We Miss You (Grayson Ver.)

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   Avery watched sadly from the side as Jameson sat dangerously close to the edge of the roof.

      He was grieving. He was broken.

  It's been nearly four weeks since Grayson died. It's been nearly three weeks since the funeral.

     There had been a shootout at a gala they had all attended. Grayson had been one of a few victims that night.

    The paramedics had done everything. The best doctors in the hospital had tried their best. Even Dr Liu, Max's mum, was flown in to help.

     Grayson didn't make it.

   Avery continued to watch Jameson. She gave him the space that she knew he needed, but she also wanted to keep an eye on him. 

     Especially after what happened a few days ago...

    Nash and Avery walked out onto the roof. They pair of them knew Jameson came up here whenever he wanted to get away from everything. 

     What they saw nearly made their hearts stop. 

   Jameson was waking carelessly on the edge of the roof, a bottle of wine in one hand. He had his back to them. He kept walking nearer and nearer to the edge, swaying slightly and making a few steps that could have sent him plummeting to the ground. 

     Nash sprinted forward, grasped Jameson round the torso and yanked him back. The two crashed to the ground, the wine bottle slipping from the younger boy's grasp and smashing into a thousand pieces. 

     In a sitting position, Jameson just stared at his older brother, his only older brother now, as if not really registering who it was. 

     From where she stood, Avery could see that Jameson hadn't been sleeping. At all. His eyes were red and puffy and he had dark circles under his eyes. His hair was a dishevelled mess, as if he hadn't combed it since the funeral. 

       "Jamie..." Nash said softly, "please, I can't lose you too."

   And with that, Jameson hurled himself into Nash's warm, comforting embrace, tears and sobs tearing through his body. 

      "He's gone..." Jameson sobbed, "H-he's gone..."

   Nash just held him tightly, rubbing the boy's back and smoothing down his hair, a few tears rolling down his own cheeks. 

     "I want him back, Nash, I j-just want him b-back..." Jameson choked, his breathing becoming erratic. 

       "Breathe, Jamie, breathe," Nash murmured, "Just breathe."

    "I want him back," Jameson continued, "I want him back."

         "So do I," Nash whispered, "I wish this was all a lie, a horrible nightmare. I wish that he would just walk through the front door and tell us it was just some horrible prank."

      Jameson continued to sob, clutching onto his older brother.

   Avery heard a movement from behind her and saw that Xander had followed them onto the roof. 

      Nash had noticed too, and without having to say any words, without having to make any gestures, with a look, he told the youngest Hawthorne to join them. 

     Xander quietly made his way over, lowering himself down and joining in the hug. He too began to cry. 

     Avery turned and left the three brothers to mourn in peace. It wasn't her place to intrude.

   The feeling of being watched drew Avery out of her thoughts, and upon checking, she found Jameson's eyes resting on her. 

      Neither said a word, neither moved a muscle. Both just staring into each other's eyes.

   Then, slowly, but surely, Jameson lifted his hand and gestured for her to join him. 

       Avery quietly made her way over to him, pulling herself up onto the ledge and then sitting cross-legged beside him. She slipped her hand into his.

       They sat in silence, comfortable in each other's presence. 

     The skies overhead were blue, not a single cloud was in sight. A few birds flew overhead before barrelling down towards the woods. The leaves and branches swayed gently in the breeze, the same breeze that played with their hair.

      "Gray loved days like this," Jameson murmured softly, looking down at the extensive grounds of Hawthorne House, "He loved to go out on walks through the woods or out for a stroll in the garden from time to time."

      Avery stayed silent. This was the first time Jameson was opening up to her about his brother since his passing. She didn't want to say or do anything that might make him close up again.

      "Gray may have been serious and broody all the time, but he loved joining in all the fun," Jameson continued, his eyes making a sweep of the scenery. "It's the trait of a Hawthorne. We could never back down from a game, a challenge, a bet."

     Avery smiled slightly at that. He was not wrong. 

