Broken Promises

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A/N: Hello everybody! Yes. I am back. For now. I found some time to finish off this chapter, you know, pushing through that writers block. But anyways yeah, sorry that this chapter took so long guys. I hope that you don't hate me too much. Anyways, here is the next chapter. Enjoy!

Elena's POV:

"Where the hell have you two been?"
Johnny startles awake with a jolt but Ponyboy just simply opens his eyes and stares at me.
"What do you mean, Elena...?" Ponyboy mumbles, rubbing one eye lazily.
"I mean that it's passed 1 in the morning and you haven't come home!" My voice raises to a yell as I continue. "Darry is worried sick about you!"
"Oh shit..." Pony exclaims.
"No shit," I respond. "Get your lazy butt up and go home!"
He jumps to his feet, not bothering to brush himself off, and turns to take off. Pony takes a few steps, then stops short. "Aren't you coming?"
"No," I state. "Tell Darry I'll be home in a few minutes. I need to talk to Johnny."
Pony eyes me. "Okay..."
For a moment we just stand there staring at each other, with Johnny awkwardly standing a few feet behind me. That's when I snap.
"Go!" I yell, shooing him with my hands.
His eyes widen. "Right." And with that, he takes off back up the hill towards our house.
I take a deep breath and then turn on Johnny. "So...did you enjoy the movie?"
He takes in my sickly sweet tone and eyes me. "Yes..."
"I bet you did," my tone turns acidic. "I bet Marcia did too!"
"Elena it's not what-"
"Don't give me that shit Johnny Cade!"
"Elena we're just-"
"I saw the way you were with her! Arms around her, flirting, all cuddled could you?"
"I didn't-"
"You did! Remember what you promised Ponyboy?"
He blanks for a second...thinking. 
Tears gather in my eyes, but I don't let them fall. "You promised that you wouldn't hurt me Johnny! You promised!"
"But I didn't-"
"You did! I saw you! Sam saw you too!"
"I didn't-"
"I went home and cried over you Johnny! You hurt me!"
"Shut up!"
And without thinking, my hand strikes him across the face.
I stare down at my hand with wide, horrified eyes. "Johnny...I..."
"And now you hurt me..."
I look up at Johnny. Even in the dark I can see the pained expression on his face, the tears welling in his eyes. Then they spill over his dark lashes and run down his tanned cheeks.
"Johnny..." I choke on my own tears. "I promise I didn't mean-"
"No Elena," he chokes out. "You broke your promise."
"What did you say to me, that day when you found me crying in the lot?"
I stare at him with tears streaming down my own face.
"What did you say to me?" He asks in a sad voice.
"That I would never...n-never hurt y-you," I cry. "N-never phys-ysicaly hurt-t or mentally hurt y-you."
He nods. "B-but you did."
"I'm so sorry, Johnny."
His voice wavers and then breaks near the end. "First you accuse me of cheating, which I didn't. Then you tear me down and slap me across the face. What's next, are you gunna', are you gunna' beat me up just like-like my ol' man?" After he finishes this sentence, Johnny really starts to sob. Just like that day in the lot, heart wrenching sobs. I'm on the verge of sobbing too.
I just want to hold him until it's okay again. On instinct, I reach out to him, to pull him into a hug. "Johnny please, I'm so, so sorry. I'm-"
He shoves me to the ground. "Don't touch me."
He shakes his head at me. Then he turns on his heel, and takes off at the fastest pace he can muster in his distraught state.
That does it for me. I don't even see which direction he heads in because my eyes blur with tears and I begin to sob.
For a moment I pull my knees into my chest and sob, head between my knees. The sound of my cries and raspy breathing is all I can hear.
Then my senses become hyper aware. I don't know what does it but suddenly I'm pushing myself up off of the ground. Fiercely wiping at my eyes, I stumble as quickly as I can back home, gasping and sobbing all the way there.
When I burst in through the doorway, nobody pays me any mind, and as I watch the scene that is unfolding in front of me, I understand why, and I freeze in my tracks.
I don't know what is happening, but it's utter chaos. There seems to be an argument going on between Darry and Ponyboy, then Soda steps up to defend Pony. Suddenly Darry is yelling at Sodapop, which is very, very unusual. Something must be seriously wrong here. Then Ponyboy snaps back at Darry, and before I can even comprehend what is happening, Darry just slaps Ponyboy across the face. Just like I just slapped Johnny...
The sheer force of Darry's hit causes Ponyboy to stumble and fall over, almost into one of the side tables with mom's old lamp. I watch in horror.
Darry starts to apologize to Ponyboy, but he wants none of it. He pushes himself up off of the floor and bolts for the door. Darry, Sodapop, and Paige all call after him.
As he passes me, I latch onto his shirt, but he just shoves me into the door like I mean nothing, and flat out sprints out of sight. Darry and Soda run out onto the porch, calling after him, with Paige hot on their tails.
As they call out to him, with no resounding answer in return, I attempt to steady myself on the door. But that's easier said then done. I stand, wobbly legged, bracing myself against the door, until the others come back into the room.
Darry slams the screen door shut and whirls on me. "And where have you been young lady?! Why didn't you come back from the lot with Ponyboy?! Were you with Johnny?!"
At the mention of Johnny, my whole world seems to take a gigantic jolt to the side as everything that has just happened rains down on me. Well more like crashes down on me in a wave.
I stumble away from the door and then sink (read: fall) to my knees a few feet away from Sodapop, sobbing uncontrollably into my hands.
Darry both looks and seems taken aback. However Sodapop looks just as upset as me, with tears falling down his checks too.
He walks over to me briskly, sinks down, and pulls me into his arms for a tight embrace. I sob into his shoulder and he cries into my hair, him rubbing my back and me clutching to his shirt for dear life.
But there is one more person in the room that I forgot was even present.

And that's when Paige starts to yell.

A/N: Soooo, what'd you guys think? I hope that you liked it! Well maybe you didn't exactly like what happened but...yeah I don't even know where I'm going with this. Anyways...leave a vote/comment if you liked it and don't forget to tell me what you thought of the chapter or just this story in general because I love to hear what you guys have to say! Thanks for sticking with this story if you are still reading it, you Bookies are awesome. Next chapter...hopefully soon. To be honest it depends on how this chapter does. If it does well, then probably a sooner update. Deal? Deal. Anyways until next time my Bookies! Bye! -Ella :)

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