A New Hero

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September 27th, 2024

Chaos Pov's:

I was given a letter by my friend Bri to come to her office. Why did she send the letter? I don't know. All I know is that she needs my help. So obviously, I gonna run to the company to give Bri some aid.

20 mins later

I get to the company building, which is known as Joey Drew Studios. The studio was old, but homely. The outer interior of the building was a nice shade of grey while the insides were dark blue. The windows were boarded up a little, but probably due to them being shattered. I look at the door to see it wide open, so I go in.

Once inside, the whole inside of the building looks old and worn down. Water was leaking from the pipes and rats and other vermin were all over the place. The tables and desks of the office were old and tainted with what seems to be ink as everything else was molding. The tiles on the walls had molding to the point of them being unrecognisable and the carpets have turned a brownish yellow. Damn, this building was really old.

In Bri's letter, she said to go down the Elevator. Why would she tell me to go down? It's not even a tall building, literally only having 4 floors. I head to the lift as I enter it's yellow interior. I look at the buttons as I see it having more than 4 buttons. Maybe it had floors below?

I take out her letter again and reread it, I don't see anything surprising to note of as the words are just telling me to come here. I turn over the page to see that on the backside of it, it had the number 25 on it. Number 25? I look up towards the lift buttons, I scan each of them thoroughly and see that none of the buttons had the number 25 on them. I scan for anything else until I see a little compartment under all the buttons. It says in bold inky letters, 'Do Not Open'. So of course I open it up. This shows another 3 buttons, all covered in ink. However, I can still read them clearly and the middle one says the number 25 on it. I press it and the elevator starts moving. The door closes as I hear the usually elevator music play in the background. Damn, this lift takes forever.

Suddenly, the elevator stops as I look down at the lift floor. What made it stop?
Without warning, the lift begins to fall at a rapid pace. I sit down on the floor, waiting for the impact. Waiting and waiting. It's not stop falling. I close my eyes and wait for this to end and kill me.

But nothing came.

I opened my eyes to see that I was fine. The lift has stopped falling and the doors were open.aybe this was floor 25? Wait no,  floors go upwards, not down-. Anyways, I get up from the dusty floor and ran out of the elevator. The doors close with a ding as it heads back up to where it stays. 

I begin to look at my surroundings, trying to comprehend where I am. I was about 25 floors deep into the office and the floor I am on right now is filled with yellow. It's really eerie. All the walls are plastered with yellow paint as the floor is also covered in that same yellow.  I walk forwards a few steps and enter a room with about 6 pedestals. Before me is a lever that was covered in some sort of black paint. Above each pedestal was a corresponding picture of an item that needed to be placed on them. I sigh a little bit as I knew that I was probably going to need them for later. But for now, let's see what the lever did.

I walk towards the inky lever as I felt something ominous from it. I didn't care though as I just needed to pull it. I grab the ball tip of the lever and pull it down. Gears small and large began to move as I hear something rising up from under the floor. After a couple of seconds, a machine in the same yellow as everything else appeared before me dangling from a couple of chains. This machine was large, square, and robust in shape. Its outside was made up of several pipes, gears, pistons, and other attachments. A giant metal barrel filled with what seemed to be ink was connected to the rear of the machine. There was a large nozzle connected to its front, along with long, sprawling pipes underneath. The machine was also portable, being risen up and down the studio by several large, heavy chains.

I look at it in awe as I haven't seen anything like this before. It looks so cool! Yet so ominous. What can this machine do? I look at the machine for several minutes looking for a clue about what to do next before a sign lights up yellow saying the words "Collect the pieces of the past, once done, the ink shall rise again". I ponder on what it meant for a bit until I realised that it was talking about the pedestals' pieces, so I rush to find them.

There was 6 pedestals all together. The pictures above showed me the items needed. On the left, I needed a weird looking ink doll, a record and a jar of ink. On the right, I needed a book, a wretch and a gear. I head outside of the Break Room and follow the path on the right. This took me into a place that seems to be a theatre. I look around to see the ink doll on a wooden chair. I pick it up and admire it for a few seconds before carrying on my search. I look to the left of me to see that on the floor was a wretch covered in dust and dirt. I pick that up and wipe it against a nearby cloth. God, it is dirty. I begin moving again and exit to theatre and head to the room on the right of the Break Room. This was a little storage closet. It contained the Jar of Ink that I needed. I took it and search for any other items that I needed but I found nothing. Damn, where are the rest? I then left the closet and when to the music studio. In there, I found the book that Joey Drew wrote and the record as well. Just one more left. I then sprinted to one of the old drawing studios and look around. Nothing was near the desk. Nothing was near the chairs. Nothing was near the pens. Nothing was near the lights. WHERE IS THIS DAMN GEAR?! I threw the Ink plush at the ceiling in frustration as I look down at the ground. However, as I did so, I heard a tile shift. I look up to see that a ladder came down from the ceiling from the tile I threw the plush at. Very convenient. I pick the plush back up and climb up the ladder. It was old and dusty but very sturdy for something as old as this. Once I made it to the top, I see that I'm in the attic. Load and behold, there it is. I get up from the ladder and walk to a projector laying down on a desk facing a white screen. Next to the projector was the thing I needed, the damn gear. I scoop up the gear with my hand and literally jumped down the ladder. It wasn't that high so my legs didn't break but that hurt. Shouldn't of done that probably. Anyways, I rush back to the Ink Machine with the items in hand. I begin to place the items in the corresponding pedestal as I grin in excitement. I can finally see what's going to happen! I place the gear first, then the wrench, then the Jar of Ink, after that was the book, then the record and then finally, the plush. Once I put the plush in it's resting place, I hear a small ding behind me. I look behind me to see a sign that says "Go back to engine room to turn Ink Machine on". I decide to do as the sign says because, what else am I going to do? I head towards the engine room and see multiple levers. All of them were varying in shapes and sizes but one stood out to me. A ink lever. All the other levers were metal, this one is Ink. What is going on? I just sigh as I place my hand on the lever. With a small huff, I turn the lever on. I see that nothing has happened and I run back to the Break Room to see of anything happened there.

I get to the Break Room to see the Ink Machine begin to spew out alot of ink,  flooding the floor. Shit shit shit, what am I going to do?! I take a step back, but before I do anything, I feel myself slip and fall through the ink.

I scream for help but no one came. No one could hear me. Nor could they see me. I get to the bottom of another floor with a loud thud as I lose consciousness. The only thing I saw was a demon made of Ink, something small and cute. But had a sinister aura to him. This was the Ink Demon.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I really hope that it matches expectations. Comment what you think could be improved upon. Until next time, cya guys.

Chaos out

Ps: I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH Samiswifexoxo

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