Interrogation season 3? Azazel0886 is back

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Narrator: Ladies and Gentlemen! After a long break. We are back with a brand new exciting story about a writer. And here is our host, Adam!

Adam: Welcome back in The interrogation show. Where we search writers and ask them how or why did they begin to write or anything else. Remember! You ask us. And we ask them!

*Adam set down on the first sofa which was blue leather. Then he said.*

Adam: Now, before we begin we have an announcement. Sadly, our management can't afford to invest in more money on this show. So we have to close it permanently. Also, they couldn't find an author who met their requirements. However, we still accept suggestions.

So I'm not going to waste your time here is our last guest who was here in the first season. And we invited to back to talk about more about his book which name is Pokemon: Alpha and Omega. Please, give a big clap for Azazel0886.

*He comes in and set down the other sofa which was white leather*

Adam: Welcome back, Azazel!

Azazel0886: Thank you it honored to be in for a second time

Adam: Why did you choose Spanish?

Azazel0886: I chose to base the Torrent region after Spain for a few reasons. First its a rich country, providing good material for chapters. Second, it's geographic location. Kalos is based off of France, and if they were going to expand Pokémon performing to other regions, a neighboring region would make sense.

Adam: You told us Misty will return, Ash other former traveling companions will return too?

Azazel0886: Misty's return is a very hot topic, and has been since I slipped up and said it. Misty is returning because this is an issue that the writers of the show will have to tackle as well, how will Misty handle losing Ash. As of now everyone else will make a cameo at the end, but that's it. Not to say I won't feel inspired and bring someone back sooner, but I don't have any plans for that at this time.

Adam: In your other stories where Ash and Serena were a couple, you didn't break them up. You still follow this ideal or we should be prepared to read some depressing chapters?

Azazel0886: That's what, in my opinion keeps me from truly becoming a great author. I can't bring myself to break them up. I have read stories where that happened and they did a great job. Too great in fact to where it left me depressed for the rest of the day. So to answer your question, I do still hold the ideal of keeping them together.

Adam: How hard to keep the character's original personality?

Azazel0886: I only find it hard when I'm not familiar with the character, as in I didn't watch that series of the show. However I did watch the ones containing my main characters, where I can manage with only minimal deviation.

Adam: When are you planning a chapter what kind of obstacles you find?

Azazel0886: The biggest obstacles I have in planning, is planning. I've never been to Spain, so I have to do as much research as I can to include the big things of the country. The biggest obstacle to my research is time, as I am very busy these days as my life situation has changed from when I started, taking away a lot of my free time.

Adam:  Before we continue I asked Azazel in September, so I didn't how will start the new anime. Please keep this mind.

It's not your book and I am not sure if this is true, but I read more than one site. What did you think about the new anime series plan? All of the regions will return.

Azazel0886: I've heard the same rumor of all the regions returning as well. But I've also heard they might be trying a series reboot, starting from square one. To be honest I'm not sure what to think as of now, and I'm staying patient as I wait for word from the Pokémon company themselves. I have come up with an idea for generation 8, but it's dependent on Ash winning the Alola League. In my opinion they can do it, and do it well, but it also depends on their end plan for this generation.

Adam: This only my theory or I didn't meet anywhere else on the internet. But what if this the last series where we follow Ash, and at the end, we will see he achieve his dream and maybe some flash-forward where he has family and hopefully his wife is Serena. Do you think any chance to happen something like this?

Azazel0886:  This is another rumor I've heard as well. I think they are realizing they need to make some big changes to keep their viewers. They can't get rid of the show, the company is too big and needs this show to survive. I do hope that this happens, and most definitely where Ash and Serena are married. I think this will happen, but it's not the end of the series. My theory is that they will take the Naruto path, and make a new show centered around Ash's, and hopefully Serena's, child going on their own Pokémon journey.

Adam: After Alpha and Omega, do you plan any new book?

Azazel0886: That is a difficult question. I have had so much fun writing and I don't want to stop, but I don't have any new story ideas yet. Also there are long term changes coming in my life that could prove difficult to work around, specifically my job, as I am starting a new one before Christmas. There is something else as well, but that's more so on a personal level, and I don't share things that personal. But to sum it all up, I want to keep writing, but I'm just not sure yet if I will. If I do though, I have no desire to write another long story like the ones I've done already, over a year writing a book is a bit too much for me.

Adam: Oh, I hope you can write some short stories. Thank you for coming again. Please give a great applause for Azazel0886 and check out his book if you haven't done yet.

So this it guys our last guest for now. The word is yours Marcus!

Narrator: Thank you, Adam. Before we go, we wanted to thank you all our guest to accept our invitation, readers who read our interviews and stick with us until the end. Thank you for Daniel and Jhon for making the first season. And last without whom this show would not have been possible: awesomeasimXxrscxxAmourboy15,Forest_Ranger7,Azazel0886,JasonEglerSerenaAmour,Hangr2003,Amourshipper_19,TheRainbowSylveon,xXAmourBeastXx,Lost-Lantern,Winters273,gogolsarkar,AmourAgencyShipper,JeffreyKim581,SloxTheDlox,pika__amour

I was Marcus, and thank you for this amazing year.

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