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Narrator: Ladies and Gentlemen! After a long break. We are back with a brand new exciting story about a writer. And here is our host, Adam!

Adam: Welcome back in The interrogation show. Where we search writers and ask them how or why did they begin to write or anything else. Remember! You ask us. And we ask them!

*Adam set down on the first sofa which was blue leather. Then he said.*

Adam: Our newest guest is a self-contained man, who don't like to go out of his comfort zone, however when it comes to online, or games mostly. His personality completely changes, he likes to try different things, games and talk with various people, more open-minded in general. He created: Hard To Get (An Amourshipping Story) and  No Gift, Only A Wish (A Christmas Special). Please, give a big clap for SloxTheDlox !

*He comes in and set down the other sofa which was white leather*

Adam: Interrogation time! Why did you start writing and who supported you the most? 

SloxTheDlox: I started writing because I had ideas, and I wanted to make them into a reality, not simply leave them at the back of my mind to ponder about. I wanted to let those ideas build into something more than a facade. Regarding the support, no one really. I've only been writing myself and haven't given much thought into any help really being needed. If I really needed to choose someone who genuinely helped me with my writing, would probably be my language and literature teachers, who introduced me to proper devices implemented into texts for a greater enhancement.

Adam:  What was the most motivating thing in writing?

SloxTheDlox:  At first my motivation was simply writing and getting the work done, while later when I began releasing each chapter, the simple reactions and comments gave me the motivation to carry on with the piece.

Adam: Who inspired you to write?

SloxTheDlox:   My inspirations... hmmm... I guess every single book that I've read in regards to Amourshipping. There was no single person that fully inspired me, but a collection of people that made their own fantasies and put them to words for us to read.

Adam: What was the most challenging thing in writing?

SloxTheDlox:  At the beginning? I can't really think of anything. Before I even began doing anything in relation to writing literature, I made sure to have everything covered. I had my book planned out, I knew the theme, the entire storyline, how I wanted it to begin and end, and the way I wanted the characters to stick out to the audience. I simply went on from there, and carried on the work.

Adam: At beginning how did you feel when someone else's book quickly reached the thousands of readers than yours? Both of them had their first book on the same subject. For example, both books were amourshipping. 

SloxTheDlox:   Nothing really, writing isn't and shouldn't be a competition. If one book is more popular than mine, so be it. People simply enjoyed that piece more than the other, nothing to complain about.

Adam: Most favorite question. How often does the new part come out? Or when will you update?

SloxTheDlox: At first, I released a chapter once a day, because I had plenty of chapters already done and ready to be posted. After around a month of releasing one every day, it was toned down to one chapter every three days, and now I hope to remain this way. But sometimes uncertainties can be expected, for example my sickness came over me very fast and I couldn't do much about it except rest and wait. Because of that, it slowed down the process.

Adam: If we stay in the pokemon world, what do you think about Sun and Moon anime? Please, don't tell me " I hate it because Serena isn't there" This is not answered for me :) 

SloxTheDlox:  The Sun and Moon anime, I have rather mixed feelings about it. Of course we're disappointed that Serena didn't come to Alola, but I'd rather have it this way. The art style is in no way appropriate for Serena when compared to XYZ. The animation is still on point, the battle choreography in Ash's battles in particular is there and hasn't changed and one thing that did disappoint me the most, was the way Ash was handled in the Anime. Forcing him to go to school is stopping him from chasing his dream. He wants to become a pokemon master. Ash spent most of that type, traveling. Not stuck in some school, he already knows most the things taught there.

Adam:  Favorite Pokemon?

SloxTheDlox:  Luxray because of my first play through of a pokemon game, being pearl. Luxray was my first lvl 100 pokemon, and I just think he is badass and the design is amazing. Legendary wise, it would have to be Darkrai. I can't emphasize enough the love I have for the design of this pokemon. 

Adam: Favorite pokemon anime season and game? (Anime: Begining, advanced, Diamon Pearl, Black and White, Sun and Moon Black and White Besides that xy and xyz.)

