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A/N: Hello everybody! It's has been way, way too long since I last updated this story!! I'm so sorry guys but I had serious writers block when it came to this chapter. Plus, I was also swamped with a ton of homework and other stressful stuff, but I am back now so yay! Here is the next chapter. Enjoy!
Elena's POV:
The rest of the day went by fairly smoothly.
Ponyboy and I had a race to see who would finish our homework-with all of the correct answers- first. Darry said he would check our work, and when he handed us back all of our stuff we checked to see who won. Ponyboy won. By literally half of a question, where I missed half of a definition.
Pony turned to me and smirked, after which I smacked him on the head with my thick stack of papers. When he cursed me under his breath I knew that it was my turn to smirk.
Afterwards I sat with Johnny and tried to help him figure out his math homework. It was a little difficult, I will admit that math is not my strongest area. I'm better at English. I excel at it, and music too. They are my best subjects, and I enjoy them the most also. 
Darry made chicken for dinner tonight and we stuffed ourselves until we couldn't eat anymore. It was delicious.
I am currently curled up on the couch with Johnny, listening to Ponyboy read aloud from a new novel he is reading. Darry occupies the recliner while reading the newspaper, and is ultimately tuning us out. Sodapop is in the room with us too, sitting cross-legged on the floor and trying not to get too fidgety while listening along, but he is failing miserably. I chuckle softly at him, which turns Johnny's attention back to me.
His soft brown eyes lock on mine and he swoops down for a quick kiss on the lips. My cheeks flush beat red and an enormous smile creeps up onto my face. Johnny smiles too, a real smile that before was rare, but is becoming more common with every passing day. Slowly, I yawn.
"Are you sleepy?" Johnny whispers in my ear.
"Yes," I reply in a soft voice. I know that it's only around eight o'clock but I am incredibly tired. I bury my face into his chest and sigh with content. I feel Johnny's arms wrap around me securely and he nuzzles his face into my hair, most likely inhaling the green apple scent of my shampoo. He lets out a low chuckle and then kisses the top of my head. Even though no one can see it, a warm smile appears on my face. I wish that my life could freeze right here and right now, in this very moment. It's wonderful. With all of life's busyness, it's the small moments that count. Like this one.
I guess that I fall asleep because the next thing that I'm aware of is being gently picked up and the fact that I'm moving. I'm not really awake, per say, I'm just in that stage between sleeping and awake. Through the haze I can make out the voices. They carry into my subconscious state of mind and eventually register in my brain.
"I'm happy for you two, you know that right?" Says a voice, a very familiar voice...
"Yeah, I know." Says another, the one carrying me. Well, not carrying now, more like cradling. Whoever it is, a boy, I think, is sitting.
There is silence for a moment, a whistling and rustling noise in the background, before they speak again.
"You wanna' know something Johnnycakes?" The previous voice asks. Wait no...not just a voice. Ponyboy's voice. And he is talking to that must be who is holding me...
Suddenly the haze starts to fade as I return to consciousness, and it all makes sense. I fell asleep on the couch with Johnny, he carried me outside to the porch and he is talking to Ponyboy about our relationship. I fake that I am still asleep so that I can hear the rest of the conversation.
"What?" Johnny asks.
"I was real worried about you for a while there, ya know? Nobody knew what was going on with ya. Elena was especially worried, wanted to make sure you was alright, ya dig?" Pony stays silent for a second, but I guess that Johnny nods because he continues on. "Golly, Johnny. She really seems to be helping ya..."
"Yeah...I'm glad I have her...and I'm also glad that she found me when she did that day. I don't know where I would be right now if she hadn't. I was ready to die, Ponyboy." Johnny admits.
"Gosh, Johnny! Why didn't you ever tell me this?! You never told anyone!" Ponyboy whisper yells. "We could've helped you through it man, if only you had just said somethin'..."
"I...I didn't know how. I just didn't want to bug y'all..." Johnny whispers, barely audible.
"Damn it, Johnny...I'm real sorry that I wasn't there for you buddy." I feel Pony's arm brush my shoulder as he rests his hand on Johnny's shoulder.
"S'alright. Don't worry 'bout it." Johnny replies.
Ponyboy removes his arm from Johnny's shoulder, but I don't know where he rests it now with my eyes closed like this. Before I can protest a loud yawn escapes my lips.
Johnny chuckles. "Man, Pony. Am I lucky to have her..."
"Why? She's not all that great." Pony jokes.
I have to resist the urge to sit up and slap him, settling for a slight scowl that appears on my face instead.
Johnny let's out a breathy laugh. "Well, you aren't perfect by any stretch, either, my friend."
"Nobody is. But no, seriously. I'm glad that she has you too. You two are the perfect combination."
Johnny is quiet for a moment before he replies. "Thanks, Ponyboy. I think just the same thing." I can practically hear the smile in his voice.
For a few minutes we are swallowed by the absolute silence, but it's not awkward. It's more peaceful. I feel the wind blow through my hair, throwing it all over the place only to land in my face.
Suddenly, Ponyboy speaks up. "Do you love her?"
Johnny stays quiet for a moment, presumably thinking. "I don't know...maybe."
I chuckle to myself a little bit inwardly and start to stir in Johnny's arms. I can't stay still like this any longer.
I hear Pony stand. "Well, then when you figure it out, you should let her know. I'll leave you two alone."
"Thanks," Johnny replies.
I hear Pony's footsteps start to fade, but then stop. "Oh, and, Johnny?"
"Take good care of her."
And then he's gone.
Finally, I open my eyes.
"Hey there, Darlin'," Johnny says softly.
"Hey there," I whisper back.
He leans down and presses a light kiss to my lips. It's soft and gentle, but somehow it still expresses all of his emotions towards me at once. I don't hesitate to kiss him back.
When we break apart he leans back against the wall. I lean my head on his chest and stare up at the starry night sky. Johnny looks up at them too, seemingly hypnotized by their intriguing patterns and designs.
I yawn slowly. "They sure are pretty, aren't they?"
"Huh?" Johnny replies, broken from his trance by my soft, yet sleepy, voice.
"All of the pretty stars and constellations up there in the sky. Aren't they beautiful?"
Johnny stays quiet for a few moments, still staring at the sky. But then he brings his gaze down so that his big brown eyes meet my own when he says, "Beautiful? Yes, there are very beautiful. Just like you."
I can feel myself blush, thank god that it's dark out so that he most likely can't see that my face is now a different colour. I've never thought of myself as beautiful, but I guess that Johnny does. "Thanks," I finally say.
He responds with a warm smile. It honestly melts my heart to finally see him so happy, especially when I know that I am playing a big role in his happiness right now. Despite all that has happened to him, I can bring back that smile that we all used to love so much.
For a while we go back to staring at the stars, that is, until I feel myself starting to slip away again. Before I fall asleep, I take one last glance at Johnny, and then I am swallowed by darkness, and I am falling deep into the black abyss that is the wonderful, yet also dreamless, void of sleep.
A/N: So...yeah. I hope that that wasn't too bad...was it? Let me know with some comments or votes please! ;) Also, I'm sorry that this was just a crappy filler chapter, but I needed to put a filler here to build up to the next part of the story so it was actually necessary, but sorry anyways. I hope that you didn't mind it too much, I tried my best and that's all that I can do, right? Yeah, so anyways, the next update should hopefully be up within the next week, maybe two depending on how busy I get with school and stuff. So, until next time then, guys. Bye! -Ella :)

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