Chapter 7

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"Hold it right there!"

Suddenly the lights flickered on and the sirens rang about.

"Oh no!" Fawn mumbled. She knew if she was caught, she would never be free again. She had to do something. And quick! The person behind the voice was advancing on her. Quickly, she pulled out her communicator and tossed it at the person. The communicator turned into a large net and entangled it's victim upon impact.

Fawn took what short time she had left and inserted the key into the hole. "Open!" She called as a bright light illuminated from the cracks and grew larger.

The light grew so large that is was visible from Destroya's core.

Kali and Sky along with the other students gazed at the light, the two girls knew it was Fawn and that she had found the lock.

Fawn pulled away and the key had morphed into a golden staff with a purple egg-shaped gem embedded on the top.

(See image for reference.)

By now, Fawn was surrounded. Guards and prisoners alike formed a circle around the red haired girl.

"Give up princess, you're out numbered!" One guard called.

"Give up the staff and we'll let you go." Another chimed in. Soon, they all moved closer to Fawn.

"There's nowhere to go...!" The prisoners chanted.

Fawn clenched the staff, sweat dripped down her forehead. It was true, she wouldn't make it if she ran. But she wasn't about to just give up the staff either. Her grip tightened on the staff as she became serious. Suddenly the gem at the top began to glow and purple waves flew through the air and wrapped around her.

When the light disappeared, Fawn wore a purple sparkly dress. "You will not get your hands on this staff!" She yelled at her captors.

"Then we'll have to get it by force!" The guards called back.

Time freezes and a narrator steps in. "This does not look good for our heroes but fret not things may seem worse than they really are... let's check on Sky and Kali now...."

Sky and Kali had grazed through every book that was in the library.

"Ugh!" Sky exclaimed. "This tells us nothing about the key!"

"Just calm down." Kali tried to calm her friend down as she flipped through a book. "Wait! Sky! Look!" She went over to Sky and showed her the book.

Sky looked at the book and read the page that Kali was on. "The staff of Celesta can only be unlocked by the Celestic key. The holder of this staff will gain powers beyond imagination... if in the wrong hands... may cause world destruction..." Sky looked at Kali. "That's the key we found! What are we gonna do?"

"Hand it over to me." Sky and Kali turned to face the head master and a couple of large male grunts.

"Uh..." Sky mumbled.

"Head Master! What are you doing here?" Kali helped her friend out.

"I live here. Get them." The grunts advanced upon Sky and Kali. The two girls jumped up and bolted. They ran as fast as they could to get away, the grunts were close on their heels.

The grunts chased the two all across the school. No matter where they ran, the grunts were behind them.

"We can't lose them!" Kali exclaimed.

"Yes we can!" Sky grabbed Kali's hand and the two began to speed up. Finally the grunts began to fade away in the distance.

"We did it!" Kali cheered.

But their victory came short as the head master and a few more grunts stepped in front of them causing the two to come to a screeching hault. Sky and Kali turned to run back, but the grunts had caught up and now they were surrounded. Just like Fawn was.

"You didn't. Now hand it over." The head mistress snarled.

Kali and Sky gulped. What were they to do now?


{A/N: after days of figuring out how to move this forward, I got nothing... so this is the end of this chapter. The end of the book may be the next chapter. I am running out of time to complete this challenge! Why must it be so hard to write 10 000 words?!? See what our heroes get up to in the next chapter.}

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