SloxTheDlox:  XYZ, my favorite before was the Advanced Series, because I use to be an advanceshipper. But, I can't bring myself to watch the previous series anymore because of Ash's voice and the stock footage used in the background. Ughh it's so hard to ignore.

Adam: If can change one thing in the Pokemon anime, what would it be?

SloxTheDlox: The maturity level, and giving Ash actual permanent character development. I don't like Ash being Soft Reset constantly.

Adam: How many chapters will you plan to make until the end?

SloxTheDlox: That I cannot answer.

Adam: Why did you decide to not use pov signal ?( i mean Ash/Serena/normal pov)

SloxTheDlox:  The only time I have decided to use it, was when I needed to have the point of views of both characters, but couldn't figure out how to shift between them. I have fixed that in a recent chapter by writing in third person. The actual reason behind it was, well. I want the book to look as professional as possible. I plan on removing all of my authors notes once the book is complete.

Adam: How is your book different from another pokemon school books

SloxTheDlox: Different storyline I suppose, and there are stylistic devices implemented on purpose (I say this because most novels on Wattpad, or at least the ones I have read, do not do this.) and it really takes me out of it, because it adds onto it by a lot. It shows me the amount of work put into it by the author. Oh, and I guess my novel doesn't specifically revolve around high school, or I guess in a way it did. If you pay close attention, Serena is the character to often be in a high school chapter. Not to say that Ash isn't either, but the story is kind of a two way one. Serena, is the oblivious girl in high school and hasn't open her eyes yet to anything else. She thinks of her dream, grades and of course love. Contradictory to Ash, he has his own chapters in school, but that isn't because he is the same. He is the character that shows the real way of the world and the conflicts happening around that most others ignore. (Sort of like the real world, if you will) Anyway, as the story progresses, Serena does give a hint that she is curious about the problems, but still chooses to turn a blind eye towards them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is plenty of detail and thought put into the novel in comparison to other books. Recent ones that I've read (Amourshipping) that do this well, are "Our Alternative Ending", "Everything's Fair in Love and War" and "Tryst With Destiny". Especially Gogosalkar, the amount of detail involved in his work is phenomenal and absolutely fascinating!

Adam: When will Ash and Seren make a couple?

SloxTheDlox: By the end of the book, they will become one.

Adam: Can you tell us some secret about the next few chapters for your books/book?

SloxTheDlox: Most readers will enjoy the ending. For a while at least...

Adam: Let's talk about something else. Are you watching any other serial?

SloxTheDlox: I'm not actually that much of a movies or TV series guy, but I do watch The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones (Also read the Game of Thrones books, love it)

Adam: Are you reading any other book on Wattpad?

SloxTheDlox: I have been using Wattpad for the soul purpose of reading Amourshipping content xD

Adam: How do you react with the haters and what is your solutions to solve this situation?

SloxTheDlox: Depends with what kind of haters you are dealing with. If it's those that are simply there to troll (Which I haven't had any so far) I would ignore them, as the only "hate" I will be looking at is constructive criticism. If it won't help the book or with the writing, then it will go flying past my head and I won't care. Constructive criticism on the other hand, I will look into it and give my best attempt at improving or fixing the stated issue.

Adam: And my final question, before we say goodbye to each other. What are you suggest to the new writers?

SloxTheDlox: Biggest suggestion of all, plan out your book before you begin to publish or write. Many authors find themselves caught in a trap of not knowing what to do next. Know what each chapter will contain, and what the point of it is.And I cannot emphasize this enough. Do not make your book cliche. Put that time and effort into build up of events, there will be a greater effect. Hint at the audience what is coming up, only subtle. Lastly, to enhance your writing, include stylistic and structural devices in your writing..

Adam: SloxTheDlox thank you for coming this show. Please give him a great applause for and check out his books if you haven't done yet. The word is yours Marcus!

Narrator: Thank you for watching us! We don't know yet, who will be our next guest. We probably take a long break again, as long as we can not find a new guest. Remember! You ask us. And we ask them! And Goodnight!

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