   "Gray is also protective," Jameson sighed. "And because of that, because of me, he died."

       "Jameson, it's not your fault," Avery said quietly, "It wasn't your fault, you didn't kill him."

   "It is," Jameson shook his head, "Those bullets were meant for me. Those three bullets were supposed to kill me, not Grayson. And the idiot jumped to shield me."

     "The only ones who are at fault here are the ones who were involved in the shootout," Avery laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, "What Grayson did, he did it to save you because he loved you. You're his younger brother, his family. And you yourself know that family always comes first with Grayson."

      Jameson was quiet.

    "It's not your fault, Jamie," Avery gave him a sad smile, "Don't blame yourself for something you couldn't control."

     Jameson turned to look at her. His eyes were filled with tears. 

   "I miss him so much, Avery," Jameson choked out.

      "Come here," Avery pulled Jameson into a hug. She rubbed circles on his back, whispering soothing words of comfort. 

     Oren, knowing that the two needed time alone, had turned and left, however leaving the door slightly open in case anything happened. 

         Jameson buried his face into Avery's shoulder, his tears soaking her blouse. 

     "I miss. I miss him so much," Jameson cried. 

* * *

    Avery slipped her hand into Jameson's as the earth was shovelled back over the coffin. Her sister had her arms wrapped around Nash, while Max rubbed circles on Xander's back. 

     Zara and her husband were there. So was Thea and the Laughlins. Important people that knew Grayson were there too. 

      Skye Hawthorne had not come. Or really, she hadn't been allowed to come. 

   Jameson had refused to allow her to attend the funeral, claiming she had never been there for them, for Grayson, so she had no right to be there. He hadn't done very much in the planning of the funeral, but when it came to the question on whether or not to allow Skye to be invited, he had put a foot down. 

     After the burial, there was going to be a reception. The three remaining Hawthorne brothers had almost thrown that idea out the window, not wanting to socialise. But Alisa, and even Zara had convinced them that it would be rude if they didn't thank people for coming and being there, saying that all funerals had receptions afterwards.

     As people began to head back to their cars. The Hawthornes, the Laughins, Avery, Libby and Max stayed behind for a few minutes longer, looking down at the freshly mound in the earth. 

    Thea walked forward first, laying a single white rose on the earth before turning and leaving with Zara and Constantine. 

     The Laughins went next, all three of them laying a flower each. Mrs Laughlin was crying. Rebecca looked haunted. 

      Max and Libby decided to go next so that they could give the brothers some space. 

   Avery then set down her rose and stepped away. She didn't head back to the cars, but she didn't stay by the grave either. She instead walked a few feet away in case she was needed. She would have much rather have stayed to support them, especially Jameson. But she had to give them once last moment where it was just the four of them. 

     From where she stood, she watched as each of the boys placed a white rose in turn. Xander had begun crying again. 

       It had always been the four of them. The four brothers shared a bond like no other. And now one-fourth of them was gone. 

      "How are they?" 

   Avery turned around, startled. It was Libby.

      "I don't know. It's incredibly hard for them," Avery sighed, "I don't think they'll ever be able let go."

     "Nash is trying really hard to stay strong and be that firm rock for his brothers," Libby whispered, "but everyone has their limits. I heard him crying in the bathroom the other evening. I think... I think he feels like he can't cry in front of his brothers."

        Avery continued to watch the boys.

    "Max tells me that Xander shuts himself in his room all the time. Sometimes she finds him fast asleep on the couch in Grayson's office," Libby went on. She then turned to look at her sister, "How's Jameson?"

       "Honestly," Avery sighed, "I don't really know. He won't talk about it. He hides himself around the house, or is up on the roof. I... I don't think he has even gone near Grayson's rooms or office."

      Jameson, for the past week and a half, had avoided everything that reminded him of his brother. 

* * *

     They had been sitting on the roof for a while, to the point that the sky held hints of pink in it. 

