Another Dumpster About Me

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Once again, I was tagged by Ithildaeforever to do a small prompt about my trashy life.

I. Do you prefer housework or schoolwork?

Housework, because it is not graded and not turned in. Schoolwork can be okay sometimes though.

II. What is your favorite animal?

If you read the second chapter in this book, 15 Mounds of Trash, you would know that I don't pick favorites. I like most animals, but I hate bugs, though I am the human equivalent of one. I do have 2 cats, because I love cats :)!

III. What is your quest?

A quest to a world full of candy! But really,there are so many options for quests, and I would love to do almost any quest! Just like this quest into a garbage dumpster!

IV. What is your favorite color?

Once again, if you read the second chapter in this book, you would know that I don't have favorite colors.

V. What is your favorite song(s)?

I will listen to anything that is music, though I don't like country, bluegrass, and slower music. I like more of the dance, trap, rap, and pop styles of music, but I will listen to all kinds of music, and try to make it enjoyable.

VI. What is your favorite thing to study and explore?

What is this even supposed to mean? Well, I do like to explore garbage bins, obviously. And I like to study Social Studies and Science...

VII. If you could have dinner with any three people (fictional or real, alive or dead), who would they be?

Hmmmm, that is tough. Definitely God/ Jesus because they could summon all the dead people I would want to see, and because it's God/ Jesus. Benjamin Franklin because he was a frickin GENIUS (and a cool party guy with a kid's attitude), and a machine that makes fictional characters come to life (So I could talk to LOTR characters, and more).

VIII. What were you like as a tyke (small child)?

First of all, if you are on Wattpad, I think you should or would already know what tyke means, and if people don't, why even use tyke when you can just say 'small child'? But who am I to question this, right :)? Anyways, I was full of energy and was a caring little guy (well, I hope I was). I was also a good sleeper, but was always finding a new thing to be scared of, or a new way to get into trouble.

IX. If you could have one or two superpowers, what would they be?

This is a hard question. I would want the power to have all the superpowers. :)

Alright, I tag:







Alright guys, thanks for diving into this dumpster! See you guys after I dig my back out of this trash!

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