28. Dreegons

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Man, this is going to be such a short artbook, ah well.

Real quick, before we get to the sketches, I wanna give a shoutout(again) to
Ultimate draws really beautiful dragons, and their in color! So go check out her artbook and give her a follow!
-and a buncha votes, cause she deserves it dammit!
Thank you for being crazy :3

Also, I quickly want to thank the peeps who followed me after Ultimate mentioned me in her artbook. (I'm pretty sure that's where their from, anyways)



And two more, cause why not?

Thank you all for following me!(for some reason, ya wingnuts)

Alright, sentimental segment over with, you want art right?!
Well, go somewhere else then.
Only quarter-baked craziness here.

Didn't know if that was obvious.

Also, I just realised that there's only Nightwings in WoF, no Daywings. I winder if that's ever going to become a thing.
I'm calling it know cause me and a friend called the existence of another island and other dragons before book 8 was released.

A weird Hivewing, I guess?

Obviously the stuff I'm most proud of is near the bottom. :3

I think those wings are accurate.
Dont mind the tail up there.

If I had to say this was something from WoF, I'd say its a Sand/Rainwing.
Gee, I wonder where I got that. The fan, maybe?

I used sketches from Delusionpuffball on DA when sketching the last two.
It was mainly to help with drawing heads and scales and necks-really everything differently.
I didn't copy them exactly, but I took elements to create those two.

Definitely go check them out-why?
Because their a fantastic artist, that's why!

And thank you guys again for being here. For the new followers and for getting this book to almost 1k views!


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