  "Alisa said that the Hawthorne Foundation is holding a charity event in honour of Grayson," Avery said, "You don't have to go if you don't want to. People will understand."

       Jameson was silent, going over the information in his mind. 

   "Heights Country Day are also planning something," Avery continued, "You don't have to go to that either."

     "I'll go," Jameson said quietly, "to both."

   "Jameson, you really don't have to," Avery turned to him, "I'll go on your behalf."

  He shook his head. "No, I need to do this," Jameson said, "For Grayson. It's what he would have wanted."

      "The charity event is next week," Avery said, "it's obviously going to be held at the Foundation, and Nash has arranged for Grayson's projects and pictures and achievements to be on display."

      Jameson nodded. 

   "You don't have to stay for long," Avery gave him another option, "If you feel it getting too much, just leave, they'll understand."

     "I'm fine -" Jameson started.

   "No, you're not," Avery shook her head, "Jamie, it's okay to hurt, to mourn, and to show it. You don't have to pretend to be completely fine. You're brother just passed away, it's normal to mourn."

       Jameson looked down at the ground below them. 

    "Tahiti," Avery whispered softly, holding his hand tightly in hers. 

        He took a sharp intake of breath.

    "I just feel like... now that Grayson is gone, I should, I don't know, fill in his shoes," Jameson sighed, "But I'll never live up to what he's done. He's the perfect one, I was the reckless one."

      "No, no don't say that," Avery shook her head, "You aren't filling in anybody's shoes, okay? Grayson has his own path, you have yours. Grayson wouldn't want you to fill in his shoes. He'd probably turn in his grave if you even so much as think of taking up his projects and doing the paper work."

      And  for the first time in nearly a month, Jameson gave a small chuckle. 

   "He would, wouldn't he?" He murmured. 

        "Come on, it's nearly dinner time," Avery said, "Nash will send a search party for us if we don't get back down."

     Jameson stood up and pulled her up with him. 

   "Thank you, Heiress,"  He whispered, engulfing her in a hug.

        Avery smiled. 

* * *

       Jameson stared at his reflection in the mirror as he got ready. He reached for his black tie when he paused. 

     He grabbed the silvery grey tie instead. 

   They, his brothers, future sister-in-law, Avery, Max, Thea and Rebecca had all agreed to wear all black to the charity event. 

     But Jameson decided to break the agreement, just ever so slightly. His shirt, shoes and three piece suit would still be black, but his tie would be silvery-grey. A tribute to his late brother. 

    He made sure he had everything in place before making his way down to the lobby. 

  Nash and Xander were already there. 

      "I see we had the same idea," Nash smiled sadly, looking at Jameson's tie. 

   While it was Nash's shirt that was a silvery-grey, for Xander, it was his waistcoat. 

        "Seems fitting to do it, right?" Xander drew circles on the floor with his foot, "Grey and silver were always a part of Gray's colour palette."

      The girls appeared a moment later and Jameson felt a lump in his throat, tears threatening to build up in his eyes.

     While they wore black dresses, each girl still wore or held something that was grey or silver. 

    Avery smiled. "I'm sure Grayson is approving our choice of wardrobe," She said. 

        "I'm sure he is," Jameson murmured softly. 

   They made their way out. 

       "Chess Pieces on the move," A bodyguard spoke into his comm system as the small group walked down the steps before splitting up into two cars.

     As he buckled his seatbelt, Jameson heard the bodyguard in the front say, "Regina, Emerald, Blueberry-Scone, and Fox outbound. Get ready to open the gates."

     Jameson took a deep breath. The bodyguards would never say the codename 'Silver' ever again. 

      "Are you ready?" Avery whispered.

   "As ready as one can be," Jameson replied, nodding his head. 

        "You don't have to socialise much, you don't have to do anything that will make you uncomfortable," Avery said, "It's basically just an exhibition sort of event with a few things being auctioned off for charity. None of Grayson's things, don't worry." She added.

