal, just one question why do you want my son to be in a arranged marriage with your daughter?"

Endeavor : "You see, your son's quirk, is if not the most powerful fire quirks I have ever seen and my daughters quirk is a combination quirk, of my fire and my wife's ice quirk, I want want them to be able to have children that have their quirks that are combined from their parents and hopefully gain your quirks. I want to start a new family legacy."

Y/n : "Ok, I'll marry your daughter, but I will be able to see my parents once every month, and what do I get in return?"

Endeavor : "You can visit your parents any time you wish. And what you get in return, your parents also told me you want to become a hero, so I will recommend you to the hero course in exchange for this marriage."

Y/n : "Alright."

Endeavor : "Good."

I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I turn and see my mom with a suitcase. It looked like she was struggling so I walked over and helped her. Endeavor then handed my dad a briefcase that held the 8 million yen, which I knew would help my parents.

Endeavor : "And, as part of your courting."

Y/n : 'Courting?!'

Endeavor : "You and my daughter will be living, together in a house which I have paid for. That is why your parents have packed your things. I'll wait outside for you."

Endeavor then walked outside and I turned to my parents and smiled at them and hugged them and they hugged back.

Y/n : "Don't worry I'll be fine."

D/n : "We know you will."

We the separated and I walked to the door.

M/n : "We raised you well, good luck with you fiancé, I guess." *smiles*

Y/n : "Don't I'll be ok."

I then walk outside and put my stuff in the Limousine, I then got in and waved to my parents and they waved back. After a little while it was 4 pm when we arrived at the house and I have to say... it was huge.

I then walk inside the house and when I entered I heard someone walking down the stairs.

??? : "So You're Y/n?"

I turned round to see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, she had red and white hair and a scar on her left eye. I had to fight the urge to blush and tried to keep my composer.

Y/n : "Yeah that's me. And you must be Todoroki right?" 

Sakura : "Call me Sakura, since you are my fiancé."

Y/n : *rubs his necks* "Oh yeah right, how about we sit and get to know each other."

Sakura : "Alright."

I then put my suitcase next to the staircase, and we both walk into the living room and sat down on the couch next to each other and we began talking, getting to know each other, I realized that she and I got along quite well. I then noticed something else she had nail polish, but it was different colors on each hand, she had white nail polish on her right hand and red nail polish on her left hand, it actually cute.

Y/n : "Hey by the way I like the way you do your nail polish, it cute." *smiles*

Sakura : *blushes* "Thanks."

Y/n : "So what's your quirk? Your father only said it was a combination of his and your moms."

Sakura : "My quirk is half hot, half cold, as a result of a quirk marriage, I am able to generate ice from my right side and fire from my left. However... due to personal reasons, I refuse to use my fire."

Y/n : "Wow that's pretty cool, and if you don't want to use your fire that's fine with me. It's your business not mine"

Sakura : "Really?"

Y/n :  *puts hand on her shoulder* "I'm fine with it, I respectful when it comes to other people personal issues, but if you even want to talk about it, I'm here to listen." *smiles*

Sakura : *smiles back* "Thanks Y/n. By the way what's your quirk?"

Y/n : "My quirk is called White Flames. It allows me to produce and manipulate the white flames I produce. But since I don't have a half quirk like you I am able to over heat and I have to wait until I cool down until I am able to use my quirk again."

Sakura : "Huh, that sounds similar to my father."

Y/n : "It does but there a few different things, my fire is more calm so it doesn't spread as quickly, and I can also control and use my anger to make it stronger and I have to be careful about the heat my flames produce."

Sakura : "Why? What's the maximum temperature they can reach?"

Y/n : "The maximum temperature they can reach is 12,000 degrees."

Sakura : "That hot!"

Y/n : "Yup, but the higher temperature the harder is it to control. So I try to keep the temperature at a safe level."

Sakura : "You know I originally thought you would have a temper, and be like my father."

Y/n : "I used to have anger issues, I my parents taught me how to control my anger, instead of letting it control me."

Sakura : "Huh, your parents must want what's best for you."

Y/n : "Yeah, you see our family was running low on cash and I just finished middle school, I didn't just want to become a hero to help people, I wanted to also become a hero to financially supports us, and when your father offered cash, I accepted the marriage to help them, but I am able to see them every month."

Sakura : *surprised* "So you took the marriage to help your parents?"

Y/n : "Yeah, are you mad at me?"

Sakura : "W-what no, that's really sweet of you."

Y/n : "Thanks, sooooo... how about I cook you some dinner, you must be hungry."

Sakura : "You don't have to that."

Y/n : "But I want to, and besides you'll love it."

I then walk to the kitchen and see what we have, I then find the right stuff and start cooking, and since I learned from my mom, I was very good at it. so after 45 minutes, I finished.

Sakura then comes to eat and when she put the bite her mouth, I saw her eyes light up, and she then begins to devour the food until there's nothing left, and when she's done, she looks at me and see's that I have a surprised look.

Sakura : "What?"

Y/n : "It's just I've never seen anyone eat that before, was it really that good?" *smirks*

Sakura : *Blushes and smiles*  "Yeah I guess it was."

Y/n : "Good, I'll clean up, could you give me a hand?"

Sakura : "Yeah sure."

We then began to clean up the kitchen, and we began to talk some more about our lives, she asked me why I was so chill about somethings, and I told her that sometimes that you just have to relax and enjoy the things that you like to do. She seemed to be very curious about my personality. When we were done it was 7 pm, Sakura grabbed my hand and I brought me back to the couch.

Sakura : "I'm going to tell you why, I don't use my fire and how I got my scar." *looking down*  

I then see her hands shaking a little, so I grab her hands.

Y/n : "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

Sakura : "No. I trust you, and besides it'll be good to get this off my chest."

She then began telling about why her father had a quirk marriage with her mother Rei so that he could make his 'perfect creation'. She even told me about Touya her older brother and how he died when he was a teenager, she even told me about how her mom poured boiling water on her face and how her mother tried to put it out. After she was done telling me everything, I... was... pissed. I knew Endeavor was a jerk, but this... this made even more mad at him. Sakura was on the verge of crying, so I wrapped her in a hugged and comforted her through her pain, by rubbing her back.

Y/n : "It's ok, I'm here, you can cry, it'll make you feel better."

She then began to let it out and started to cry hard into my shoulder, while I held her close in my arms, she cried for about 3 minutes and she started to slow down until she was just sniffing, she looked up at me and I smiled at her.

Y/n : "Feel better?"

Sakura : *smiles back* "Much better. Thanks I needed that."

Y/n : "Your welcome."

As she was drying her eyes, I looked out side and saw it was getting late.

Y/n : "It's getting late we should probably go to bed. Do you have your room picked out?"

Sakura : "My father made the house with only one bedroom. So we will have to share it."

Y/n : "O-oh okay."

We walked up the stairs to the room, I was carrying my suitcase up and when we got to the room, we both took showers, and got into our pajamas and got into bed, Sakura drifted off to sleep in no time, I was just about to fall asleep until Sakura wrapped her arms around my waist while she was still sleeping, I was blushing like crazy, until I saw that she was a little tense, so I wrapped my arms around her a pulled her closer to me, she relaxed and I smiled, then not long after I also fell asleep, this was going to be an interesting time at UA.

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