One Confused Looking Darry

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A/N: Hello everyone! So first of all, I just wanted to apologize to those of you I told that I was going to update on Wednesday, because obviously I didn't. But I'm updating now so....Enjoy!
Elena's POV:
I'm shaken awake the next morning by none other than a very confused looking Darry. I see Sodapop and Ponyboy leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room, stifling their laughter. Wait, what are they laughing at though?

I rub my eyes, confused. That's when I feel someone stirring in my arms, Johnny to be exact, and the events of last night come rushing back to me. My eyes go wide and I feel the heat start to creep up my neck and onto my face, wondering what they all must be thinking right now. Subconsciously, I pull Johnny in closer to me, and this causes Ponyboy and Sodapop to actually laugh out loud. I glare dangerously at them, and they cover their mouths with their hands once more, muffling the laughter. Meanwhile, through all of this, Darry just stands above me, looking even more confused.

"Um...hi, Darry." I croak out, groggily.

"Hi, Elena. Um...would you mind telling me why you are asleep on the couch with Johnny?"
Johnny stirs at the sound if his name, but he remains asleep.
"Oh, um...yeah. Haha...that." I stutter, trying to think of how to answer this question. "Well, last night, Johnny had a nightmare so I came in here and calmed him down."
Phew, I think I'm safe with that answer.
"Why didn't you just ask Soda, Pony, or I to do it?" Darry's asks.
Damn it. "Well, Ponyboy was really tired last night, weren't you Pony?" Ponyboy nods. Thanks Pony. "And Soda said that he was trying to help him, but he just couldn't calm him down. So he asked me to try."
Darry eyes me. "And how'd that end up with you sleeping in here with Johnny?"
"," I stutter again. Damn it, I can't avoid this anymore. "Well he asked me to stay in here with him, Darry. Said he would feel safer with me here."
Darry just stares at me, more confused than ever. I thought that him being as smart as he is, he would figure it out by now. I mean if Pony and Soda figured it out before we are being this obvious...but oh well, I guess I'm going to have to just straight out tell him. Sorry Johnny...
"Darry...Johnny and I...well, we're together. Johnny is my boyfriend and I'm his girlfriend." I sigh, looking down at Johnny in my arms, who is sleeping peacefully through this.
"You and Johnny?" Darry asks, dumbfounded.
Sodapop laughs. "My thoughts exactly."
I roll my eyes at Soda and then turn back to look at Darry. "Yes, Darry. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier, but Johnny didn't want you to know right away so please don't yell at him-"
Johnny stirs some more and finally wakes up, looking slightly confused.
"Hey, Johnny." I whisper to him.
"Hey, Elena." Johnny whispers back, once he looks up at me. Then he buries his face in my neck and his eyes close once more.
I look up at Darry and give him a sheepish smile, but I'm surprised to see that he is smiling right back at me.
Of course, Sodapop chooses this exact moment to fake cough, which startles Johnny. He lifts his head to stare around, and once he sees Darry, he sits up right out of my grasp, shocked.
Darry chuckles. "Don't worry, Elena. I won't yell at him, I'm happy for you guys."
"Really?" Johnny asks, still shocked. I have to admit, I'm a little surprised as well.
"Yes." Darry states, suppressing a slight nod.
Soda, Pony, and Darry chuckle, whereas Johnny and I just sigh in relief.
Johnny lays back down, relieved and smiling. We both laugh along with the rest of them.
Johnny smiles up at me, and I smile back. He pulls my head down, until his lips find mine and we are kissing.
"Ew," Ponyboy remarks as we break apart. We both just laugh at him, staring into each others eyes, and our foreheads rest together.
"Awe, you guys are so cute," says Sodapop.
"Yeah," Darry chimes in, agreeing with Sodapop. "I can see this relationship lasting a long time. You two make a good couple, to be honest. Now go get ready for school, Elena. Johnny, I'll go grab your school things. We'll go grab some of your clothes and such later."
I nod and grumble at Darry under my breath. Johnny sits up and moves over on the couch, allowing me to finally sit up.
"Thanks, Dar." Johnny mumbles.
"No problem, kid. Oh, and I'm inviting the rest of the gang over for dinner tonight, guys. Savvy?"
"Savvy," we all reply, in various stages of being fully awake.
"Oh!" Ponyboy exclaims. "Elena, you should invite Samantha over for dinner tonight too, so then she can meet Soda and Darry."
"Oooh, yeah! Good idea, Pone!" I answer.
"Well, I am the smart one," he retorts, cockily.
Man, he can be one cocky kid sometimes. I swear that he's starting to take after Two-bit. I just give him a look and the smirk drops right off of his face. I smile at my sisterly abilities, one of which includes being able to scare the living crap out of my twin brother. The rest of us in the room laugh at me and Ponyboy's exchange.
"Anyways...Is that alright who you, Darry?" I ask, glancing back up at him.
He seems to think about it but then shrugs. "S'alright with me."
"Cool, thanks, Dar." I reply, nodding at him.
Since Darry says that it's fine with him, I decide that I will invite her over. I stand up and stretch, before heading off to my room to get dressed.
I pull on my blue skirt (which I eventually got the frog guts off of after continuous scrubbing and tons of laughter from Ponyboy), with a white tee shirt and my blue jeans jacket. I run a comb through my wavy black hair, and apply a headband and a little mascara before deciding that I am ready for my day. I slide on my black converse and head back out into the living room, after quickly brushing my teeth.
When I walk out, Soda hands me a piece of chocolate cake. I sit down next to Johnny on the couch, who is already eating, and scoff down my piece as well.
"Hungry?" Ponyboy asks me, but he voice is muffled due to his own cake which is stuffed in his face. Geez, we eat so much chocolate cake that I'm surprised we don't all way 500 pounds...
I swallow. "Apparently not as hungry as you," I retort as he finishes his piece.
A few moment later, we are all finished our cake, and Darry comes in with Johnny's school bag, a fresh pair of jeans, and a tee shirt.
Johnny takes them graciously, thanking Darry as he does so, and heads into the bathroom to change.
Once he finishes, Pony and I sling our bags over our shoulders as well, and head off to school.
A/N: Oh, Darry. XD That was a fun chapter to right, I must be honest. Anyways, so as usual I'm going to ask, what did you guys think? Leave a comment. And yes, that is supposed to be Elena in the media. I know, a lot of other people have used that photo as well, but I thought it fit her well. Oh well.
One question for you guys (geez, I really need to find a name for a of you lovely people who read this story) before I go. I was thinking about entering the Watty' you guys think that I should? I don't know...I know I most likely won't win anything anyways, but should I at least try? Tell me what you think.
Anyways, I'll let you lovely readers go now. Next update should be soon! - Ella :)

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