    They reached the Hawthorne Foundation in no time. The place was already buzzing with life as waiters and waitresses dashed about with trays of champagne for those in attendance. 

     "This is exactly how Grayson would have done it," Xander murmured as they stepped into the foyer. 

     Jameson didn't hear him. His attention was on the picture frames and display cases. His brother's photographs and projects. 

     He walked over to them and started to look at them closely. Most of them he had seen before, others were completely new to him. 

     He was lost in his own world that he hadn't realised that he had wondered down a more secluded corridor, still looking at the photographs. 

     Photos of landscapes and scenery from around the globe, pictures of the brothers on their holidays throughout the years. However, the last few photos were unfamiliar.

      The subject in each of the twelve photos was of a girl, her back always to the camera. 

   Jameson stopped and carefully looked at one in particular.

        The photo was taken in a field full of flowers, the sunset on the horizon. The girl was pictured running, her dark curls flying, her hands brushing through the tall grass. 

       "Jameson Hawthorne?" 

   Jameson whipped round to see a woman around his age only a few feet away. 

       "Uh, yeah, that's me," He nodded. 

    The woman smiled. 

        "I thought so," She said, "Even though I've never seen you in person, you're brother is very good at descriptions."

      "My... brother?" Jameson raised an eyebrow. 

    The woman smiled sadly and drew nearer, coming to a stop beside him. She looked up at the photo. 

     "I met Grayson at Harvard," The woman started, "Oh! How rude of me," She turned and held out her hand. "I'm Katie, Katie Woods."

      "Nice to meet you," Jameson shook her hand.

   Katie turned back to look at the photo. "I didn't even realise he had taken that photo," She chuckled, "shows how unobservant I am."

      "You're the girl in the photos?" Jameson inquired. 

   "Yes," Katie smiled, "looking at the photos, I'd say they were taken on some of our dates."

       Jameson's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You and Grayson..." He said slowly.

    "We were dating, yes," Katie looked down at the ground, "I'm not surprised he hasn't mentioned me to you before. He wanted it keep it between us until he was ready. We started dating in his last year at Harvard... gosh feels like only yesterday instead of a year and a half ago."

     Jameson tore through his memories to try. "I-I think he did actually mention you a couple of times during the winter holidays last year," He said, "Not by name, but he mentioned a girl now and then."

      Katie smiled, then it fell. "When I heard he passed away I... I couldn't believe, I didn't want to believe it," She said, "When my family got the invitation to come to tonight's event I almost didn't want to go, too many reminders of him." She breathed. "But then something happened and I decided to come. Not just to see what Grayson's done, his photos, his life. But to meet his family too."

     Jameson looked back up at the photo. 

   "Don't take this the wrong way," Katie suddenly said, "I'm not trying to have contacts with Gray's family for any financial reason or anything like that."

     "I wasn't going to take it that way, don't worry," Jameson turned and smiled at her, "I'm glad you came tonight. It's nice to meet someone that was obviously very special to Gray and who made him happy."

      There was silence as the two began to walk around, looking at more photos, passing by others who were admiring Grayson's work.

   "I don't know how to say this," Katie suddenly burst out, stopping in her tracks. 

         Jameson turned to look at her, eyebrows raised.

    "I only found out a couple of days ago, it was the reason why I came tonight to try and get into contact with you and your brothers," Katie took in a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

      Jameson was a bit confused. "Um, congratulations?" He said, not quite sure what response to give.

  "No, you don't understand," Katie shook her head, sadness etched on her face, "I'm two months pregnant. The baby... it's Grayson's."

      Jameson's heart skipped a beat. "W-what?"

   "I'm pregnant, the baby is Grayson's," Katie repeated, "And again, I'm not here to ask for financial support or anything like that. I came because you and your brothers have the right to know about your brother's child."

      Jameson's eyes gave a quick glance down at her stomach her she had placed her hand.

   "He'll never know," Katie's eyes brimmed with tears, "Grayson... he'll never know."

