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January - winter - No snow

February - winter - No snow

March - technically both - snow!

The day before the last day of February and this is the first snow we've had since about mid December!  XD


I'm doing tech theatre. *casually tries to carry on conversation* what? No! Why would you think that? I'm not even a warden! Why would I be acting like that one from Nanbaka? Yeah, I've seen episode 2 twice... And I can only remember monkey and nico. Fite me. It's been a week

*gives up*

YES! I'm excited! I'm super freakin hyped man! I already know tons of people so it won't be just me standing around making the whole group awkward until somebody else speaks up! I'll actually get to see how they put together the set - not to mention I'm out of the house until 6 every night! Saturdays I'm not sure, but they're long too! And jazz band! Jazz band is fun when you play actual jazz! But Bills is leaving! So I'm sad now... Why Sam why!? You were a fun instructor! Well. You can't top Phalen...

Anyway.  There.  Short rant of the insanity that is my life now. Winter Guard got half of our outfits(?*has no idea what to call them*), and we painted that tarp too! We managed to get most of our show done - and we've got a show on Saturday! Ye.

I was casually half role-playing with one of my friends yesterday, and I realized I would be really good at a villain... I think I would be the one that captures people and tortures them just cuz it's fun... I pace a lot too, so that may make them nervous, and I'll talk to them.

*edit* this was written like 4 months ago and it never published... Why is this my life now?

Hefty (hey goes to hefty now huh?) Today was the first day I actually had anything to do but clean! I've only been at school for 3ish hours, I took a nap earlier, and I'm totally drained rn... ok.

Guard's over. I miss it, but I have flags! The part of them not so fun is when the wind picks up just as I'm about to catch, and blows it into my teeth. And made my gums bleed. On the same day London broke his arm. Trying to do a jump. On a scooter. Down a hill.

*editedit* That was last week... PARCC is pointless.

Also you should really not draw on scratch paper. I drew this thing with a person (IDK who) in some different style and I really liked it! It looked cool! I tried to do a front view but it didn't work so I wrote "oooo-KAY maybe not" on it. I wrote all over the entire page. Some of the back too, but mostly that front side. I just put a whole bunch of random crap all over the thing. Song lyrics, ideas, just random words to fill up space, OCs, etc. It was a tapestry. "Someone turn this into a poster so I can put it on my wall! Or a quilt. That works too." I got so attached tot that paper. Then they said I couldn't keep it in any way, shape, or form. Because math. And I read Crank after that. I think that's what it's called. Jeez. Really cool, if a bit strange, but pretty good overall. Intense, but not bad.

I had half oNE PROBLEM on that paper.



We almost finished the set for the play! I actually have a job now! I can help sand the tops of the sets!

The play is actually really cool, just sad I guess? The Diviners.

psssst spoilers!

Buddy (who is afraid of water - like, even rain water) drowns after a bunch of girls confuse a man of a pastor for about three weeks straight (or however long it is, I dunno).

Yeah. Happy notes - yah?

I started playing Fallout Shelter a while ago and I just really love the sound of the pages switching and the music? It's just really cool to me? I've always loved old technology and stuff, but when you've been stuck in the '60s for about 320 years or somethin? That just sounds lowkey cool to me? I sent this one guy out exploring about three times because he forgot to bring a gun the first time and forgot stimpaks the second... Why. And he was super depressed or something because he was the best at his job but he was only at like 10%? And now he loves his job but it takes him like an hour to do anything? (In comparison it should only take about 30 seconds) Stuff works. It works.

Happy Easter. Late Easter. Happy this week? I don't know. Just happy?

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