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Narrator: Ladies and Gentlemen! After a long break. We are back with a brand new exciting story about a writer. And here is our host, Daniel!

Daniel: Welcome back in The interrogation show. Where we search writers and ask them how or why did they begin to write or anything else. Remember! You ask us. And we ask them!

*Daniel set down on the first sofa which was blue leather. He continued his speech*

Today our guest is a very popular young man whose name is  . He created Tryst with Destiny: The Beginning of the End, Tryst with Destiny: The End of the Beginning and Artwork and other stuff. Give him big claps!

*He comes in and set down the other sofa which was white leather*

Daniel: Let us begin!

Why did you start writing?

gogolsarkar: I write because it feels good to write and vent out my feelings.

Daniel: What was the most motivating thing in writing?

gogolsarkar: My motivation comes from the purity of amourshipping. I have never been one for excessive shipping rants or anything like that but when I saw XY then I just fell in love with Serena and her growing relationship with Ash.

Daniel: I see. Who inspired you to write?

gogolsarkar: My inspiration comes from my reading books like Baburnama(biography of emperor babur from Mughal dynasty) and other books.

Daniel: When you decided to write, who supported you the most?

gogolsarkar: No one in general. When I started I actually did very badly. That was on fanfiction.net. Where I was given a reality check. Then I quit fanfiction and came to wattpad. Following that, I improved my writing. Also, I found that the environment on wattpad was much more conducive and writer friendly. It then just went on from there and I started getting support.

I take inspiration from Star Wars, Suits, Arrow, Game of Thrones, Terra Nova, The Mentalist etc.

Daniel: At beginning how did you feel when someone else's book quickly reached the thousands of readers than yours? Both of them had their first book on the same subject. For example Both books were amourshipping.

gogolsarkar: I didn't pay attention to such things. I knew my book was completely novel in terms of plot from what I had come across while researching what amour books are like. I guess when I saw books like Destiny Rebirth which were good both according to my reading taste and the stats I aimed to beat them in time.

Daniel: Most favorite question. How often does the new part come out? Or when will you update?

gogolsarkar: It is updated at least once every week. Sometimes it is updated 3 times a week.

Daniel: If we stay in the pokemon world, what do you think about Sun and Moon anime? Please don't tell me " I hate it because Serena isn't there" This is not answer for me :)

gogolsarkar: I hate the SM. The artwork is stupid. i feel like punching Ash's stupid geeky childish face. Which is why I try to keep my book as mature as possible. Ash was so badass in XY then he became a stupid geeky child in SM. I am disappointed in the creators of Pokemon for allowing such a travesty.

Daniel: I understand I don't like the artwork too. The favorite Pokemon game?

gogolsarkar: I have never played a Pokemon game. I feel that this makes my writing more realistic and dynamic because i have only experienced the anime. I feel that sometimes Pokemon game enthusiasts become very poor writers because they try to write a virtual game story in a realistic world style.

Daniel: hmm. Favorite pokemon anime season like Begining, advanced, Diamon Pearl...etc?

gogolsarkar: XY and XY&Z is the most favorite. After that would be Diamond and pearl.

Daniel: If can change one thing in the Pokemon anime, what would it be?

gogolsarkar: Wrap SM as quickly as possible. Then bring the XY Ash back along with a more grown up and mature Serena.

Daniel: Okay, next question. Can you tell us some secret about the next few chapters for your books/book?

gogolsarkar: I write my book while holding back a huge amount of information from the writers so that I can drop the bomb on my readers. While this might piss of a few readers of because they try to foresee what is going to happen ahead and get frustrated n being unable to do so but I think this makes my book different from other books out there on wattpad. I apologize to all my readers if they think the story is too complicated or long. You will not be able to make sense of the book without going through each and every chapter carefully. There are several details hidden which become a crucial turning point later on in the story.

Daniel: All right. Let's talk about something else. Are you watching any other serial?

gogolsarkar: I watch what I get. Be it Vikings or Game of Thrones or Suits. But when it comes to animated I only watch pokemon and star wars clone wars/rebels.

Daniel: Are you reading any other book on Wattpad?

gogolsarkar: Yes I have read several books on wattpad. In fact, I have another book which is my Amourshipping Promotion book where I promote Amour books in which I see the potential. There is a chapter for each book I promote. This includes why you should include the book and my take on what makes the book deserve a promotion.

Daniel: How do you react with the haters and what is your solutions to solve this situation?

gogolsarkar: The environment and my experience on wattpad has been very good on wattpad so far. I did come across some cartoon characters on fanfiction. I defended my book and amourshipping as well as I could but then when the negativity started to surge out of control I left fanfiction.net for a better alternative.