       "Is everything alright?" Avery appeared by Jameson's side, looking concerned at the shocked look on her boyfriend's face and the sad look on the woman standing in front of him.

     "Heiress, can you gather the others upstairs in Grayson's office, please?" Jameson turned to her, "There's someone they should meet."

      "Of course, I'll meet you upstairs," Avery smiled. She cast a gentle smile in Katie's direction before disappearing amongst the crowd.

       "Follow me," Jameson gestured for Katie to follow him, leading her towards the lifts.

    "I'm sorry for springing the news on you like that, especially on today of all occasions, but I didn't know when I would next get the chance," Katie apologised quietly.

     "Don't be sorry," Jameson shook his head as the lift came to a halt. "It's fine."

* * *

      "What's this all about, Jamie?" Nash asked.

    They were all gathered in Grayson's office. 

         "And who's she?" Xander asked, nodding towards the woman standing by the desk.

     "This is Katie Woods," Jameson started, "She and Gray met in Harvard. They were dating."

         Everyone raised an eyebrow at this. 

    "Hi," Katie waved shyly, not sure of what reaction she was going to get. 

          "She's pregnant," Jameson got straight to the point. 

     "Um, congratulations, Miss Woods," Nash gave her a small smile before turning to his younger brother, "But um, what does this have to do with us?"

       "She's pregnant," Jameson repeated, "And the baby is Grayson's."

   Nearly everyone else in the room gasped. 

      "Are you serious?" Nash looked at Katie.

   "I found out only a couple or so days ago that I was two months pregnant," Katie explained. 

    Libby slowly walked forward and engulfed Katie in her arms. "We'll help you in anyway we can," She said softly, "Don't worry, you won't be alone."

      Katie began to cry softly. 

   "Kid," Nash started, "Thank you, for coming and telling us."

      "You had the right to know," Katie sniffed, "You're the baby's family after all. And I feel like this is Grayson's way of telling us that he isn't completely gone."

      Avery walked up to Jameson and slipped her hand into his, smiling slightly. 

   Jameson smiled back.


3 Years Later

     Avery watched as her husband played with the little boy in the gardens.

    Nathaniel Grayson Hawthorne looked like his father. His smile and nose may belong to Katie, but his hair and eyes were undoubtably his father's.

     "Nathaniel is so much like his father," Katie came up to stand next to Avery. 

   "In more ways than one," Avery agreed.

      They watched as Jameson swung Nathaniel around in the air, the little boy giggling and laughing. 

    "Jameson will be a good father," Katie said, "He might deny it, but he's tried to fill in the role as a father figure for Nathaniel."

       "Each of the boys grew up without a father," Avery whispered softly, "Jameson doesn't want that for Nathaniel."

     "Are we nearly ready?" Nash appeared, carrying his one-year-old girl in his arms.

   It was the anniversary of Grayson's death today. And they were setting off to visit his grave. 

       "Xander messaged to say that he and Max were already on their way over there," Libby said. 

    "I suppose we should get going then," Jameson appeared behind them, Nathaniel on his shoulders.

      The drive to the graveyard didn't take long. Xander and Max were waiting at the gate for them.

      "There's my favourite nephew!" Xander crouched down on the ground as Nathaniel ran into his arms. 

       "Currently he's your only nephew," Max rolled her eyes, playfully. She held a bouquet of flowers in one hand. 

    They all walked into the graveyard, making their way to the far corner where the Hawthorne's had their own plot. 

     They arrived in front of the grave. It was a lovely light grey stone with a violin, a sword and a chess piece carved into the top. The inscription read:

Grayson Davenport Hawthorne

August 23 2001 - June 7 2027

Beloved Brother, Nephew, Boyfriend and Father

You will be dearly missed.

     "Hi dad," Nathaniel sat crossed legged on the ground next to the grave, placing down a flower, "We miss you."

* * *

Thank you for reading!!

Clara x

(Disclaimer, all characters, except for ones that I make, belong to Jennifer Lynn Barns)

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