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Javier clenched his teeth as he sat watching Jessica standing on a chair by the filing shelves in his office reaching for a old file. Her skirt stretched across her firm round butt and his eyes stayed on just that spot. He was staring so hard he could now tell she must be wearing a g-string or no underwear at all because there was no panty line visible. Either way he was beginning to get really uncomfortable.


He sprang from his chair and demanded for her to get down.

"But I need those files" she protested.

"And I need my sanity" he mumbled.

She looked at him confused as if he were losing his mind, which he felt like he was.

A week had gone by with them working together. Her sarcasm had been minimized and her desk was just a little more under control. Since the day of the warning she hasn't been late to work and she started coming into work with her hair well done and clothes just right, too right. That didn't help the fact that he found himself laying in bed at night thinking about her. There was something about her that called out to him. He felt like beneath the sarcasm lay a very vulnerable woman. Ever so often he would catch her staring into space with a look on her face that could only be described as loneliness.

Loneliness is a feeling that he was all too familiar with.

"I'll get the darn file" he snapped.

"Well it took you long enough" she cheekily responded.

He stared at her face as she jumped from the chair and stood in front of him with a half smile.

Why doesn't she smile?

She cleared her throat when he just stood there staring at her. He moved away to pull the shelve ladder from the side of the shelves and only had to climbed to the third step in order to reach the file.

"You could have mentioned the ladder earlier" she said exasperatedly

"You didn't ask" he responded with a shrug

"You're so..."

"Hmm?" He pressed with innocent eyes.

Am I really flirting with the intern? Would it really be so bad?

She nervously licked her lips and his eyes dropped to her mouth and followed the action.

"If you two are going to shag at least close the door"

Javier moved away from her and glared at his best friend, but not before noticing the blush that stained Jessica's skin.

"Don't you have someone else to annoy?"  He asked turning to Logan.

"Nope, that's why I'm here"

"Gee I feel so special"

"And who is this lovely lady?"

"Jessica Walters, she was just getting back to work." Javier responded quickly when he saw the appreciative look Logan sent her.

He ignored the raised eyebrow look she sent him. He watched her walk to the door but Logan stopped her with a hand on her wrist. He got the sudden urge to pull her away and hide her behind him, he stayed quiet while he watched the exchange.

"I'm Logan, this grouches best friend"

"Nice to meet you Logan now can I please have my hand back?"

"Have dinner with me"

"No!" Javier finally spoke up.

They both turn to look at him. Jessica with a puzzled expression and Logan with an amused smirk that Javier so badly wanted to wipe off his face.

"I'd love to" he heard her reply

Now it was both of them looking at her with surprised expressions. When she walked out Javier walked to the door and closed it with a loud bang.

"Who put ants in your pants?" asked Logan

"Why did you do that?" He asked pointing toward the closed door.

"Do what?" Logan replied innocently.

"Don't play dumb with me!"

"I'm not playing man"

"Good, so we can both agree that you're dumb then" he said shaking his head.

"Wait... No that's not what I meant!"

"She's the intern, I'm not letting you date her" he said shaking his head.

"You're just mad I beat you to it"

"Logan! She doesn't seem like the type of women we pick up at the bars on weekend and leave then alone in bed before the sun comes out"

"Fine I'll stay until daylight. Give her a wakeup call to remember then breakfast and be on our merry way"

Javier got angrier by the minute as he listened. To someone else Logan might be funny but he knew just how serious he was being.

"Why are you so worked up anyway. We both know you don't date"

"Forget it" he said with a wave of Hus hand.

"You like her don't you?"

"Of course not!" He walked to the window and turned his back. "She's disorganized, messy, annoying and sarcastic, she's not the usual type of woman I pick up"

When he didn't immediately get a response a sudden feeling of dread crept up his spine. He closed his eyes and turned, when he opened his eyes sure enough Jessica stood there behind Logan staring back at him. He glared at Logan.

"Now that that's out of the way. Logan pick me up at eight?" She said to him

Javier wanted to rip the folded paper that she slipped into his friend's pocket.

He wanted to run after her but wasn't sure what he would say. All types of emotions swept through him with the dominant one being confusion. He glanced upward, his mouth set in a grim line.

Why now, why her?

He turned away from the door and walked over to his desk. He heard the quiet clicking of the door and he knew Logan had left. He slumped in his chair and breath a frustrated sigh. He'd been lost for so long, its kinda what he's use to. Like being trapped in a maze with absolutely no way out. It's not that he liked it, quite the opposite. Being lost sucks. There's nothing more lonely, nothing that brings more desolation to the soul. But he choose this he chose not to let anyone in for fear of the past repeating itself. Yet here it was happening all over again, how ironic.

Anger. It is the vexing of the soul
A swelling of the veins waiting to explode. That is what started to replace his feeling of confusion. So I was right after all. They're all the same.

This isn't worth my time. She's not worth my time. Just let her do her time here then leave. Things will all go back to normal soon enough. This was nothing more than a little lust. Something I can easily fix this weekend.

Hey guys! So what's your thought at this point? Remember to comment and vote!

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