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"Hang on, let me get this straight." Bob said after Jack had explained everything. "You know how to kill? Since you were ten years old?" Jack nodded. "And you three-" He gestured to Arin, Danny, and Jack. "Are part of the same mafia, where Jack is the son of the Don?" Jack nodded again. "And you're here to get away from your abusive father- the one that isn't the Don?"

"Yes." Jack said. "I know it's a lot to take in."

Bob shook his head. "No, it's just enough, and for some reason, I understand what you're going through. Just know that you're safe here. I made sure that he can't track you here."

Mark smiled gratefully. "Thank you. It's a huge relief to the both of us."

Danny managed to get Jack's attention. "So. I see you're no longer wearing makeup."

Jack smiled proudly. "Yeah. Mark's been really helpful in convincing me that I don't need it."

Arin nodded. "You really don't. I can't really even tell that you've had bruises- they've all basically healed already."

"Except for that scar on your nose." Danny pointed out. "Was it Anti?"

Jack nodded. "Yeah. It's all he managed to do."

"I'm glad. I hate it when he hurts you. You don't deserve to be punished for what the people you love went through."

They turned back to the conversation Mark and Bob were having.

"I'm kinda running low on stuff here." Bob was saying. "Food, medicine, that kind of stuff. I was thinking of running to the store tomorrow- wanna join me?"

Mark looked at Jack, who nodded. "Go. I'll be fine here with these two."

Mark turned back to Bob, smiling. "Then I'll be happy to go."

Bob smiled back. "Great. Leave at 10 o'clock?"

"Sounds good." There was giggling coming from down the hall, and two women entered the dining room. One approached Arin, sitting on his lap instead of the empty chair next to him. He didn't mind- he just wrapped his arms around her waist, staring dreamily at her. The other approached Mark as he stood up, pulling him into a hug.

"Mark." She said in a soft, kind voice. "It's great to see you again after all this time."

Mark smiled, carefully pulling away. "You too, Mandy. I see you're still so beautiful."

She giggled. "You had your chance. Besides, I heard you found someone." She turned to Jack, her eyes bright. "You must be Jack."

Jack stood up, smiling and holding his hand out. "Hi."

Mandy ignored his hand, instead pulling him into a hug, as well. "Hey." She pulled away, squeezing his arms. "You two are welcome to stay for however long you need. You shouldn't have to go through all of this. We're all going to do our best to protect you two, okay?"

Jack nodded. "Thank you."

She smiled. "You're very welcome." She let go of Jack, taking a seat next to Bob."

"So. Jack." Arin said, then gestured to the woman sitting in his lap. "This is Suzy, my wife. Suzy, you remember me talking about Jack, remember?"

Suzy grinned. "Of course! Jack, you might not remember me- I graduated a year before you."

It finally clicked on Jack's brain. Suzy Berhow. She and Arin had been high school sweethearts since Freshman year. He only had one class with her throughout high school, and they never really talked, but he knew she was as sweet as Arin had always said.

He smiled back. "Oh yeah! I remember! I can't believe I didn't earlier."

"It's fine. I didn't remember you until Arin was talking about you earlier today." She looked him up and down. "You've certainly changed since high school. You seem to have gotten much more... mature."

He grinned. "And you've gotten much more beautiful."

She blushed, smiling bashfully. "I wouldn't say that..."

"Okay, guys!" Mandy interrupted. "Although this long-awaited meetup is very heartwarming, I am not about to let all of this food go to waste. So let's dig in before it gets cold!"

Everyone started filling their plates, the room being enveloped in warm conversation. Jack looked around as he ate, realizing after all these years of looking that this was the only family he needed. He looked at Mark, and wasn't surprised to find him looking back. Mark smiled, looping his ankle around Jack's, then went back to his conversation with Danny. He looked at Bob, who smiled at him, nodding with Mandy. Suzy winked at him, and Arin waved, his mouth full of food.

Jack finally allowed himself to relax, his chest heating up until all he felt was love for the people he was surrounded with.

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