Daniel: It usually i ask my last question here, but you ask me to dive deeper in your book. So let's begin. Just be clear to the readers I'll ask you about Tryst with Destiny: The Beginning of the End. For me a reader the plotline becoming a little boring. I mean when I reading your book. I don't feel excited about Pokemon battles. What do you think about this?

gogolsarkar: My answer would be that I try to write my book in a manner where several of my readers still have questions which remain unanswered. The significance of the 1st 20 chapters which seem irrelevant to the book's plot actually comes around chapter 120. However, if I keep everything extremely unpredictable then that will just drive my readers away. So that is why I decided to give Ash and Serena certain invincibility. They do win but as they progress to the finals the battles do get tougher for them to win. Besides the arrogant invincible nature is needed because of the of the plans DE has for them. Right now in my book, they are getting married. After this is basically the curtain on the DE's story and what the DE has planned for them.

Daniel: Why do you have such a powerful OC in your book. Do you think it takes the spotlight away from the star couple?

gogolsarkar: I asked myself what was the most effective way to make my book stand out from others. The first thing popped into my mind was an OC. Someone different. So I decided to go with the DE. Now as far as the OP nature is concerned. I debated the nature for quite a while. I knew than an OP mysterious character would cause a lot of pandemonium which would make things interesting but at the same time break the logical continuity of the book. In order to ensure the OC doesn't take the spotlight away from the star couple, he is introduced 27 chapters later and the pace of the book picks up at that time. Also, his backstory is kept a secret so that the amour couple do stay in the spotlight and people are left wondering which in a way keeps them in the book trying to find out when I reveal his character.

Daniel: How many chapters will you plan to make until the end?

gogolsarkar: This is a 200 chapter story which has been split into 2 books of 100 chapters each. The 1st book is:

Tryst with Destiny: The Beginning of the End

and the 2nd book which I think you haven't read is:Tryst with Destiny: The End of the Beginning

I would advise you to read the 2nd book. You're missing out on all the amour wedding chapters.

Daniel: I might be will check out it if I finished first part and if I have time. How do you explain the high stats of your book?

gogolsarkar: The high stats can be explained by the controversial style of my book. Like I said it's different. It has a very powerful controversial OC. It shows Amourshipping in a different light. And of course, the consistency of the updates is another factor. People appreciate regular updates. Of course, the book is not without its own flaws. Grammar is a problem in places especially in the 1st 30 chapters which are poor in quality compared to the remaining chapters. Also, certain emotional aspects of the book have been left off. Both problems are being fixed as we speak.

The biggest selling point includes the fact that I have written my own theories of Pokemon evolution and genetics which people have taken permission from me in order to put in their books and the intense battles

There are new Pokemon moves and of course things like politics and the way Aura has been used in my book I think takes it to a different level. So definitely many unique things are there which caters to the curiosity of my readers and keeps them interested in the book despite its huge humongous size.

Daniel: How is your book different from another book. For example Azazel0886 or AwesomeAsim?

gogolsarkar: I haven't read AwesomeAsIm's book it has done well though not as well as my book has. I have read Azazel's book Secret Prince and was impressed. Azazel's book takes immense inspiration from the journey of the XY protagonists throughout Kalos while tweaking it. Another thing that differs from other books is that I put music a lot in my book to convey emotion in places. I am of the firm opinion that music expresses that which can't be put into words. Azazel also reads my book and he has enjoyed it. In fact, Azazel has taken certain inspirations from my book and writing style and incorporated them into his books and future books.

My book differs because it takes things to the extreme very unpredictably and very quickly. And the reason and explanation behind these dramatic changes are not explained there. They are unexplained by design so that readers are forced to read ahead to find out the explanations for themselves. For example The 1st 27 chapters. Some people say why do you start the story after 1st 26 chapters why not from 1st chapter. They don't realise this is by design. The explanation behind the 1st 27 chapters comes in the 2nd book of 100 chapters where the revealing takes place. The story is a novel style. The 1st 100 chapters are dedicated to building the mystery. The next 100 chapters unravel it and answer all the unanswered questions which were deliberately left unanswered in the 1st book like what did the DE do to solve the Ultra Beast problem. What is the reason behind the DE's past and his OP self. All these things are answered in the 2nd book. This is where all paths come together.

Daniel: Okay. Before we say goodbye each other, I have one last question which is what are you suggest to the new writers?

gogolsarkar: Suggestion to new writers. You want to be a good writer. Stop watching anime and start watching real TV shows like Game of Thrones, Narcos, The Mentalist, Arrow, Terra Nova, Big Bang Theory, Star wars, House MD. etc. Understand how script writers play with words. Study the body language and facial expressions of the actors. Study the scenarios created and how the continuity is maintained throughout the story.

if you directly start writing after watching anime you will end up writing 7 times out of 10 very badly because you are trying to write about a story about a virtual world for readers who expect your story to be realistic. To write realistically you need to be a part of real world. To do that you need to watch things other than anime. Now I am not saying you shouldn't watch anime but also devote time to the TV Shows mentioned above. You'll grow as a writer.

Daniel: Thank you for coming this show gogol. Please give him a great applause for and check out his books if you haven't done yet. The word is yours Jhon

Narrator: Thank you for watching us! We don't know yet who will be our next guest and probably we take a long break again, as long as we can not find a new guest. Remember! You ask us. And we ask them! And Goodnight!

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