Tickles, Movies, and Naps

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A/N: Hello everybody! So here's the next chapter! Enjoy!
Elena's POV:
I wake up the next morning with Johnny still tight in my arms. He sleeps peacefully, not snoring or stirring. I smile down at him softly and start playing with his hair.
A few minutes later, Darry steps out of his room, and starts making his way into the kitchen. He stops short when he sees me awake. Padding closer to me is his sock feet he makes no noise, as he takes in the scene in front of him.
Darry smiles at the two of us, and ruffles my hair before leaving the room to go make breakfast.
Not even ten minutes have past before I hear the shower start running. That must be Soda or Ponyboy. It's more likely that it's Soda because Ponyboy is soo not a morning person. He won't get up early unless he is forced to.
I laugh quietly to myself as I think about this. Me and Ponyboy may be twins, but we are sure not that much alike. I could get less then six hours sleep and be up early and fully awake, where he would just lay around in bed and grumble about being tired. I smile at the thought.
Soda emerges a while later, fully clothed and ready for the day. When he sees Johnny and I still on the couch, he smiles sympathetically at Johnny and gratefully at me. I know that they are all thankful that Johnny has someone that he feels comfortable enough to go to. Before I wasn't sure, but now I am positive that he will always come to me.
I can hear whispering coming from the kitchen, and when I see Soda exit the kitchen with a wicked smile upon his face, I know the he is up to no good.
Even though the door to Sodapop and Ponyboy's room is closed I can still hear the shrieks of laughter emitted by Ponyboy as Sodapop tickles the life out of him to wake him up. A loud thump sounds through the house, which I am to assume is Ponyboy falling off of the bed. Instead of Soda laying off him though, I only hear more laughing.
Darry laughs from the kitchen, so he must be able to hear them too. He comes into the kitchen a moment later, and tells me that I need to go get ready for school. I frown at having to wake up Johnny after he has had such a rough night, but oblige.
I carefully shake him awake. Johnny rubs at his eyes and yawns. Then his brown eyes focus on me with a questioning look.
I chuckle a little bit. "We should go get ready for school now, we have to leave soon. Okay?"
"Okay," Johnny replies groggily.
He sits up and carefully moves himself off of me. After stretching his back for a moment, he leaves the room and disappears into the bathroom.
I walk down the hall towards my bedroom, but stop at the foot of Pony and Soda's door. I peer through the small amount that Soda left it open at the crazy scene going on inside. I decide to be nosy and push the door open a little but wider. I inwardly laugh at the scene, not wanting to announce my presence.
Sodapop has Ponyboy pinned to the ground, and is sitting on his back, holding up one of Pony's arms and legs in the air. Soda tickles Pony's other side and he let's out another shriek of laughter before demanding that Soda let him go. Oh, my poor brother. Not.
"Nope," Soda replies, popping the 'p'.
"Yes." Ponyboy retorts.
"Nope," Soda says again, seeming rather bemused.
"Yes," Ponyboy replies, practically hissing the 's' and dragging out the rest of the word, aggravated. He turns his head around to glare at Sodapop, only to spot me in the doorway.
"Elena, please help me..." Pony begs.
Soda turns his head to look at me, but then turns right back to Pony.
I slowly shake my head. "Nah."
"Elena....please?" Ponyboy whines.
I laugh out loud this time, smirking. "No."
Ponyboy grumbles and narrows his eyes when he spots the smirk playing on my lips. "Boy are you going to pay for this later, sis..."
"Sure I am..." I retort, my voice practically dripping with sarcasm.
"You are." Ponyboy says pointedly.
"No I'm not," I say, shaking my head.
"I wouldn't try her, Ponyboy. Not after the way she punched that Soc." Soda buts in.
Pony opens his mouth to speak, but then shuts it again. I smile triumphantly and walk out of the room, shutting the door behind me.
Once I get to my room I quickly get dressed, then head to the kitchen for breakfast. About half an hour later, after we are all fed and watered, Soda, Darry, and Steve (who came while I was eating) head off to work. So Ponyboy, Johnny and I walk to school, chatting happily amongst ourselves as we go.
By the end of the day I am exhausted and ready to go home and lay on my bed. It's not that I had a bad day, I'm just tired from last night.
I can hear Samantha talking to me as we do our biology work, and I smile and nod, being polite, but I'm not really listening. To be honest, I'm not even paying attention to my work. I'm going to have to do it again later...after I take a nap.
When the bell rings to signal the end of class, it's not an exaggeration to say that I jump out of my seat and rush downstairs to my locker. Shoving my stuff into my backpack, I slam the door, scaring several freshmen, and go to walk out the door when someone tugs on my arm.
"What do you want, Ponyboy? I ask, aggravated.
"Woah there, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not coming straight home," he says, slightly startled at my outburst.
This takes me off guard. "Why, where are you going, Ponyboy?"
"Relax," he replies, "I'm just going to the movie house to watch that new Paul Newman movie. I'll be home by supper."
I roll my eyes. "You and your movies, Pony. Alright, see you later."
He rolls his eyes back and chuckles, slinging his nap sack over his shoulder as he does so. "See ya."
I turn back around to walk the opposite way when Samantha walks up to me. "What was that about?" Sam asks.
"Oh, Pony was just letting me know that he was going to see some movie." I respond as we both walk out the front doors of the school.
"Oh," is all she says is response.
We walk down to the sidewalk in silence.
"Speaking of movies," Sam pipes up. "Do you want to come see that new beach movie with me at the Nightly Double tomorrow night?"
"Sure," I shrug. "Why not. I haven't been to a movie in a while."
"Cool. So, I'll see you tomorrow then, Elena. Bye!" Samantha replies, heading off in the direction of her house.
"Bye!" I call after her, waving at her back.
At some point during this, Johnny had appeared at my side. He laces his fingers through mine. "Ready to go?"
I turn to him with a smile. "Yep, let's go."
We walk in silence, our linked hands swinging happily as we go. About halfway home I start humming a song. I'm not paying attention enough to know what song it is, just that it's a song. Johnny laughs and starts humming along. By the time we reach my house we both have huge, cheesy grins plastered across our faces.
As I walk through the door, Johnny let's go of my hand so we can take off our packs. "You got any homework?"
"Yeah, but I'm so tired," I yawn. "I'll do it after I have a nap."
Johnny chuckles. "Sounds good to me."
We climb onto the couch and he wraps his arms around me as I lay my head on his chest. I can hear his steady heartbeat, which lulls me into a peaceful sleep. We stay this way for a few hours. That is, until I'm startled awake by a low pitched scream for help.
A/N: So what'd you guys think this time? Did you like it or not like it? Leave a comment...and maybe a vote while your at it. ;) Just to let you guys know...I start school again tomorrow so updates on this story might not come as often anymore, but they will still continue to come at least once a week. Thanks for reading! Until next time guys, the next update should hopefully be up within a few days! -Ella :)

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