Inside the Game

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When he opened his eyes, he became aware that he wasn't in his bed. Instead, he was on the edge of a cliff with heavy mountain clothes on and a man smoking beside him.

"This scene seems familiar," he thought.

He looked around, trying to figure where he was, and saw nothing but snow and mountain tops.

"Break time's over, Roach. Let's go," the man said.

Roach. That name rang into his head. He only kew one guy named Roach in his entire life, and he was from a video game.

Could it be...?

No, impossible. There's no way. He must be dreaming the hell out of it. There's no way that he suddenly found himself inside a Call of Duty game. There's no fricking way.

Nevertheless, he followed the man that he now recognized as Captain MacTavish a.k.a. Soap as he travelled the cliffside, trying not to fall down onto the abyss below.

The game made it look so easy, even though every step sends a chill of fear down his spine, making his knees go weak. Still, he had to push on despite his pounding heart.

He stopped when Soap spoke, not even looking at him. "Stay here and spot me. Wait for my go."

And so he waited, holding his breath, as he watched Soap effortlessly latch his pickaxe into the ice and climb up like it was nothing.

"Alright, the ice is good. Now follow me," MacTavish said.

Praying that somehow he got the skills, reflexes, and strength of Roach Sanderson, he tried to imitate what Soap did.

And then he climbed. Each "step" took so much effort that when he finally reached the top, he was panting hard.

Soap spoke again. "Good luck, mate. I'll see you on the far side."

With those words, Captain MacTavish set into a dead run and jumped towards the other ledge before turning, seemingly to wait for him.

He was terrified. He knows what's gonna happen as he played this game a lot of times. However, he held on to the thought that if everything goes as to how the game went, he'll be safe.

For now.

And so he took a couple of steps back, and like what MacTavish did, set off into a dead run and jumped, latching his pickaxe into the ice but sliding far down. Too far down, in his opinion.

"Hold on! Don't let go!" Captain MacTavish yelled as he appeared in his sight.

And held on he did. He held on to the pickaxe as his life depended on it, but he was starting to slip. However, before he lost his grip on the only thing that's keeping him hanging on, Soap went to hold on to him and pull him upwards.

As they both continued to climb the ice, he realized something. Roach dies at the end of the game, and if everything goes as to how the game went, he's going to die too. And that terrified him. He doesn't know what would happen if he died in this game. He has to find either a way out of the game or at least to alter the ending.

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